/ / A little about how the stomach grows during pregnancy

A little about how the stomach grows during pregnancy

how does the abdomen grow during pregnancy
When a woman prepares to become a mother, shea lot of questions immediately turn to the head. She begins to listen carefully to her body and the changes that are taking place, and also begins to pay attention to those things that she was not interested in before. But if pregnancy is the first, then the woman is interested in everything! And, probably, the most important question in the longest list will be: "When does the abdomen grow during pregnancy?"

Unfortunately, or vice versa - to joy, but notThere are no exact dates, when the size of the fetus in the womb will increase. Each organism is strictly individual, therefore it is impossible to guess something in advance. According to medicine, the stomach begins to acquire large sizes from about 16 weeks of pregnancy, but this can occur sooner or later. An increase in the abdomen during pregnancy indicates that the uterus is growing and already clearly begins to be probed in the lower abdomen, slightly above the pubic area. As the duration of pregnancy increases, it rises higher and at the very end of the gestation process, the opposite reaction occurs: when the body prepares for childbirth, the uterus tends to the pelvic area, that is, falls lower.

abdominal enlargement during pregnancy

But regardless of this, as it was already proved onpractice, during all the time for which the mother carries the fetus, her body changes constantly. Thus, how the stomach grows during pregnancy is not difficult to guess. It happens that in the first month it starts to increase. It is very rare, but it happens that the fruit "manifests" itself in the seventh month or in the last trimester. There are also cases when pregnancy is defined as "hidden", when the belly is not visible at all while the future person grows and develops in the body of his mother.

So, ladies, on the question of how the stomach grows intime of pregnancy, you can answer this: he begins to grow when he wants, or does not appear at all. Nevertheless, there are several factors by which you can determine the time when the belly appears or at least becomes "noticeable".

  1. What child counts?How does the abdomen grow during pregnancy? The answer is simple. It grows slower in the first pregnancy than in the second and subsequent, because the abdominal muscles have never been so stretched.
  2. Anatomical features.The future baby is always more noticeable in the tummy of a small, small mother, while in the body of large women the fruit remains undetectable for a long time. Although there are exceptions to the rules.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Weight gain during pregnancy.
  5. The speed of fetal growth and the size of the future baby.
  6. Preposition. If the fetus is located closer to the spine, the less noticeable will become pregnancy. And vice versa.

when the abdomen grows during pregnancy

And what do doctors say about how the abdomen growspregnancy time? At a period of 7-8 weeks, the future mother can already register. And approximately from this time begins tracking the developing fetus. Do not go through gynecological examinations often, since the size of the uterus is usually determined using a centimeter tape. The woman lies on a flat couch in the doctor's office, and the latter, in turn, measures the size of the uterus. If all is well, then the size of this organ corresponds to the number of weeks. For example, at a period of 10 weeks the uterus measures 10 centimeters. Therefore it is clear that the stomach will not be immediately visible.

Every mom wants a big tummy.But, is it good, when pregnancy is noticeable already in the second trimester? A large abdomen is a risk factor in terms of changing the tone of the uterus. In addition, because of the rapid increase in the abdomen, stretch marks appear, so doctors recommend to monitor their weight, not to overeat and wear prenatal bandages.

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