/ / Can I get pregnant with mucus? Looking for the answer!

Can I get pregnant with mucus? Looking for the answer!

At first glance, the question is:"Can I get pregnant with mucus?" - it seems completely ridiculous. After all, almost everyone in our time, beginning with adolescence, knows, as a result of which pregnancy begins.

Can you get pregnant with mucus?
Girls of reproductive age who arethis time they do not want to have children, and women who are ready to become a mother should be carefully informed about pregnancy issues in order to plan their future and the future of their family. Therefore, try to understand and understand whether it is possible to become pregnant with mucus.

The answer will be unexpected, but the development optionevents in the positive direction is still possible. The fact is that during sexual intercourse a special liquid is released from the male organ, called in medicine a presenant fluid or natural lubricant, which has no color. Isolation occurs if the young person comes to a state of complete sexual arousal. In this lubricant there is a small amount of spermatozoa, the chance of which to get into the vagina and at the same time fertilize the egg is undoubtedly there, albeit very small. The sperm in the lubricant appears as a result of the ejaculation that has occurred and remains in the urethra of the male organ. Therefore, with the question: "Can I get pregnant with mucus?" - the answer is rather affirmative.

the possibility of getting pregnant

As a result of the studies, it wasit is confirmed that in most cases, active and viable spermatozoa are absent in the presumed fluid, so the possibility of becoming pregnant with mucus does not exceed 5% of cases. Unanimously, however, it is not necessary to assert, since there is a variant of pregnancy as a result of repeated unprotected intercourse, when active spermatozoa can remain in the urethra after the first ejaculation (up to thirty percent of all cases examined).

when to get pregnant better
Of course, the probability of pregnancy does not depend ononly from the presence of active and viable spermatozoa in the mucus, as well as from the health of the woman, her emotional state, from the day of the cycle and the period of ovulation. It is important to remember that the period and time when it is better to become pregnant is individual for each woman. To it it is necessary to approach very seriously and responsibly, in fact motherhood and a birth of the child should be desirable for the future parents and bring pleasure. Therefore, if you do not want to apply appropriate methods of contraception, then you should try to combine sexual contact with the calendar method, thanks to which you can track when pregnancy is impossible. Ideal this method will be for women with an accurate and regular menstrual cycle.

But remember that even if you answered the question:"Can I get pregnant with mucus?" - Negatively - this does not mean that you do not need to be protected. After all, there are a lot of different unpleasant results of sex without a condom. In any case, use this method of contraception to preserve your health and level even the smallest probability of unwanted pregnancy. After all, as they say, God cares.

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