/ Diseases of parrots. Learning to recognize the ailments of wavy friends

Diseases of parrots. Learning to recognize the ailments of wavy friends

Попугаи, живущие в естественных условиях, реже are subject to disease. They are in constant movement: they jump on branches, fly, even run. Their body has great resistance and they rarely get sick. Parrots living in cages are restricted in movement. Because of this, their ability to resist infections decreases.

Another factor that preventsfunction of the body, is the improper maintenance and care of birds. To ensure that the bird feels well and remains healthy in conditions of captivity, try to provide it with good living conditions and competent care.

Parrot diseases are divided into four categories:

  • diseases caused by parasites;
  • diseases associated with improper poultry keeping;
  • injuries;
  • diseases of an infectious nature.

Compared to other species, birds have their ownfeatures wavy parrots. Diseases, as a rule, they resist staunchly, but only on condition of your care. In order to minimize the likelihood of the disease, a number of conditions must be observed.

An important condition is the content of wavyparrots separately from other birds. In the summer, the owners often take out cages with birds on the balcony. It should be ensured that the litter of other birds can not get into the cage to your pet, since it can be the cause of helminth infection.

Wavy parrots, whose diseases are associated withdefeat helminths, treated with adipate piperazine. Helps worms and carbon tetrachloride. It is recommended that the treatment of feathered pets should not be done on their own, but rather go to the veterinarian.

We will analyze the possible symptoms of helminth infection. First of all, pay attention to the appearance of the pet, its behavior. It can be:

  • complete or partial refusal to take food;
  • decreased mobility, reluctance to fly;
  • a ruffled, disheveled state;
  • dim, dull eyes;
  • liquid droppings.

The causes of such symptoms can be not only helminths, but also include the following:

  • overfeeding or feeding one kind of grain forage;
  • absence of vitamins and mineral compounds in the feed;
  • too much in the diet of a parrot of greens, vegetables and fruits;
  • drafts;
  • insanitary state of the cell.

Diseases of wavy parrots and their treatment is importantto know everyone who has decided to keep feathered friends in the house. Dangerous for them is a tick injury. In this case, the treatment should begin with the confirmation of the diagnosis by laboratory tests, as in the case of bird damage by puffers. Symptoms indicating that the cause of the disease is a tick, several: the appearance of outgrowths grayish-white around the eyes, cloaca, beak and feather-uncovered paws. When hit by puffers, these are paired or broken feathers.

Diseases of infectious parrots are much less common. Symptoms may be in the form of:

  • watery eyes, wax and beak;
  • liquid, with a changed color (from yellowish to greenish) droppings, often with a pronounced smell of rot;
  • nervous manifestations in the form of a staggering gait, somersaults, etc .;
  • rejection of food or increased water intake;

And yet, do not forget that the sick bird is well on his hands.

Other diseases of parrots include tuberculosis, salmonellosis, paratyphoid fever, infectious catarrh, and smallpox diphtheria.

Traumatic parrot disease isfractures, wounds, cuts, sprains, bruises, tissue tears, etc. Symptoms that accompany injuries may be the following: impaired motor coordination; redness or blueness of the limbs; reposition of the damaged wing. The bird's head can be tilted to one side, and it can also roll over with its whole body on its side.

Parrot diseases and their treatment can only be determined by a specialist. The ornithologist will help your pet cope with the diseases that have overcome them.

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