/ / Interiors of country houses with their own hands

Interiors of country houses with their own hands

If before when the word "cottage" for many of the bodya nervous tremor ran through (after all, “cottage” was synonymous with endless work on the site), now times have changed significantly. Today the cottage can be called a symbol of serenity. Therefore, the interior of the country house should certainly be simple, functional and comfortable. Today we will talk about how to make the cottage beautiful and most convenient!

Garden interior rules

Often at the cottage there are things from the category “andit is a pity to throw it away, and there is nowhere to store. ” Typically, such items are never returned from the link, eventually turning into ordinary trash. Of course, a country house is your property, and therefore no one forces you to throw away accumulated things. But if your plans include changing the interior of a country house, and you don’t know where to start, we will help!

Holiday home interior

The first thing you should know when making out a house in the country, its interior should not repeat the design of your apartment. Cottage should be associated exclusively with the rest! There are other rules:

  1. The size of the house does not matter, but it is very important that it be divided into zones - for example, a zone of rest and work, cooking and eating. Curtains, screens and open racks will help in it.
  2. Psychologists and designers in one voice say:Lighting should be soft! Therefore, you should get a frosted shades or lamps with lampshades. It is important that the working area is well lit.
  3. Using fabrics in the interior design of a country house, one should give preference to natural materials with a fine print, for example, peas or flowers.
  4. In order to really relax in the country,Designers recommend using only light colors in its interior. Of course, you will need bright accents, but it is extremely important not to overdo it.
  5. We should not forget about living plants. You can plant annual flowers in pots - this is the best solution for giving.
  6. But what should not be in a country house, so it is old and broken furniture. Even if you are limited in funds, you can simply restore what was sent to the dacha link.
  7. It is also worth refusing to use plastic, metal, lacquered surfaces in the interior - all this will not add comfort to the house.

Style Selection

Cottage is a place where people can feelthemselves part of nature. That is why it is extremely important to choose such an interior that will have a pronounced “peasant” or “rural” bias. Of course, laying the mattresses on the floor or putting rude benches inside the house is not necessary! Rustic style can be multifaceted and quite modern!


The interior of the country house, the photo of which you seebelow is made in this delightful french style. Creating it does not require much effort and cost: it requires only simple and natural materials. So, the furniture is to choose wooden, but not coarse, but elegant. If we talk about color, then here designers advise to stop the choice on sand, green and blue shades. Separate attention deserve the details. It can be homespun covers, trinkets, pleasing the eye, pictures of people dear to the heart. All these items will add to the interior not only comfort, but also sincerity.

The interior of a country house in the style of

Of course, not everyone can boast of the Provencal landscape outside the window of a country house, but no one forbids the use of stylized paintings in the interior.


What can be said about this European style?Firstly, it is very attractive, and secondly, we can safely call it the interior of a country house of economy class, because country involves the use of extremely inexpensive materials. This style is characterized by a rough wooden floor, simple furniture, also made of wood, textiles in a cage (bedspreads, curtains and tablecloths). You should not abandon the various decorative elements - in such an interior there should be a lot of them.

By the way, designers often call country stylenot just a direction in design, but a state of mind! Therefore, make out in this style at home outside the city. Country differs concise, richness and brightness. You can feel its warm color even looking at the photo of the interior of the country house inside! And saving makes style just an indispensable option!

The interior of a country house in the style of

It should be noted that there are varieties of style: Old Russian, American and French country music. The difference between them lies in the pieces of furniture and decor that characterize the country.

American style

Еще один экономный вариант оформления интерьера holiday home inside - American style. It will not require serious investments, but the end result will be very stylish, luxurious and at the same time simple.

The interior of the country house in the American style

What is this style?This is the minimum amount of décor and the maximum of practicality, the game in contrast. Such elements as arches and niches, stone and wood, fireplaces and fountains, rooms without a single window and a window to the whole wall are perfectly fitted here. American style suggests no sharp corners. Lighting is usually represented by wall and table lamps. It is not recommended to drape windows - natural light is an indispensable attribute of style.

Scandinavian style

Speaking about the styles of the interior of country houses,mention the pragmatic Scandinavian style. It is simply indispensable for those who can not stand excessive pretentiousness and jewelry. Designers call scandi restrained, conveying a Nordic character.

The interior of the country house in the Scandinavian style

The main material of this interior is wood.It is from it that a house should be built, and furniture and decoration should be made from it. Colors should be natural and calm, forms should be as simple as possible. Please note - the Scandinavian style involves the complete absence of trinkets! But do not think that the interior of the country house will turn out uncomfortable and rude. Experts say: it is this style that helps to find harmony in minimalism. The interior decoration will be bedspreads and curtains, fresh flowers and photos.


At first glance, it may seem that thisthe direction is not bright, boring and unoriginal. Far from it! The interior of the country house in retro style is black and white pictures in frames, wicker furniture, fabric lampshades, antique crockery. Enhance the stylistic direction will help items from my grandmother's chest, samovars, old piano, oil paintings.

The interior of the country house in the style of

It is not necessary to use the old one.furniture! You can buy a new one and make it old. Expensive vases, elegant floor clocks, record player will be useful in such an interior. Choosing paintings, you should stop the choice on still lifes. As for textiles, floral and geometric prints on furniture upholstery, bedspreads and curtains fit perfectly in this interior.


This bright and bold style is suitable for summer cottage.houses whose owners combine the desire for search and internal protest. Colors such as green, yellow, red, black and white should prevail in this house. Often in the same room used contrasting colors - it brings expression and dynamics into the interior. As a finish, you can use any materials, but it is best to give preference to modern decorative plaster, suspended ceilings, metallized wallpaper.

The interior of the country house in the style of

The choice of furniture can also be called peculiaran experiment. What forms are suitable for country avant-garde? Strict and clear lines should be intertwined with rounded and ornate. It is important to understand that this style simply does not accept simplicity, it is the opposite of standards and routine. The same rule should be observed when choosing textiles. Colors should be bright, the curtains should certainly contrast with the color of the finish. From small and subtle details should be abandoned.

Оформляя своими руками интерьер дачного дома в This style should be added to it fancy figurines, paintings by avant-garde artists. The lighting must also be original. It is best to embed light bulbs in the ceiling niches - this will give the country house intimacy and warmth.


The name of this style, incredibly loveddesigners around the world can be translated as "shepherd's hut." There are several characteristic features inherent in the chalet. Of course, this is massive, large area, a huge number of windows. The fact is that this house aims to maximize the use of natural light! By the way, panoramic glazing is often used in this style. Of course, natural wood is used to create this style. Less common natural and decorative stone.

The interior of a country house in the style of

Another important detail is the complete absence of suchdecorative items like stucco, mosaic, stained glass. Superfluous will be the various patterns and ornaments. Designers do not recommend using bold colors: both tones and materials should be natural. Usually the interior in the style of the chalet canopy shades of brown and gray. Do not think that such a country house will be uncomfortable: for its design, you can use carving, massive wooden furniture, paintings and tapestries, a large number of textiles.

The center of the chalet can be a fireplace or a large stove. Often they act not only as a decor, but also are the main element of the heating system of a country house!

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