/ / Pasting vinyl with your own hands

Pasting vinyl with your own hands

Many car owners for the protection of paint and varnishcoating machines use a vinyl film. If necessary, this material can be glued on the body of the vehicle. The main thing - the observance of all rules.

car sticker

How many films do you need

Pasting with vinyl cars is a simple process.However, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of material. It should take into account some of the nuances, for example, the type of film and body type. Also of special importance is the experience of the master. If you are a beginner, then the material is better to take more, since defects and errors are not ruled out.

Не стоит забывать, что виниловая пленка может have individual features, among which you need to highlight an elastic and strong stretching. It is for this reason that experts make the following calculations of the material:

  1. For gluing the SUV it takes 23-30 meters of film.
  2. For the crossover - 18-23 meters.
  3. For a sedan - 17-19 meters.

Of course, this data is relative.However, thanks to them, the car owner has an approximate idea of ​​how much material to buy. If pasting a car vinyl you can not afford, then you should ask for help in specialized salons. Here you will be helped to choose the material and apply it to the body of the vehicle.

self-taping with vinyl

Is it possible to auto-glue the car

Pasting self-vinyl with your own hands requiresneatness. Currently, it is the most popular way of transforming a vehicle. In fact, working with vinyl film is very simple and easy. Due to this, the material can be applied to the body of the car by yourself. In just one day, you can completely change the look of the car. In this way, you can give the body any color, apply the original pattern or ornament. Also vinyl film allows you to place on the vehicle mobile advertising of your company.


Pasting vinyl with a car has many advantages, but most importantly - the convenience and ease of applying the material. At the moment, several main technologies are singled out - wet and dry.

The latter method is the most difficult.Dry self-adhesive vinyl with their own hands should be carried out using special tools. Such work requires preliminary training and experience. It should be borne in mind that to the dry surface the film sticks much faster, and therefore smooth folds after application is almost impossible. It is for this reason that it is better to dry-pasted in a specialized salon. The main advantage of this method is that vinyl is applied only once and serves for a long time.

Влажная оклейка винилом авто протекает гораздо easier. The film is much easier to apply to pre-wetted parts of the vehicle than to dry ones. At any time, the material can be removed and moved to another location. The main drawback of this method is the probability of accumulation of water under the film after completion of work. Of course, after complete drying, the moisture evaporates, but in its place may form ugly bubbles. However, wet vinyl pasting with your own hands avoids more gross errors.

car sticking training

What you need to work

Before proceeding, you need to prepare tools for pasting with vinyl. You may need:

  1. Painting Scotch.
  2. White spirit or alcohol.
  3. Sprayer and soap solution.
  4. Professional hair dryer.
  5. Knife clerical or scissors.
  6. Felt or plastic squeegee.

Preparation and commencement of work

If you are not confident in your own abilities, you canpass the training of pasting with vinyl. Before you get started, you need to prepare a vehicle. The surface of the car should be thoroughly polished. In this case, you must immediately remove all irregularities. In addition, it is necessary to degrease more complex sections of the interior and body. In the end, you should carefully wipe each corner of the vehicle with a dry cloth. After preparation, you can start applying the film.

pasting car vinyl photo

Pasting vinyl car occurs in severalstages. In the course of work it is required to take into account some nuances. Start pasting is with the smallest radius over the entire surface. This step allows you to stretch the film throughout the body, without squeezing it at the same time. It should also take into account the ability of the material. Vinyl stretches about 30-50% and shrinks only 10%.

After the film is stretched all oversurface, you can begin to heat it. The temperature should not be more than 70 ° C. Otherwise, the material can not just lose color, but even collapse.

How to glue

So, how does auto-pasting work?The testimonies indicate that the material should be applied in one piece for each part of the vehicle. In this case, lay the film on a pre-prepared and uniform surface. If it is necessary to make several pieces of vinyl, then experts recommend making a small overlap of one layer on the second. This will protect the canvas from getting under it air and moisture.

If it is necessary to paste more coarse surfaces andcomplex shapes, it is impossible to adhere gluing the corners of the hanging material. It is very difficult to break, without causing any damage and without breaking it. It is for this reason that professionals recommend that the surface be treated with an adhesive with special solutions.

After vinyl is pasted, experts do not advise to operate the vehicle. The film should dry well. It takes about 10 days.

tools for pasting with auto vinyl


What to do if the pasting of a vinyl car did not passquite successfully? When applying the material on the surface of the body, do not allow air to enter the web, and also its strong extension. If you can not avoid such errors, then you should carefully press the vinyl with a damp cloth, and then walk through the dangerous area with a stream of hot air. As a result, the film will shrink slightly. This will eliminate the defect.

Correct tips

The easiest way to update the surface of the body- This is pasting auto vinyl. Photos of the vehicle presented in the review confirm this. However, in the process of film application, many make mistakes.

pasting auto vinyl reviews

Fundamental rules:

  1. The vehicle must be washed and degreased before pasting. Many car owners believe that this is absolutely not necessary.
  2. Body must be wiped.
  3. If the canvas is large, then you should ask for help. It’s not so easy to glue the film alone.
  4. The film can not be glued without prior fit. Before tearing off the assembly and removing the backing material, you should try the material on the part.
  5. The substrate should be removed immediately before pasting the part. Do not soak it with water.
  6. Rolling material with a squeegee should be from the middle of the canvas to its edges.
  7. When working with vinyl it is necessary to heat it with a special hairdryer. The temperature of the air flow in this case should be no more than 70 ° C.
  8. After pasting, dry all treated surfaces with warm air. Fully vinyl will stick only 10 days after application. During this period you should not drive.

If you are not confident in your own strength, then workshould be trusted to experienced craftsmen from the salon. Otherwise, the ghostly savings can result in additional costs. After all, pasting a vehicle with vinyl is an art.

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