/ / Garden wooden swing for a summer residence: we equip a rest zone correctly

Garden wooden swing for a summer residence: we equip a zone of rest correctly

Decoration of the country house landscape - veryan exciting process, especially if the size of the plot allows you to equip a full place for recreation. Pavilions, various scenery in the form of flower beds and alpine hills, as well as garden wooden swings - all in combination and creates coziness and harmony.

garden wooden swing

Can buy…

Качели для дачи можно просто купить, благо выбор These structures are very wide. For example, an ageless classic is considered to be the wooden wooden swing Villa. Their feature - in convenience and comfort, and they fit perfectly into any interior of the villa. Such swings are an ideal tool to relax and forget about problems. It is convenient for them to swing for adults and children, because the seat itself is wide and equipped with an excellent back. Above, the swing is covered with a tent, which will protect from the sun and rain. The cost of such a product is from 16,000 rubles.

wooden garden swing

Make recreation in nature useful and enjoyablewill help and garden wooden swings of Olivia brand. They are distinguished by the perfection of design, they can be decorated with soft pillows and settle with maximum comfort even for sleeping. The popularity of the model is explained by its convenience and comfort, besides it can be covered with a special protective waterproof cover. True, for such a swing will have to lay out about 25,000 rubles.

wooden garden swing

... but you can build

Чтобы построить качели садовые деревянные своими hands, it is enough just to be able to handle carpentry tools. As a rule, their design is quite simple, so you do not have to calculate the load on it. It is important that the swing can withstand both the main load and the transverse, which occurs during the rocking of the seat. To ensure that the swing does not form during the movement, the upper corners should be equipped with braces, thanks to which the initial supports will be stronger. For the manufacture of wooden swings, only bolted connections should be used, because under the influence of dynamic loads they will swing and loosen, and no powerful self-tapping screw in such critical areas can simply stand.

Garden swing

The technology of making a swing is reduced toburying two wooden pillars to a depth of 100 cm, on top of which is laid a horizontal pipe. To this design is attached directly to the seat. If the swing is under a canopy, then it is chosen, as a rule, the simplest, easily erected. Of course, the homemade design will be very concise, but the finished product is often equipped with armrests, a mattress, a depreciation system.

wooden swing to the country

It is also important that the garden wooden swingspolished, since it is very easy to drive a splinter on untreated wood. As for the suspension, you can use a rope or chain. The bench must necessarily be equipped with a backrest, which will create additional protection during the swing. But the design of the swing and the design features can be very different.

wooden swing with your hands

Эргономичность, удобство, комфорт, простота constructive solutions, functionality and safety - all this is characterized by a wooden garden swing. The photo shows a variety of models presented in the modern market, and this shows that it will be quite easy to choose a design for the style solution of your suburban area.

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