The question of who will be born, always interested ina young future mother, especially if it is the coveted and her first pregnancy. In a long wait for the first deployed ultrasound study, a woman constantly thinks about how to find out who will be born with her - a girl or a boy. There are a lot of ways - this is for all the popular folk signs, and special calendars. Some even guess the shape and size of the growing tummy. A lot of people surrounding a pregnant woman constantly express various assumptions - friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues at work. I myself happened to listen to the opinions of colleagues at work - one of them even changed her mind about who was hiding in the tummy there, with the frequency of a week.
Sometimes you can hear even the most stupidassumptions, but do not take everything to heart - it's just some kind of joyful amusement surrounding the wax people. Very often, "people's signs" are wrong, but still this method of determining the sex of the baby is much more interesting than the usual ultrasound, which you have to wait a long time. To believe or not to believe in "grandmother's lessons" is a private matter for everyone. Here are a few signs how to find out who will be born:
The boy will be born, if:
The following "grandmother's signs" testify to the girl:
We talked about how to find out who will be born, withusing old signs and beliefs. But there are other ways to do this. Even on the pose during the occupation of love and conception, some will give you an answer on how to determine who will be born. There is an opinion that if a man and a woman make love standing, then they will have a boy, and if the conception occurred while the rain was pouring, then a girl will be born. These seemingly ridiculous signs of determining the sex of the child nowadays exist. All the tables that determine the sex of the baby by the blood group of the parents, according to the month of conception of the child, etc. are fairly reliable - it is believed that about 90% of predictions are correct.
The Chinese table for the sex of future children isone of the rather effective methods how to find out who will be born. This table was created by her many centuries ago, she was found in one of the imperial tombs and translated into modern language. The definition of a child's sex is based on the age of the mother and the month of conception of the baby. You can dial in any search engine "ancient Chinese table sex" in order to find out who will be born to you.
But still, guessing who will be born to you, it does not mattera boy it will be or a girl, do not forget that the most priceless thing is the very expectation of your beloved baby and the fact that you will soon become real parents. Health to you and your kids!