/ / "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

"Amoxicillin" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

In the waiting period of the toddler, the body of a womanworks in a strengthened mode. Because of this, she often gets tired, she wants to sleep more, and her immunity is noticeably weakening. During the exacerbation of viral diseases, it is better to stay at home to protect yourself and your baby from infections. If you can not save yourself, then you should choose the most effective and safe medicine. Therapists and gynecologists recommend taking Amoxicillin during pregnancy.

A few words about the drug

"Amoxicillin" is a modern antibiotic,belonging to the group of penicillins. It is capable of quickly and effectively destroying bacteria and microbes in the body. Substances that make up the drug, act on the walls, gradually destroying them.

It is worth noting that the drug is effective not for every disease. There are groups of microbes that are resistant to it. Even under his influence, they continue to fully exist and multiply.

Amoxicillin 500 milligrams

In what form is the drug produced?

In viral diseases, specialists prescribe the antibiotic "Amoxicillin" in pregnancy. It should be noted that there are 4 forms of this drug:

  1. Tablets with a dosage of 250 and 500 mg.
  2. Capsules with a dosage of 250 and 500 mg.
  3. Suspension in a vial, intended for dilution with water.
  4. Solution for intramuscular injection.

Antibiotic is sold in pharmacies strictly according to the doctor's prescription. A specialist of a narrow profile should choose the type of medication and daily dosage individually.

Indications for use

The list of indications for the use of "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy is quite large. There are the following types of diseases:

  1. Infections that have affected the respiratory system. These include bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis and sinusitis.
  2. Problems with the functioning of the bladder.
  3. Infections that spread on soft skin tissues.
  4. Disruption of the digestive tract.
  5. Dysentery.
  6. Diseases of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis).

For a long time,"Amoxicillin" on the fetus during pregnancy. The scientists made a verdict that the drug can be taken only if there is an urgent need for it.

pregnant and a thermometer

Features of the application in 1 trimester

Doctors-gynecologists assure that the first 12 weeks fromconception - the most important. At this moment, all components are laid, from which the important parts of the baby's body will be formed. Any intervention can disrupt this process, which leads to the appearance of gross pathologies and even to the threat of miscarriage. That is why in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester it is worth taking care of your health.

In this regard, "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy in1 trimester is strongly not recommended. If there is a possibility, then it is worthwhile to postpone the treatment until the 4 midwinter month. If it should be done immediately, then the most sparing therapy should be selected.

Amoxicillin Powder

Features of the application in the 2nd trimester

By the 12th week, all that the baby needs forfull-fledged development has already been formed. Now, his organs will start to increase in size and get the right outlines. "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can be taken. Gynecologists assure that this is the best time for therapy, since the antibiotic becomes safe for the mother and her crumbs.

The first thing the doctor will do is assess the conditionwomen and determine the need for a strong drug. After that, he will select the release form and safe dosage. Usually, experts prescribe the drug in the form of capsules or suspensions.

Important!Accept "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can be strictly according to the scheme, compiled by a gynecologist or therapist. Independently increasing or decreasing the dosage, as well as completely discontinuing the drug, can lead to irreparable consequences.

Features of the application in the 3rd trimester

Many patients who were registered in thegynecological clinic, believe that the last three months are the safest. After all, the baby is already fully formed and does not threaten anything. This is far from the case. Admission of any medication will disrupt the biochemical process in the body, which can lead to premature birth, late toxicosis, dizziness and thrush.

Application of "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy in 3trimester is possible only if its benefit is significantly higher than the perceived threat. In other words, if the disease causes more harm to the future mother and baby than the antibiotic.

woman is sick


Dosage, like the drug itself, is prescribed by a doctor. In total, several rules of application can be distinguished depending on its form of output.

  • The maximum daily intake of tabletsis 1 g. In other words, "Amoxicillin" 500 mg should be taken 2 times a day. The drug dosage of 250 mg can be taken no more than 1 time every 8 hours.
  • The most effective method of treatment is injection.The solution can be administered as a prick or dropper. The disadvantage is that the procedure is possible only in a hospital or polyclinic. The maximum daily dose is 6 g.
  • In most cases, pregnant women andyoung children prescribed medication in the form of suspensions. Pre-fill the bottle with water, and then, thoroughly shake. The daily rate is 2–4 scoops, depending on the complexity of the disease.

The instructions for the use of Amoxicillin during pregnancy indicate that the total duration of treatment is from 5 to 14 days.

Can everyone take it?

There has already been much talk about whether"Amoxicillin" in pregnancy? As it turned out, the second trimester is the safest one for taking antibiotics. However, there are a number of contraindications, under which an antibiotic can not be taken under any conditions. These include:

  • impaired kidney function;
  • mononucleosis;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • disruption of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • Pollinosis.

