/ / Such a cheerful breed of dog - bu

Such a cheerful breed of dog - bu

Маленький пушистый померанский шпиц, или, как его still called, the dog breeds bu, will not leave indifferent even fans of large breeds. This kid is so charming and charming that he adores both children and adults. The appearance of such a dog in the house brings a lot of joy. She looks like a plush toy and very friendly. But at the same time the breed of dog bu is a perfect protector to his master. This is a very devoted person, a good companion and companion. He has a great character.

dog breed


The history of this breed is quite solid andhas more than one century. Her ancestors are ordinary Spitz, whose fossil remains were discovered by archaeologists on the territory of Switzerland, as well as in the area of ​​Ladoga Lake. Modern Pomeranian Spitz - their miniature copies. Their height usually does not exceed 24 cm. Images of dogs similar to this small breed have been found on various cultural monuments of Ancient Rome, ancient culture. A small Spitz was also common in the Middle Ages also in Asia and Africa. Especially often the breed of dog bu was found in Holland, Denmark, Germany and the Baltic States.

Care for the Spitz

В уходе за шпицем есть свои нюансы, хотя, по to a large account, this does not pose a particular problem. He very much appreciates attention and demands love to the person about what does not get tired constantly to remind. Pomeranian Spitz is not averse to barking and it is quite noisy, but if properly educated, this can be avoided. The breed of the dog is pretty clever, good to train, and it does not take long and hard to explain anything. Separate attention in caring for the Spitz should be given to its wool.

dog breed bu price
Especially densely, it grows in the region of the neck, shoulders andhind legs. The dense undercoat gives these places the appearance of those laid in the cabin. But, so that the wool does not fall off, it must be combed. You can trim extra long sections, this will facilitate the care. To swim the Spitz it is necessary as necessary with a special shampoo. It is preferable to feed it with dry food or special canned food. But together with a veterinarian, you can develop for the Spitz and a menu consisting of natural food.

Dog breed in the house

Если вы решили приобрести такого милого щенка, то prepare in advance. Do it on a day off to devote your time to the puppy completely. He may feel insecure in the new environment, he needs to give time to get used to and get comfortable. It is advisable to first place it in a certain room, show the place and bed. Pomeranian Spitz is very clean, and it's not a problem to accustom them to the tray. If the house has children, it is better to ask them not to drag and squeeze the puppy on the first day. To explain to them that the dog can be frightened and for a long time still feel insecure in the new environment. The puppy himself will sniff the territory, master the bowl and toilet. The dog breed is very clever. You can walk the Spitz in the cold season. Despite its small growth, the dog is well tolerated by the cold, has good health and resistance to colds.

Buy Pomeranian Spitz

The answer to the question of how much a dog costs a breed of bu can be ambiguous. This breed is quite prestigious and is not cheap.

how much does a dog breed of bu
The prices for Pomeranian Spitz range from 25-50 thousand rubles. In Europe, the price of them reaches 5,000 euros, especially if the dog is taken from a famous nursery.
The web has many offers at low prices,but behind this are often scammers who sell non-thoroughbred puppies. Therefore, of course, they need to be bought from professional breeders, who have detailed pedigrees, parents' titles and all necessary documents.

A very cheerful dog of the bu breed, the price of it is not so important, because friends are priceless. And do not forget that the joy of communicating with a little friend is much higher than all his regalia and awards.

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