/ / American Bulldog - a difficult dog for people who are strong in spirit

American Bulldog - a difficult dog for strong-spirited people

Feel sympathy for dogs, appearancewho screams about power, strength, fearlessness and confidence? Then take a look at the breed American Bulldog. These dogs have a lot of advantages, but also conceal some difficulties in their upbringing and growing. All the pros and cons are discussed in the article.

American Bulls


The American Bulldog is the nearest descendant of the Old English Bulldog. From ancient times these dogs were assistants to hunters and farmers. They are fearless, powerful and no one is loyal to the master.

American Bulldog: description of the breed

The nature of these dogs is friendly,sociability. They are very active, strong, persistent, resolute and confident. The American bulldog is the owner of incredible energy. The dog will never become a homebody. With such a four-legged friend, you should definitely go in for sports, run and go for a long walk. The education of a dog should never be allowed to run amok: inclined to domination, they may not perceive the owner as leader, then the contents of the pet will become almost impossible.

American Bulldog description of the breed character

  • Dimensions.

The average height of males is from 58 to 69 cm, weight - from 34 to 56 kg.

The height of the bitches varies from 53 to 66 cm, and the weight varies from 27 to 47 kg.

  • Body.

American bulldogs are not bulky, buttheir body is quite large and strong. The musculature is well developed, the thorax is wide, with convex ribs. A powerful back passes into a slightly convex lower back.

  • Ears.

Small, slightly hanging. They can be slightly raised on cartilages that are tightened back or close to the cheekbones.

  • Tail.

Straight, very thick at the base. It is planted low, in a state of rest it is lowered downwards.

  • Wool.


  • Color.

From white to red and brindle. Stains can occupy up to 90% of the body. Color without the presence of white is considered inadmissible, just like the presence of black and marble colors.

American Bulldog: characteristics of the breed, reviews

As already mentioned, the American bulldog is a vigorous, energetic dog, not used to sit still. Let us consider the character of this animal in more detail.

  • Attitude towards children.

Чего ждать от собаки породы американский бульдог?The responses of the owners say that whatever external rigor is possessed by the representatives of this breed, they treat the children well. The most important thing is for the dog to completely and completely trust his master, respect him and feel like a pet, not the head of the family. Then the animal will treat the child with patience, play with it and protect it in case of danger.

  • Attitude to strangers.

At the sight of a stranger, the dog behaves with restraint and guardedness. It will not be aggressive. Of course, if a stranger does not pose a threat to its master.

  • Relationship to other animals.

As a rule, to other animals the American bulldog shows aggression. This can be avoided if the dog is properly raised.

  • Learning.

Representatives of this breed are easily trained,quickly assimilate a variety of cynological disciplines, whether it's security service, obedience or trail work. It should be noted that the dog is suitable for an experienced owner, who previously had other pets. A novice dog breeder will not cope with upbringing, just like a man with a weak character.

Features of care

The dog is short-haired, so there will not be any complications for nursing. You will only have to periodically saw or trim your claws and clean your ears.

Продолжительность жизни животного в среднем is 10-16 years. For the breed are characterized by such diseases as allergy, stenosis of the lung, dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints. These very serious illnesses can entail large costs for therapist for the patient.

American Bulldog Characteristics of the breed tip

Species of the breed

Large muscular dogs with a square head of the American Bull breed are a kind of American bulldog, which has not been accepted by any cynological club today.

For this variety there are nocertain principles and standards. American bulbs can be any height and weight. The main thing is that the dog seemed proportional and did not suffer from obesity.

The American Bull, in turn, is divided into several subspecies:

  • Pocket - males at the withers reach 43 cm, bitches - 40 cm.

Massive dogs at low speed. Perhaps the most "shocking" variety of the breed with developed musculature. Before you start such a dog, you should think about the psyche of your neighbors.

American Bulldog owners reviews

  • Standart - the height of males is 43-51 cm, the bough is 40-48 cm.

High, stocky, puffing with strength and health dogs. Such a pet needs frequent long walks and physical activity. Becomes an excellent companion for the morning runs.

American Bulls

  • XL - at the withers of the dog from 51 to 58 cm, females - from 48 to 56 cm.

The highest representatives of the breed, reaching up to 58 cm at the withers. There are also representatives up to 60 cm tall. Reliable defenders and loyal pets.

American Bulldog description of the breed character

  • Extreme. There is no clear standard for describing the variety.

Determined by the structure of the body. They differ in massiveness, large body weight and developed musculature.

American Bulldog Characteristics of the breed tip

  • Classic also do not have standards.

Dogs of this variety are characterized by an "easy" format, they have a smaller body weight than all others.

American Bulldog owners reviews

The decision to have an American bulldog ismore than seriously. Before buying it is necessary to learn all the subtleties of the breed in order to be ready not to any, but to most of the surprises in education and training. Once again I want to repeat that the dog is suitable for a man with great willpower and a steel character. Only then will the pet take the host as the leader of the pack, listen and implicitly trust.

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