Children make life fun, unpredictable andsometimes even crazy, but incredibly happy. They bribe with their spontaneity, sincerity and trust in the world. But is everything known to adults about the life of kids and older children? This article contains the most unusual and interesting facts about children.
Amazing facts about the smallest
When a newborn appears in the house, it seemsso fragile and defenseless ... Incredible, but this impression is in many ways deceptive. Kids have unusual abilities, due to which they are hardier than they seem. These interesting facts about children of the youngest age have been proved by scientists, but it is not worthwhile to check their "working capacity" at home with newly-minted parents.
- If you dip the baby to 6 months in water,instincts will make him hold his breath and swim like a dog. After a baby reaches the age of six, if this unconscious skill has not been fixed, it disappears.

- Until the same age, infants have a uniqueability to simultaneous breathing and swallowing. After 6-7 months, babies lose this feature. But after six months of life they learn breath through the mouth, babies of an earlier age get air only through the nose.
- The newborn has a strong graspingreflex. The baby can stay for a while in the air, clinging only to the fingers of an adult. At the same time it is proved that the child of the first days of life has a stronger grip than a month old baby.

However, do not experiment with this feature: despite the strength of the tiny palms, the baby can uncouple the fingers at any time.
Pretty features of kids
It is impossible to be proud of:
- lovely features of toddlers;
- their amusing habits;
- their first "aga" and laughter.
The appearance of a child in the family is not only related to hassles and lack of sleep, there are at least 3 charming reasons why people decide to become parents.
- Even before birth, the child learns to distinguish his mother by smell and voice.
- Babies are the most smiling people:the average kid smiles 200 times during the day. The crumb will start doing this consciously at 1.5-2 months. Until then, parents can be touched by an angelic smile in a dream, which is also called "wandering."

- Infants affect mother as a real drug.Even during pregnancy, the body of a woman produces a specific hormone - oxytocin. He gives an upbeat mood and serene tranquility. During labor, a powerful release of oxytocin is provoked. And subsequently new doses of the hormone enter the body when the woman:
- cares for his baby;
- touches his skin;
- he kisses the crown;
- wears and pumps on his hands;
- feeds him.

Children - the owners of superpowers
Some children's abilities and characteristicsincredibly surprising. At first glance, it may even seem that only Hollywood superheroes have such possibilities. It's amazing that in fact these interesting facts about children concern every person up to a certain age.
- The young organism has the ability to regenerate.If by accident the child lost part of the finger (within the nail plate), it is likely that the restoration of the damaged area will occur without medical intervention.
- At the very beginning of life the brain of the newborn demonstrates a staggeringly rapid growth: 1% daily.
- Infants can sleep without closing their eyelids, with their eyes open.
- Being in the womb, the future baby can heal her damaged organs, sending "to the rescue" the unique in their properties stem cells.

Children - "transformers"
Newborns have almost 100 bones more,than an adult. Gradually they unite, transform, and their number becomes smaller. Up to this point, the bones of the kids are more flexible and springy, better adapted to shocks. This explains why children often fall, but rarely get serious fractures and injuries.
Another difference in the structure of the skeleton is the absence of a newborn kneecap. Their formation can last up to 6 years of age.
Interesting facts about children from other countries
Cultural differences of different countries do not concernonly food habits, philosophical views or accepted social norms. Approaches to the upbringing of the younger generation outside the borders of the home state have their own significant differences. Interesting facts about children from other countries make it possible to better understand the mentality of its inhabitants.

- In some eastern countries, age is considered not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception, that is, newborns are born on the 9th month.
- In Japan, there is a ban on words that give explicitnegative assessment - bad, bad. For example, near the school car park there is a sign with a picture on which bicycles are leveled. And one more, where they are inaccurately thrown. On the first the inscription reads: "So bicycles are put by good children", and on the second - "So good children do not put bicycles".
- True record-breakers for the birth of twinsor twins in the world recognized women from Nigeria: as a result of every 11 births more than 1 baby appears. But in Japan it happens much less often - 4 cases per 1000 pregnancies.

However, there is something in common that unites all countries. Practically in all languages of the world, "mom" and "dad" sound very similar, because these are the first sounds that a baby can pronounce.
Interesting facts from life for children
For each parent, it is joyful to collect interesting facts from the life of the child for memory. At mums the conducting of a special album where it is possible to write down achievements of the kid is popular:
- the day when the tooth had a tooth cut;
- the date of the first steps and words;
- weight and height by months, the size of the palm and feet.
Children are the most curious creatures on the planet.The average kid at the age of 3-4 years asks 900 questions daily, and very soon he begins to interest himself. Parents will be useful to keep in mind the most interesting facts for the children of their life. And when the child becomes an adult, such an album will forever retain pleasant memories.