/ / Slide for bathing newborns: an overview, types, features and reviews

A hill for bathing newborns: an overview, views, features and reviews

The first bathing of the baby, as a rule, frightensnewly made parents. What if the baby slips out of the hands? How to keep a child in water? And in the future this procedure is difficult to implement without the help of a dad or grandmother. To correct this state of affairs will be a hill for bathing a newborn.

Why is it needed?

The baby is bathed daily.In this case, the parents lean over the tub in an uncomfortable position, holding the crumb on their hands. Newborns respond to the procedure in different ways. Someone is sleepy, other children start screaming, actively waving their arms and legs. The backs of moms and dads are subject to serious stress.

Even more difficult is for women who are forced to wash their babies alone. Here it is necessary not only to keep the baby, but also to manage to soap the floundering body, to walk through all the folds.

To solve such problems, and there were created slides for bathing newborns. These devices reliably hold the child in the bath, not allowing to slide down and swallow the water.

From what age?

The hill for bathing a newborn can beuse immediately after return from the hospital. Most products have an anatomically correct shape, copying the back of the baby. Fixators hold the head, do not allow the child to slip out of the structure. Tissue slides are pleasant to the touch, take the form of the body. In such devices, babies are comfortable, and mothers can relieve their back and arms.

When buying a product, pay attention to the weightit is calculated. Most slides can withstand toddlers weighing up to 9-10 kg. They can be used up to 8-9 months. True, active children refuse to adapt to six months. By this time they already know how to crawl, learn to sit, and they are difficult to fix in one position.

There are several types of slides for swimming newborns. Let's consider each of them in more detail, learn the pros and cons.

Anatomic bath

This bathing device is pre-built inergonomic slide with grooves for the head and ass. Special stops are placed under the arms and between the legs of the baby, fixing it in a safe position. Such a bath will greatly facilitate the life of the parents of the newborn, however, judging by the feedback, there are also disadvantages.

anatomical bath

The main one is the impossibility of removing the hill,when it is required. Manufacturers recommend planting grown kids on the other side of the bath, but there is practically no room for movement. The child may hit with handles or a foot against hard protrusions. Therefore, in half a year it will be necessary to search for another container for bathing.

Plastic slide

This device is very popular among young peopleparents. It is made of environmentally friendly materials, attached to the bottom of a child's or adult bath with suction cups. The smooth surface with the notches firmly holds the baby, letting her mother calmly soap it, wash the head. In this case, the knobs and legs of the crumbs move freely, spilling water.

plastic slide for swimming

Some models have special belts formore solid fixation of the baby. There are selling options that allow you to adjust the size of the slide, depending on the growth of the child. The device is easy to clean and pull out of the bath if you want to arrange another swimming lesson.

The construction has three drawbacks.First, a plastic slide can be great for a newborn, and it will slip off it. Secondly, the surface is solid, the form fetters the freedom of movement of the baby, which gives him some discomfort. Thirdly, the plastic is capable of provoking an allergic reaction when it comes into contact with the baby's delicate skin. Therefore, many mothers spread a soft diaper over it.

Foam Hills

This option is liked by many parents andis considered the safest. The design is very simple: from a single piece a figurine is cut out in the form of an animal or a man. In the center is a seizure, on which the baby is laid. A soft hill for swimming newborns is installed on the bottom of the tub. Due to its thickness, it rises above the surface by 25-30 cm. The weight of the child firmly fixes it in one place, preventing it from sliding along the bath.

foam slide

The advantages of the foam roller coaster are several.Firstly, it reliably holds the infant, taking the shape of his body and not allowing him to slip. The newborn is at the same time very convenient, because there are no solid elements, stops or straps that hold the movement. Secondly, the material is impregnated with warm water and warms the back. The child will not freeze, even if the upper part of his body is above the water. Thirdly, the design can be installed in both a nursery and an adult bath. It enters and into the shower. Parents really like the low price of the product.

However, care for this type of slide is more difficult.Foam can not just be washed with soap. It must be washed, carefully wrung out and dried. And it is necessary to do this often, because the material accumulates bacteria.

