Exotic guests of the tropics - palm trees - have longhave mastered the spaces of our apartments and greenhouses. In total, about 3400 representatives of this family are numbered on the globe, at home about 30 years old. First of all, palm trees have grown fond of their special leaves, and some species have subdued the hearts of flower growers with their majestic tranquility and impressive size. How harmonious is the Asian palm tree with pinnate leaves next to the coffee table on which fragrant freshly brewed coffee smokes!
"Palma" in Latin means "palm".It is not necessary to fantasize much to see the similarity of these trees with the open palm. If the structure of the leaves resembles a huge fan, then you look at the fan palm, and if the pen is peacock or another exotic bird, then you have an Australian, Madagascar or maybe an Asian palm tree with pinnate leaves. This plant does not propagate in a vegetative way, it can be grown from a seed, and it grows quite a long time. The best way to get a palm tree quickly is to buy it in a flower shop.
To keep such beauty in your home,It is necessary to know the peculiarities of growing and caring for palm trees. The main condition is a large room. The Asian palm tree with pinnate leaves can reach up to 3 meters (the coconut is even higher, although in greenhouses it does not grow for a long time), so it loves space. And since these plants come from the tropics and subtropics, they love the heat and high humidity of the air. In winter, you must protect the roots of the palm from hypothermia, so if the temperature drops in the room, it is better to wrap the pot with a warm cloth. It is also not recommended to water the plant with cold water at this time. Screws can have a negative effect on the palm, the directed flow of cold air causes the leaves to turn yellow.
If your palm becomes tight in a pot, itsroots start to get out of the tub, it means it's time to transplant it. At a young age, this is usually done every two years, after the palm tree has reached the age of five - once in five years, after reaching the palm tree of "venerable age" at 15, the plant can already be transplanted every six to eight years.
Transplant the palm is desirable in the spring, whenplant starts seasonal growth. To begin with, a little moisten the soil. But the main thing is not to overdo it, because under the weight of the wet earth the roots of the plant can break off and crack. With the old pot, most likely, will have to leave, because picking out the palm is strictly forbidden - broken roots can become the reason for the departure from the life of the plant. After the palm is extracted, carefully inspect the root system. With proper care of the plant its roots will be healthy and strong. If they look painful - reconsider the care of the palm tree. The future pot should not be chosen too large - these plants do not like pots, as they say, "to grow." The diameter of the pot should be more than about 4 centimeters. The plant is centered and upright, and the root neck should not go into the soil. Then we water abundantly the palm and send it to the adaptation period (about one to two weeks) away from direct sunlight.
Hoveya comes from Australia.In nature, this tropical palm tree with pinnate leaves loves the height and grows on the rocks. This hardy evergreen grows well at home. Well tolerates the dryness of the air, with excessive watering and sourness of the soil, the tips of the leaves of the palm tree turn brown. With good care in the greenhouses blooms and fructifies.
Nature has awarded this palm with great growth - up to 12 meters, so in your apartment it will easily reach the ceiling.
Distinctive features of the hamedoray -numerous stems and flowers of yellow flowers. Relatively unpretentious, so it grows well even in the most optional florists. Most often, in the room, a hammedorea is cultivated with an elegant, origin from Guatemala and Mexico. The lack of moisture does not knock it down, for a while it can do without watering. Also this palm stoically will suffer a blackout, of course, not very long, yet you should not forget that this is our tropical visitor. The height of a palm tree is usually about one meter, individual specimens can reach 2 meters.
The date palm is extremely popular withflower growers. Delicious dates are its fruits. Many people try to grow a palm tree from a bone, in most cases it turns out. In nature, this Asian palm tree with pinnate leaves is very resistant to pests. As it is called by the inhabitants of Africa and Asia, you know? "Queen of the Oases" is such an ancient cultural definition of a date palm tree for feeding people and the animal world, giving shelter and protecting water from drying out.
At home, keep the plant not toojust. The date palm loves light, but direct sunlight does not attract leaves due to the possibility of burns. Also this kind of palm tree with pinnate leaves is very fond of warmth and feels comfortable if the temperature in the room is maintained at least 25 degrees. For a good growth of the plant, it is recommended to spray daily from a spray or wash with warm water.
The date African and Asian palm tree withpinnate leaves poorly tolerate root damage. When transplanting you need to be extremely accurate, the plant is transferred from one pot to another. Usually this procedure is carried out every two or three years, preferably in May, since new roots grow during the summer, and the palm begins to prepare for wintering.
Butia - another palm tree with pinnate leaves.What is it called for the flower growers? "Caprice" - for the requirement of careful care for her. It grows very slowly, regular watering is required, warm air of high humidity, sunlight. But if you are patient and careful in handling this plant, the reward will be pleasant and worthy! Butia will turn into a beautiful palm tree, with picturesquely curving leaves and a strong thickened trunk. This plant will become a real decoration of your apartment.
If you have a spacious apartment,get a brahee. This beautiful palm tree with a stiff crown of pinnate leaves and a thick, dark-brown trunk thickened downwards grows very fast. In addition, it is very easy to care for. Abundant watering it is not necessary, but it is often possible. This tropical palm tree with pinnate leaves quite tolerably low temperatures, up to 8 degrees Celsius. It is often grown in gardens and greenhouses, on the peninsula Crimea grows simply on the street.
Chrysalidocarpus originally from Madagascar and Comorianislands, where palm trees of this genus number about 20 species. This palm perfectly takes root in houses and apartments. Proper care promotes the flowering of the plant, it can even begin to bear fruit. From the rhizome in the chrysalidocarpus sprouts several shoots. This palm tree with pinnate leaves is very elegant and looks beautiful both in the apartment or in the winter garden, and in the office.
In the nature of cariota grows on a hugeTerritory, from southeast Asia to the northeast of Australia. Its size, depending on the species, can vary from small shrubs to tall trees up to 20-25 meters. It is considered a double-palm tree, because the leaf is divided into two halves, which is its distinguishing feature. There are single-barreled or multi-barreled species. This is a monocarpic plant, which means - they bear fruit once in a lifetime, and then die off. Accordingly, and their century is the shortest of all palms - on average the life span of one trunk of a karyot does not exceed 20 years.
Among the florists there is a name karyoty -"fish tail". It requires careful care. The soil should be predominantly moist, neither dryness, nor waterlogging should be allowed. This plant requires bright diffuse light, but direct sunlight is not desirable. The humidity of the air in the room should be high, and the air temperature - about 22 degrees Celsius. Overcooling is highly undesirable. For better growth, the cariota needs to be fertilized, at least once a month in the winter. If everything is done correctly, then this palm will please its owners with lush foliage and lush greenery.