/ / Carriages "Esperanza": customer reviews

Stroller "Esperanza": customer reviews

Recently, the strollers have become very popular"Esperanza". To be honest, the mere choice of a means of transportation for a child is extremely difficult. And for this reason it is important to know the views of mothers who already had to use the products of this company. Carriages - the pleasure is not so cheap. So, to give a lot of money for a poor-quality product is just silly. What do the "Esperanza" strollers give their customers? Are they worthy of attention?

Stroller Esperanza


To begin with, this option is universal.And so the opinions about him among the mothers are quite positive. In other words, the baby carriage "Esperanza" is 2 in 1. There is a cradle and a "walk". Such practicality simply can not but rejoice. Especially when you do not really want to constantly buy new strollers for your baby.

The stroller transforms from a "walk" into a cotvery easy and simple. Even a woman immediately after a difficult birth can cope with this. Just what is so necessary for many. In addition, the stroller "Esperanza" reviews are positive and for the fact that they have a predominantly universal color scheme. Of course, you can choose the coloring only for boys or girls, but often neutral colors of the product are used. This allows you to use the stroller several generations.


Characteristics of this model are also on theheight. The thing is that many mothers complain about the awkwardness of wheelchairs. They are difficult to lower and raise. And the general characteristics sometimes do not please. Only "Esperanza" carriages, as many customers note, this is really what many need.

stroller esperanza reviews

Carry, to be honest, no.But the cradle is equipped with an adjustable back, which has as many as 3 positions. The promenade block also has this capability. Wheels at the stroller 4, spring cushioning. This means that even on a bumpy road you can easily and easily pass without waking up the child. So, this is a very good advantage that many wheelchair models do not have.

In addition, the stroller "Esperanza" reviewsPositive character is also obtained for the fact that the fabric on the blocks is easily erased. Certain parts, of course, can not be unhooked for washing in a washing machine. But their cleaning is still simple - a regular sponge will help in this matter. Simplicity of handling a stroller - this is what glorifies this brand among parents. Appearance, of course, also pleases. It is stylish and modern. True, the cradle of this stroller looks cumbersome.


However, not everything is as perfect as it could have beenseem at first sight. For example, it is worth paying attention to some of the disadvantages that the Esperanza stroller has. The photo of this vehicle already shows us the main minus of models. It is not so important, but some do not like this disadvantage. We are talking about an open department for purchases. That is, the department itself is, but it is made in the form of gratings. This is not entirely practical and convenient in most cases. But in general, this option is better than a complete lack of separation for purchases.

Esperanza baby carriage

Also some mummies emphasize the bulkinessstructure. The thing is that, for example, if you change the walking block to the cradle, the stroller will really look huge. Keep it in this form at home, in the absence of "excess" space - not the best way out. But the type of folding at the carriage "Esperanza" - a book. This allows you to store the design quite compactly.

Price list

Modern strollers, especially, high-quality,are expensive. Unfortunately, in our case, parents will have to "shell out" to take advantage of the Esperanza model. If we compare with analogs, then the price is average. But judging from the reviews - it is slightly overstated.

In order to become the owner of a wheelchair"Esperanza", will have to give from 28 to 35 thousand rubles. The price varies depending on the region of your residence. If you think about it, in some cities you can buy a good stroller-transformer several times cheaper. And the quality, most likely, will please.

stroller esperanza photo

However, if you need a choice of exactly 2 in1, then "Esperanza" is perfectly suitable for this. According to many parents, it is comfortable, beautiful, quality, fairly light, spacious. All this makes us think again about buying. In cases where the budget is about 30 thousand rubles, it is worth paying attention to this option. Carriages "Esperanza" - this is what many parents are looking for.

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