/ / Experimental and experimental activities in kindergarten

Experimental and experimental activities in kindergarten

In kindergarten, kids not only play and have funspend time, but still learn everything. There are a lot of different ways for this. Today, an important component of the development of the child is experimental activity in the kindergarten.

experimental activities in kindergarten

What it is

Everyone understands that the baby is learning by using everythingtheir reserves - hearing, scent, touch and review. The simplest and most understandable way to tell crumbs about this or that action is to show directly how this happens. That is why experimental activity in kindergarten is very important for teaching preschool children the basics of physics, chemistry and biology.

How to choose a topic

In pure form, the science of children is not yet exactlywill be interested. Therefore, the educator should very competently pick up the topic of the lesson so that it attracts the attention of all the kids. We need to start with what surrounds us. After all, children are really interested in almost everything. You can touch the theme of animate and inanimate nature - everything that concerns a person.

What to do

Experimental activity in kindergartenmust take place in conjunction with various forms of education. So, the child should not only look at what the educator does. He must hear why this is necessary, that this can change how these or other actions take place. It is also good to involve children in various experiments. After all, it's not difficult to give the kid the task to plant a house in a transparent bow and look how it sprouts. After, already in the garden, you can arrange an exhibition of germinated plants, children like to show off their work.

experimental activities in the dhow

Experience first

Experimental activity in kindergarten is notmust be complex, pass through the use of expensive equipment. To do this, it is enough to take simple things that are always at hand. Babies can show an experiment with water: in what states it can be - liquid, frozen and vaporous. To do this, you only need a jar of water, a means for heating, and a cooling place. In addition to the most important goal with the kids, there is much to talk about and many things to do at the same time. So, the water in the pot can be measured with different capacities: a teaspoon and a tablespoon, a glass, you need to tell that the water in the seas and rivers is different - fresh and salty, etc. Previously, the guys can be asked to wear work clothes, because in the laboratory you need to be only in the special form. Children will really like it.

pilot experimental activities in the dhow

Experience of the second

Experimental activities in the DOW can berather long. For example, children can be given the task of observing indoor plants in the group itself. Children will have to water the plant, take care of it: tear off the yellowed leaves, fluff the soil. It is possible for each student to assign his green friend, and then compare the results of the experiment. Along the way, children need to talk about many things: how to properly water a flower, when it is better to transplant it and why, tell how it feeds on the sun with the help of leaves, and so on.

About many things

Experimental and experimental activities in the DOW do notmust be strictly bounded by some framework. Well, if the teachers just ask the children what they are interested in learning, share with the kids plans for the next lesson. Only in this way can the children be easily interested and involved in the educational process without any problems.

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