/ How to deal with onion fly? Methods

How to deal with the onion fly? Methods

At first glance, fragrant vegetables, onions and garlic,do not have natural pests. But practice shows the opposite. Onion fly is one of the most annoying insects, the struggle with which requires a huge amount of effort and time. Having spawned on the site, the wrecker will also destroy other crops. Strongly infected soil becomes unsuitable for planting plants. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem on time.

protection of landings from flies

What an insect looks like

Луковая муха внешне напоминает самую обычную fly, so it's easy to learn it. It carries a great danger to your garden. In winter, it hibernates in the form of pupae in the soil, at a depth of 20 cm. During the mass flowering of the dandelion, they fly out and lay their eggs on the soil, next to the plantings. After a while, white worms appear. They quickly sink into the soil and penetrate into the bulb. Here they live and eat. After this, the larvae go into the soil and pupate.

What happens next?Onion fly for one season displays many generations. From the pupae, larvae will again come out and start to gnaw the plants. They penetrate not only into the bulb, but also into the green stems. As a result, the plant turns yellow and dies.

onion fly

Methods of struggle

Most gardeners do not need to tell thatsuch an onion fly. As the bed withers, and damaged bulbs, even after digging, soften and rot, have an unpleasant smell. Therefore, the methods of combating it have been studied for a long time. Gardeners pass on to each other folk methods of struggle, to which the pest can eventually become accustomed, so you should alternate between them. Today we will review the most popular and effective ways of fighting.

Repelling a pest

The fight against the onion fly begins withnot to allow its appearance on the site. And for this you need to know what this insect does not like. Despite its love of onions, it avoids spicy aromatic plants with a strong odor. Therefore around a garden with a bow plant parsley, basil, dill and other popular seasonings.

The marigold does not like the fly very much.These are bright, border flowers that scare away almost all insect pests. But this measure is often not enough. Therefore, if you see single, diseased plants, then they must be immediately pulled out and burned.

Preventive measures

Так как избавиться от луковой мухи бывает it is necessary to think in advance about how to create conditions that are not suitable for normal pest life. This is a whole complex of measures that is required from the gardener of forces and time, but as a result pays off:

  • In late autumn, after harvesting, you need to thoroughly dig the ground. This is the best protection against pest, as it does not leave the larva a chance to survive.
  • You should regularly change the landing site. In one place the onion can be planted only once in four years.
  • If the grower discovers the plants affected by the larvae, it is recommended that they be immediately destroyed in order to avoid infecting other plants.
  • Seeds with bulbous must be constantly loosen, so it is very important to plant the plants at a distance from each other.
  • Landing should be done as early as possible in the spring, as soon as the danger of frost recedes. This will gain time before the advent of the first generation of the fly.
  • Combating weeds is a very important matter. Weed plants create ideal conditions for the reproduction of flies.

Покончив с луком, эти вредители уничтожат все floral plants on the site. And to save the affected bushes is almost impossible. Particularly fond of the larvae of the bulbous plant family. These are gladiolus and tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and many others.

onion fly how to fight it

Immediately before boarding

It is required to warm vegetables at a temperature of +25.degrees To do this, before planting, you need to fill it with salt water for 3 hours. Per liter of water will need to take a tablespoon of salt. After that, rinse and fill with a solution of manganese for 2 hours. Rinse and dry again.

Land in the prepared grooves, alternating withstripes of carrots. This will help kill two birds with one stone. Onion fly scares off carrots, and carrot flies onions. After harvesting, be sure to re-dig the bed, and with the onset of the new planting season, find a new bed in the garden.

onion house fly

Popular methods of struggle

What to do if you have already appeared in your gardenonion fly. How to deal with it? It’s best to start with simple and affordable methods. And the most popular among them is saline. To do this, ten liters of water is required to dissolve 300 g of salt. The resulting solution is necessary to water the garden, which began to turn yellow plants.

The second processing must be done in twoof the week. Now the amount of salt should be increased by 100 g. A stronger solution ensures that the pupae also will not survive. Three weeks after it, they do another treatment. In this case, the concentration of the solution is doubled.

fighting the onion fly

Soap solution

Это еще один способ, который позволяет уничтожить onion fly. The photo of the bed affected by the pest is more proof that he needs to offer decent resistance. To prepare this tool is very simple. To do this, take 50 g of soap and dissolve it in a bucket of water. This solution must be treated all affected beds without exception. If it was not possible to achieve complete destruction of the pest, then one of the listed methods should be added to it.

Auxiliary methods

You can not call them 100% effective, but they can all serve as a gardener:

  • Tobacco dust. A bucket of hot water will require 200 g of tobacco powder. The solution should stand for several days, after which process the bed. The fly must go.
  • The effective method of struggle is kerosene. It is diluted in water and also performs processing of the site three times.
  • Ammoniac dressing can also be called an effective way to save the harvest. The presence of ammonia in the soil allows you to get rid of the larvae of the pest.
  • A decoction of dandelion.To prepare it, pour 200 g of the roots with boiled water and insist for several hours. This infusion should be diluted in 10 liters of purified water. With its help processing of the beds affected by a fly is carried out.
  • The fly does not like tomatoes and carrots. Therefore, they are the most desirable neighbors.
    onion fly photo

Chemical control methods

The use of insecticides is undesirable becausethey tend to accumulate in the soil and enter the body along with root vegetables. But if the popular methods of struggle had no effect, then there would be nothing else left. The most effective today are pyrethroids. These are synthetic insecticides that are intended for spraying damaged plants. As a result, the onion fly and its larvae die. To forget about them once and for all, it is recommended to use drugs such as:

  • "Imidacloprid".
  • "Clotianin".
  • Tiamethoxam.
    how to get rid of onion flies

Pest house

The onion fly can also come from the market, along withpurchased vegetables. If you have noticed climbing insects, then it is time to take measures to destroy them. On the one hand, this is a small problem, since insects do not harm humans. But the presence of any insects at home is undesirable.

Therefore, you need to find a place for their reproduction.Usually these are the same vegetable baskets in which we pour the purchases. Therefore, the vegetables need to sort and destroy all damaged heads. The garbage bag with them is urgently required to be taken out of the house and thrown into a container.

After that you can think about how to get rid of the onion fly at home:

  • You can just kill all the individuals with the help of the fly swatter. A simple way to fight are fragrant herbs: tansy, yarrow, wormwood. They are laid out in the kitchen, where insects were spotted.
  • If the onion was cooked and startcircling a flock of midges, then he is infected with an onion fly. It is best not to use it for planting. If there is no other seed, soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours.
  • If a bow was planted in a box in a house and became the object of a fly attack, then use one of the methods listed above. In the box, they will be even more efficient, since the amount of land is limited.

Instead of concluding

The fight against onion fly is often delayed byfor a long time, and sometimes it is lost. Most often this happens because the culture was planted late, when the larvae are already actively looking for food. In this case, folk methods are ineffective, you need to use more effective insecticides. The second reason - the struggle begins when the bed begins to turn yellow. This means that the roots and the bulbs themselves, as well as the cavities of the green part are affected by the larvae. To save the plants is almost useless. Even if you achieve the destruction of the larvae, the harvest is lost for you. Therefore, timely prevention is the most effective way to fight.

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