Among fans of tropical fish usea very popular small cichlid parrots. Breeding them is not a problem, besides these fish have a bright color and easily differ on the floor. Otherwise they are also called "cichlids red parrots." Usually these fish are associated with bloodthirsty monsters that attack neighbors in the aquarium, and dig up and devour aquatic plants. But the described horrors, fortunately, do not belong to the parrots.
Systematists divide these fish into species andsubspecies depending on the color options. Most often now there is the name pelvikahromis, for example, pelvikahromis pulcher - a fish 8 cm long. Some experts sing out pelvikahromis cameron - baby with a golden back.
By eight months, the fish are sexually mature.In order to lay eggs, parrot cichlids find shelter, a cave, which can be a coconut shell or a flower pot. Once a female can lay 60 eggs. Take care of the offspring and the female, and the male on a par, will never allow themselves to eat their babies. The fry are cared for a long time until they grow to 1 cm. After that, the fish are ready for the next clutch.
If there is a large enough aquarium in the housecichlid parrots can live in it as a whole flock. But in this case it is necessary to remember that these are monogamous fish, although the males also manage to sweep off the strange female. Apparently, for this reason, female individuals protect their males from rivals. In these cases, the male tries to stay away from the investigating attitude of the females. It is the female parrots that play the main role in choosing the spawning site, as they are more determined and aggressive. Maybe that's why this is a rare kind of fish, in which females have a more spectacular coloring than males.