/ / Day of Unification of Ukraine - the date of the formation of a single state

Day of Unification of Ukraine - the date of the formation of a single state

The history of Ukraine is rich in dramatic events.For many years, eastern Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire, the western part was under the protectorate of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Despite the difference in everyday life and culture, the Ukrainian people had only historical roots. He always strove to unite, so the Day of Unification of Ukraine is of great importance for the state. It is celebrated on January 22nd.

Some information about independent Ukraine

After the revolution in October 1917, on thatterritory, which was part of the Russian Empire, formed the self-proclaimed Ukrainian People's Republic. The power in it was headed by the Central Rada. The UPR included nine former provinces of the empire. In January of the following year, the leadership of the UNR adopted the IV Universal, in which it was announced the creation of an independent state.

In the same years in western Ukraine, which was inthe composition of the Habsburg Empire, the liberation movement intensified. Its leaders intended to create a unified state on the territory of Eastern Galicia, Transcarpathia and Northern Bukovina.

In October 1918 in the city of Lviv wasannounced the formation of the Ukrainian People's Council, and on November 13 the People's Council adopted a provisional Constitution and announced the creation of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic.

Association of Ukraine

December 1918 was marked by the fact that inFastov gathered the leaders of both republics to sign a preliminary unification agreement, and a month later on January 22, 1919, with a large crowd of people in Kiev on the Sofia Square, the Zluka Act was promulgated, according to which the two Ukrainian republics became a single state. Despite disagreements between the leaders of the two republics, the date was called the Day of Unification of Ukraine. It influenced the further development of political events in the country.

Day of Unification of Ukraine

After 71 years in 1990, tens of thousands of peopletook to the streets on January 22 and formed a "living chain" from the central square of Kiev to Lviv, holding hands and expressing the desire to create a unified independent state. In the western regions, people raised blue and yellow flags, which Soviet power did not recognize. Such actions took place every year, and 9 years later, by the Decree of President L.Kuchma, the Day of Unification of Ukraine was declared a state holiday.

Day of Unification - official holiday

The tradition of the formation of "living chains" entrenchedfrom the 90s. It symbolizes the people's desire to preserve a single country. By decree of the former president V. Yanukovych, the holiday was canceled in December 2011, combining it with Freedom Day. But according to the Decree of the current leader P. Poroshenko, the holiday was restored on November 13, 2014, and from December 2015 the events for the Day of Unification of Ukraine were approved.

the scenario of the day of Ukrainian reconciliation

Since then, on January 22, there have been officialcelebrations. Leaders of higher bodies of government, people's deputies, heads of local self-government bodies, public and religious associations participate in them. They are joined by ATU participants in the east of the country. On this day, flowers are brought to places of burial and monuments to the leaders of the UNR and ZUNR, as well as to activists who died during the revolution of 2013-2014 and fighters who lost their lives during the ATU.

Unity Day - a national celebration

On the Day of Unification of Ukraine in the schools of the countryThemed evenings and educational hours devoted to the holiday are held. The purpose of these events is to acquaint children with the history of the creation of an independent Ukraine. Teachers develop a plan for the event. The approximate scenario of the Day of Unity of Ukraine includes:

  1. Organizational moment during which studentsthey decorate the school hall with national symbols of Ukraine, hang out portraits of T. G. Shevchenko, the first president of Ukraine M. S. Hrushevsky, political figures who fought for the reunification of the country.
  2. Main part.At the beginning of the event, the anthem of Ukraine and musical works of patriotic content are played. A history teacher or a museum worker teaches children about the desire of Ukrainians to create a single state, explains why the struggle for a single state lasted almost 600 years.
  3. Final part.Performance of children in Ukrainian costumes. They sing Ukrainian songs, recite poems of Ukrainian classics and modern poets. After a small concert, the host emphasizes the importance of the spiritual and cultural unity of the people.

Scenario of the Day of Unification, developed by the organizers in 2016 for street events, provided for the holding of the “Living Chain” action.

events to the day of catholicity of Ukraine

На мосту Патона в Киеве был развернут флаг Ukrainian length of 30 meters. Participants honored the memory of the heroes of Maidan, the ATO warriors and all those who fought for the independence of the state with a minute of silence. In many cities held flashmobs on the theme "United Ukraine".

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