/ / Sausage tip for meat grinder: choice, reviews

Sausage tip for meat grinder: choice, reviews

Meat grinder - a must for every kitchendevice. The presence of this simple mechanism, designed to prepare minced meat of different consistency, allows the hostess to easily prepare dishes such as cutlets, pelmeni, meatballs and many others. Modern meat grinders are convenient primarily because they work from electricity and have good power. This greatly facilitates the work of the hostess.

In addition, modern e-mail.the meat grinder often has an expanded functionality. With the help of such equipment you can do not only minced meat, but also pasta, as well as salads. And of course, the function of making delicious home-made sausages is very much in demand. In order to make such a dish, you just need to put a special nozzle on the meat grinder. About what accessories are of this type, and we will talk further.

sausage nozzle for meat grinder

Material used for manufacturing

A sausage nozzle is producedcan either be made of metal or plastic. Reviews from consumers about both options of the accessory are equally good. Metal nozzles are strong and quite comfortable to use. However, over time, rust stains may appear on their surface. After use, this nozzle must be thoroughly rinsed and wiped with a dry soft cloth.

Plastic models are not particularly strongdiffer, but also very convenient. In most cases, they are bought in sets. The latter may include nozzles intended for cooking both sausages and sausages, grills with different hole diameters, and so on.

nozzles for stuffing sausages

Usually a sausage nozzle for grinderIt is a simple tube with different input and output diameters. On the meat grinder it is fixed by screwing, since it has thread on one of the ends. There are also large nozzles, supplemented with a separate upper bell to pieces of meat with a wide tray. These models are used in modern-size electric meat grinders and are installed as necessary as the main working tool.


The price of sausage nozzles is usually very low.In the meat grinders of the well-known manufacturers of the latest issue, they often come bundled. If the nozzles to the device is not attached, you can always buy it separately. Selling such accessories in online stores and shopping centers.

Metal sausage nozzle for meat grindercosts about 300-400 rubles. For a set of plastic models will need to pay about 700-1000 rubles. Large attachments with trays are, of course, slightly more expensive. The price for such accessories can fluctuate within 2000-4000 rubles.


Criterias of choice

When buying a nozzle, pay attention to theseveral important points. The material used to make this accessory must have the most smooth surface. Otherwise, the mince will start to get stuck inside the nozzle when cooking sausages. You also need to look at the inlet and outlet diameter of the bell. Modern e-mail. meat mincer can have different parameters. And you need to choose a suitable attachment to this particular model nozzle. The diameter of the access opening of the accessory depends on the thickness of the sausage produced when it is used.

Manufacturers and reviews

They produce such an accessory as a nozzle forhome sausage, today many companies. Popularly used as manufactured by domestic and foreign manufacturers of accessories. Very good consumer reviews, for example, deserve the plastic model of "MIM". Also good nozzles, designed for cooking sausages in meat grinders, are produced by the well-known company "Mulinex". If you decide to buy a metal nozzle, you should pay attention to the model of "EmKolbasy".

Of large nozzles with a socket and a tray goodreviews deserve a model of the brand KitchenAid. They can be used in a set not only with a meat grinder, but also with a food processor. This allows you to prepare sausages from both minced meat and vegetables.

sausage nozzle

How to Make Your Own Hands

The sausage nozzle for the meat grinder has a verysimple construction. Therefore, if you want, you can easily make it yourself. All you need is a plastic bottle and scissors. The neck should be cut so that the diameter of the resulting element is the same as the diameter of the large nut of the meat mincer from the back. Previously, on the bottle it is necessary to draw a line of cut with a felt-tip pen. For the preparation of sausage, the neck with a part of the walls of the bottle is simply attached to the socket and tightly tightened with a nut.

For greater efficiency on the thread of the former bottle it is necessary to fix the body from the syringe to 20 mm. In this case, very convenient nozzles for filling sausages are obtained.

Of the bottles, by the way, you can do more, morecomplex adaptation. It can be used for stuffing sausages and even without a meat grinder. Of course, in this case, you need to have ready-made stuffing. To make this device you will need two bottles. Their diameters should be such that one of them densely enters the other. At the main bottle you need to cut the bottom. Then a second bottle is inserted into it. The bottom of the latter should be directed towards the neck of the first. The main bottle is stuffed with minced meat. The second in this case will act as a piston. In it for convenience, it is worth pouring water and screwing the lid.

homemade sausage nozzle

Features of use

As you can see, the sausage nozzle for the meat grinder -The accessory is really convenient and useful. It is extremely easy to use. The nozzle is simply fixed on the meat grinder. Then, on the other hand, a shell is put on it. Spin minced meat should be in such a way that the latter is stuffed to them as evenly as possible. The semifinished product so prepared is placed on a baking sheet and placed in a well-heated oven. During the preparation of sausage from time to time, water is drained with fat. There are many recipes for this delicious homemade dish. Usually shells are stuffed with a large chopped minced meat.

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