/ / Chinese Bulldog: description of the breed, character

Chinese Bulldog: description of the breed, character

A Chinese bulldog, or chongqing, is today considered a rare and unusual breed. It is not so often possible to meet on the street this short stocky dog ​​covered with short red-brown hair.

chinese bulldog

But many fans are attracted to this.If you are thinking about an off-the-record pet, and the exotic reptiles do not have a soul, perhaps this dog will suit you. Before making a decision, be sure to carefully study the issue, analyze your own capabilities and consider all the characteristics of the breed. Our article will help you with this.

History of the breed

Professionals claim that the Chongqing family tree is at least two thousand years old. The story began in China, or rather, in its southwestern province of Chongqing, which later reflected in the name.

Throughout their existence, thesedogs cost dearly. In addition to the usual for any four-legged friend, Chinese bulldogs always played another important role - they emphasized the status of the owner. So it was 2000 years ago in the Celestial Empire, the same feature we can observe today.

Chinese chongqing is also distinguished by the fact that the breedwas formed without human intervention, under natural conditions, under the influence of natural selection. On the one hand, this causes a fairly strong health, but on the other - a kind of temper.

External characteristics

Chongqing is a medium-sized dog.The adult male at the withers does not exceed half a meter, and the absolute majority of bitches is slightly smaller, up to 40 cm. The constitution is strong, powerful, the texture is well visible under the skin, the well-developed musculature.

Dogs of this breed are covered with a very short stiffwool, and some individuals can be completely bald (the rarest cases). The color range varies between red-brown and brown, sometimes even black dogs.

Chinese Chongqing

Chongqing has hard, erect ears planted at the top of the head. The picture is supplemented by a sharp ponytail of medium length.

The nature of chongqing

Breeders claim that the Chinese bulldog is onefrom the most intelligent dogs. But it should be noted that all the dogs of this breed are rather capricious. They do not tolerate rudeness and violence, and if you think you will succeed through pressure and physical punishment, this breed is not for you. Chongqing will never be respected, let alone love a tyrant. In the upbringing of this animal, rigor and confidence are necessary, but the relationship must remain friendly and partner. In this case, the dog will answer you with boundless devotion and become a reliable companion.

Chongqing can be made even in the family where there isSmall children. Of course, babies should understand that the animal is not a toy and it hurts. A dog who is not offended will sincerely become attached to children and will become for them not only a defender, but also a partner in active games. It is noteworthy that these dogs are indifferent to other people's children, they show feelings only to the offspring of their beloved host.

But who should not contact thisan unusual breed, so this is for those who do not have the experience of keeping serious dogs. If you have always dreamed of a four-footed pet, but could not afford it because of some circumstances, listen to the advice of experienced breeders and start your way with some less demanding breed.

chongqing dog

Недостатки воспитания быстро дадут о себе знать, if it concerns chongqing. In case of excessive pressure, the dog will grow aggressive, and an insufficiently serious attitude to the cause will give rise to a respectful and insolent person, with whom it will be more difficult from year to year. Of course, an experienced dog handler can help someone who understands the lack of knowledge, but a huge success rate depends on the owner himself. Experience is simply necessary.

Proper care

Chinese bulldog is quite highactivity. He needs a two-time paddock, and on a walk this dog needs to run. The lack of motor activity will make the dog think about where to apply force. As in the case with many other moving rocks, the result can be damage to the property of the beloved owner.

Care for a handsome chongqing is simple.His shiny coat, which was endowed by his nature, does not need any combing, nor in any other procedures. A dog can not often bathe, and if such a procedure is necessary, you need to choose the right shampoo. Do not ignore the advice of specialists, ask the opinion of a veterinarian and in no case do not use household chemicals and people's cosmetics to care for the pet.

"Profession" for the Chinese Bulldog

Most breeds are divided intocategories. There are sentry, hunting and service dogs, companion dogs and many others. Some small dogs are introduced only to decorate the interior and their own pleasure. And what is the "specialization" of chongqing?

Chinese Bulldog price

Surprisingly, the Chinese Bulldog is a dog,which can be safely attributed to several categories at once! First, Chongqing is a great guard. He knows how to rationally assess the danger and will not bark at every rustle. This dog is strong and dexterous, it can not only warn the owner about the intruders, but also take measures to repel the attack. It is worth saying that the one who has encroached on the house guarded by the Chinese bulldog will not be good if he does not have time to escape, having noticed a serious watchman.

Secondly, the Chongqing are happy to participate in the hunt. Not on an elk, of course, and not on a wild boar. But a hare or a duck is quite capable of it. To help the dog to be effective, training will be required.

Thanks to the sharp mind and naturalthe curiosity of chongqing can be taught a lot. He gladly learns new things to accompany his beloved master in his daily affairs. Many owners note that from this dog you can raise an excellent companion, making life easier, for example, a person with disabilities.


Chinese chongqing should receive specialA balanced feed for medium-sized breeds. This is important for his health. The owner should remember the danger of overfeeding. Bones, fish and raw meat in the diet are unacceptable.

Disadvantages of the breed: what to remember

The main disadvantage, perhaps, is the fact thatchongqing - the dog is not cheap. This is what causes such a meager distribution of the breed. At the same time the puppy is not so easy to get. A person from the province will definitely have to tinker.

The owner should not forget about the only problem that is characteristic of the breed, a tendency to skin diseases. Regular check-ups at the veterinarian and competent care will help to avoid troubles.

chongqing puppies

Price list

Where are puppies for sale?Chongqing is a rare breed even in countries of Europe and the USA. Most worthy nurseries are located in China. But in Russia there are clubs of fans of this breed, as well as several breeders with good experience. Through clubs you can make an order for a puppy born in China. As you can see, the road is thorny, but we pass. A reward for the work will be a beautiful dog - a Chinese bulldog.

The price of a puppy depends on many factors, primarily on age and sex. On average, a dog with documents will cost 3.5-4 thousand dollars.

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