/ / Gaitán for the cross (lace): types and rules of choice

Gaitán for the cross (lace): types and rules of choice

Back in Ancient Russia, every Christian, regardlessfrom his position in society, wore a cross on his chest. Used for this chain, made of various metals, or laces, which were called gaytans. In our time, this accessory can be seen on the neck as representatives of young people, and older people. How to choose a gaitana for a cross? Which material is the right material for you? The answers to these questions can be found in the article below.

What materials are used to make laces for a cross?

The following materials are used for the manufacture of laces:

  • silk;
  • textile;
  • silicone;
  • rubber;
  • skin.

Silk string for a cross is perfect for a child. Such material has a soft texture, but at the same time it is very practical to use. Another plus - silk laces come in a variety of colors.

for the cross

Also, gaytans for babies can be madeof cotton fabric. Such laces for the cross are sold in church benches. They are practical in sock. If the textile cord gets dirty, then during the bathing of the child, it is cleaned of dirt. Like silk, such a gaitin can be any color. Cotton laces have the least cost compared to the rest.

Laces of silicone steel used not soFor a long time, when the "combine incongruous" principle became fashionable. Such material for gaytan is characterized by elegance, softness, but at the same time, strength. He is not afraid of moisture. The surface of such laces for a long time remains glossy, so the external appeal of silicone gaitans is not lost during the entire period of use.

The most popular materials for laces are leather and rubber. Each of them will be dealt with below a separate section.

Leather lace

The main advantages of laces from leather areuniversality and practicality. Such gaytans are reliable, aesthetic and durable. Leather is a natural material. That is why such laces are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • Flexibility and softness. Due to these properties, the leather lace for the cross during the whole period of use does not lose its external appeal.
  • Moisture resistance. Gaitans made of leather are treated with a special compound that repels water. As a result, moisture can not penetrate the inside of the lace.
  • Wear resistance and strength.

leather lace for a cross
Gaitans made of leather can be different in design.When choosing, remember that in tandem with a massive heavy cross will look great woven thick lace. And a slender leather gaitan is suitable for an elegant cross. It will look stylish and neat.

Leather cords for the cross perfectly complement almost any image. That's why such a gaiten is recommended for everyday wear.

Rubber string

A rubber cord for a cross can be seen asthe young person, and the older man. After all, these gaytans are simple and concise. They are enjoyed with pleasure by both women and men. Laces of rubber have the following advantages:

  • Elasticity. Due to their flexibility, these gaytans are distinguished for their reliability. They stretch well, but they do not tear.
  • Softness. This property makes the use of a rubber lace as comfortable as possible.
  • Dullness. The lack of gloss on the flat surface of this gaytan gives him a noble and stylish look.
  • Low price.

rubber cord for a cross

However, rubber laces have drawbacks.For example, in people who have a particularly sensitive skin, there may be an allergic reaction to this material. Another disadvantage of using gaytan from rubber is the hardening of such a lace when it gets wet. That is why before the implementation of water procedures, it is recommended to remove the gaiten for the cross.

Lace or chain?

Purchasing a pectoral cross, the person most oftenis wondering about what to add - a cord or chain? There is no exact answer. Fundamental is the fact that a Christian has a cross on his chest. And what will be used to keep it on the neck - is completely not important. After all, Christians from ancient times used both chains and shoelaces. The choice depended on the well-being of the individual and on his position in society.

silk lace for a cross

In our time in this matter followsbe guided only by practical moments. For example, for a child it is better to choose not a chain, namely gaitan. And as a material for manufacturing should be textiles or silk. A rigid metal chain can cause a feeling of discomfort in the baby and even rub his tender neck. Also, a child can easily tear it apart.

Rules for choosing a gaitana for a cross

Lace should be chosen, first of allbased on the material from which it is made. Which gaiten to pick up a cross from gold? In this case it is better to buy a product made of leather or rubber. You should pay attention to the lace for a cross with a gold clasp and inserts of the same metal. Jewelry made of silver, will ideally look on a leather cord. It should be remembered that the thickness of the purchased gaitana depends directly on the massiveness of the cross. The product made of wood will look harmoniously on a cord made of leather, rubber or silicone. Children's gaiten should be made of silk or textiles.

lace for a cross with a gold clasp

The next step in choosing a lace isdetermination of its required length. The smallest value of this parameter is 40 centimeters, the largest is 70. The length of a child's lace for a cross is 40 or 45 cm. A suitable size for a teenager or a fragile girl is 50 centimeters. The optimal length of a female lace for a cross is 55 cm. And the size of a man's gaiten is ideally 60 or 70 centimeters.


Gaitān is an accessory for wearing on the neckcross. Such shoelaces can be made of different materials, each of which has certain advantages and disadvantages. For the child it is recommended to purchase a textile or silk gaitan for a cross. Lanyards made of leather or rubber will appeal to any adult, regardless of age and sex. To choose a suitable gaitan, you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made and the length of the product.

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