Suspension, solution or tablet "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy is a serious drug that affects many important organs. That's why you need to take them strictly according to the purpose of a specialist.

A medication can be prescribed both at the initialstage of the disease, and a few days after the deterioration of the state of health, depending on the complexity of the diagnosis. Usually it will be prescribed when other drugs do not help achieve the desired result.

woman and doctor

Contraindications and overdose

Any antibiotic affects all the mechanisms of the body. Accordingly, after taking it, side effects may appear. These include:

  • angioedema;
  • slight dizziness or headache;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • allergy, manifested in the form of redness or rash;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • diarrhea;
  • the formation of fungal infection.

An important condition is adherence to permissibledaily intake of medication. In case of overdose, adverse effects may occur: nausea or vomiting, edema, and deep damage to the liver. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock and loss of consciousness occurs. After taking a high dose of antibiotic, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

It is necessary to take medication for the first time only when someone from close people is at home. It is impossible to predict how the body will behave after taking an antibiotic.

Where can I buy it?

Antibiotic is sold in every pharmacy. It is worth noting that he belongs to the preferential category of drugs, so a pregnant woman has the right to write it out for free.

woman and runny nose

About the cost

The cost of the medicine depends on the form of release.

  • The approximate price of Amoxicillin 500 mg tablets is from 50 to 70 rubles.
  • The cost of the drug in the form of capsules is from 25 to 70 rubles.
  • Suspension is sold in a 500 ml bottle. You can buy it for about 100 rubles.
  • The most expensive form of release is 10 ml injection solution. Its cost ranges from 200 to 250 rubles.

Price range may vary by region. It is more profitable to order the drug through the Internet and take it to the nearest pharmacy.


Если возникла необходимость принимать "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy, then buy it is not difficult. But sometimes it still becomes necessary to replace it with another drug. There are several analogues of this antibiotic.

  • Ekobol is a domestic medicine that hassimilar composition. Accepted with the same purpose as the original, but is the most benign. It can be taken with caution to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • The cheapest Russian equivalent is Amosin.Packaging with 20 antibiotic capsules costs less than 50 rubles. It can be taken even by children under the age of 2 years. Patients in an interesting position, this drug is also suitable, but it should be taken strictly according to the scheme prescribed by a specialist.

In addition to domestic, there are a lot of importeddrugs. The obvious advantage is the minimum number of contraindications and side effects. The disadvantage is the high cost. For example, the Egyptian E-Moks suspension can be purchased at a cost of 400 rubles, and the cost of 15 Rapiklava tablets is more than 600 rubles.

Important!All analogues, as well as the original, can be taken strictly by appointment of a specialist. The same applies to the form of release and dosage. Pregnancy - this is the state when it is absolutely impossible to self-medicate. Otherwise, adverse effects may occur.

Positive reviews

В просторах интернета часто приходится faced with reviews of "Amoxicillin" during pregnancy. Basically, patients develop a positive opinion about this drug. The very first positive impression is accessibility. The consumer can go to absolutely any pharmacy, and this antibiotic will be on its counter. The second pleasant moment is an affordable price. The purchase will have to spend less than 100 rubles.

The largest number of positive reviews aboutdrug efficacy. First of all, consumers like a wide range of effects. They consider the antibiotic a miracle cure that can cure several ailments at the same time. Positive quality is the speed of action. The feeling of relief comes within a few hours after the first use.

Of course, I like the fact that the antibioticavailable to women in position. A weakened body undergoes rapid reproduction of viruses in it. "Amoxicillin" will quickly destroy them, restore the body. And most importantly - it does not harm the future mother and her baby.

In short, the antibiotic has an excellent cost-effectiveness ratio.

pregnant and doctor

Negative feedback

Any drug can not be equally suited to absolutely all patients. This also applies to Amoxicillin. About this antibiotic, you can also find a lot of negative reviews.

All future mothers care about the full developmentyour baby. Naturally, they can be repelled from taking an antibiotic by the consequences that may arise after its use. Another negative quality is the multitude of possible side effects. In most cases, pregnant women have to deal with a violation of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting. That is why often with this drug prescribe biological supplements that restore the microflora of the stomach. As well as the patients, it was possible to reveal that the drug markedly reduces the immunity.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the disease.This is especially true of future mothers, whose body becomes weakened while carrying a baby. To cope with many ailments will allow "Amoxicillin." During pregnancy, it is almost the only drug that can facilitate the well-being of women for a quick time and without negative consequences.

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