/ / We select outdoor sewer pipes

Select outdoor sewer pipes

external sewerage pipes
Without a quality sewer systemTo ensure the proper level of comfort of a modern home is simply unrealistic. But if you save on its construction, then provide yourself with a whole brood of problems, so that all the elements of the drain system should be of better quality.

Especially carefully choose the outdoorsewer pipes. Fortunately, modern industry can offer a huge amount of high-quality and durable materials, so this is not so difficult.

In large drainage systems,pipes from asbestos-cement, reinforced concrete, cast iron or polymeric materials. However, in recent years, pipes from asbestos-cement or cast iron have not actually been met, since their value does not correlate with performance. In addition, ubiquitous polymer outdoor drainage pipes are much easier to maintain and install.

In particular, the former were so popularrelatively recently, metal pipes have a bunch of serious flaws. The most obvious is the poor resistance to corrosion. It is believed that in just one year the standard steel pipe is thinner at least one millimeter. If we take into account the stiff action of wandering currents and the possible features of the soil, in some areas the service life of such materials does not exceed five to six years. This sewer pipe (external) is not only expensive, but also does not justify its high price.

sewer pipes outdoor price
Therefore, when choosing the most suitable material, several important parameters should be taken into account at once:

  • strength characteristics;
  • durability;
  • ability to withstand the impact of aggressive chemical media;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Let's consider those external sewer pipes, which in a greater degree meet all the above requirements.

Asbestos-cement varieties

These lightweight and durable pipes are made fromasbestos and portland cement. Given the smoothness of their inner surface, they are not clogged too often. Unfortunately, their considerable disadvantage is somewhat increased fragility, and therefore it is necessary to work with such pipes as accurately as possible.

 sewer pipe external
Polymer Models

These outdoor sewer pipes in the lasttime is most often used. They are very durable, have a light weight, are easy to assemble and almost not prone to blockages. The disadvantage is that for their correct installation, it is often necessary to use special welded machines that require the presence of electric power at the object being erected. However, given their low price and high performance, these "roughness" can easily be reconciled.

Cast-iron pipes

No matter how good the polymer materials, but theirThe mechanical strength and resistance to elevated temperatures leave much to be desired. Cast iron is distinguished by high reliability and longevity, as well as good resistance to the influence of aggressive chemical media. His lack of weight, as well as the complexity of the connection.

Thus, external sewage pipes (the price of which depends on their type and manufacturer) must be chosen with intelligence, focusing on their needs.

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