Tissue slide for swimming newborns

The design looks like a chaise longue.A soft cloth is stretched on the metal or plastic frame. This roller coaster does not have any recesses, fasteners or side stops. The baby is put on a cloth that sags under his weight, and he sinks into the water.

fabric slide

It is very comfortable to be on such a hill.There is no burden on the spine, pleasant sensations, the water freely penetrates to the body of the newborn. He at the same time can freely jerk legs, move the handles. The cost of adaptation is low, which pleases parents. The fabric is easily removed, washed.

However, the model has its drawbacks.The most important of them is the insufficiently reliable fixation of the baby. The child must constantly hold, so that he does not slip off the hill. For active kids this option is unacceptable. And the device itself is not attached to the bottom of the bathtub.


This is another version of a rag hump for swimmingnewborns. The structure is made of fabric or mesh. It is securely attached to the edges of the bath with hooks. The baby is put on top. Hammock ensures correct support of the spine, allows the child to change the position of the body. The fabric is easily erased, in the folded form the device is very compact.

bathing hammock

This option is great for newbornschildren with low body weight, which plastic hills are large. It is necessary to look after the baby so that it does not roll over in the hammock. It is important to choose the right size so that the product is not too narrow, and the body is submerged in water at a sufficient depth.

Over time, the tissue stretches under the weight of the baby, the hammock begins to sag. Prepare for the fact that the device will last you an average of 3-4 months, after which it will become unsafe.

How not to make a mistake with the choice?

Many parents are wondering whichA hill for bathing newborns is better. Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to this question. When making a choice, consider all factors. First of all, decide in which capacity you will bathe your offspring. The slide must be free to enter inside and securely fastened to the surface. Dangling with handles and legs, the child should not bump against the sides of the bath. Note that all the tools are installed on a flat bottom. Otherwise, no one can guarantee their stability.

In a large bath it is more convenient to usea plastic slide. For children's bathtub, a hammock or foam rubber product is perfect. When choosing a model, remember the growth and weight of your favorite crumbs. Take into account the nature of the character. Calm kid can long agukat, enjoying water procedures in a hammock. His active peer will begin to swing and roll over, risking falling out of the device. This child is more suitable plastic slide with reliable limiters.

Having chosen the model, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Material. It should be durable, non-slip, pleasant to the touch and safe.
  • No foreign smells.
  • Reliability of fasteners. Very uncomfortable when the slide slides through the bath.
  • Absence of sharp corners, uncontaminated edges, which can cause injury.
bathing baby

Parents' comments

What do modern moms and dads think about hills forbathing newborns? Reviews on the forums are contradictory. It is difficult before the birth of the baby to determine which product will be more convenient for you in everyday use. Some parents have time to try all the options in search of the best.

A newborn can have large protrusionsan anatomical slide, then a hammock comes to the rescue. Someone from kiddies, on the contrary, constantly slips off the tissue base, and parents acquire a plastic slide with clips for the legs and pens. There are babies who cry in any adaptations, and get used to water only when they put a circle around their necks for swimming. When choosing a model, be guided by your own intuition and fears. If you think that the crumb is uncomfortable on the plastic surface, look for other options.

Despite disagreements, parents converge onone: the hill really helps to get rid of the fear of dropping the child. Inexperienced mummies self-bathe kiddies with their help, if the pope stayed at work. It is irreplaceable adaptation and for those women who have suffered a cesarean section, have problems with the spine.

We're going swimming!

How to use a slide for swimming newborns?Before the procedure, rinse the product under running water. Secure it securely, check the strength of the suckers and hooks. The slide must not slide over the bath. Avoid this help a useful addition - a mat that is attached to the bottom and to the walls of the tank. In the event that the active kid manages to slip off the hill, the rug will provide him a "soft landing."

bathing a baby with a slide

Plastic product is better to cover with a diaper.The baby will be warm and soft, it will stop gliding over a smooth surface. If you are afraid, first pour a little water, gradually increasing its amount. Optimum when the liquid reaches the breast crumbs. During bathing, do not leave your baby alone for a second, watch his movements, keep too active babies with one hand.


A hill for bathing newborns is regularly washed withsoap. The cloth is rinsed, thoroughly dried, and washed occasionally. This will help to avoid the rash and redness on the baby's skin. Foam requires more frequent washing. It is important to dry it well, otherwise the pathogenic bacteria will multiply in the material.

Slide for bathing newborns - usefulAn acquisition that will allow parents to forget about anxiety and concentrate on communicating with a crumb. With her, water procedures will turn into a favorite occupation for both the baby and his mother.

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