/ / Italian strollers are the best choice for your baby

Italian strollers are the best choice for your baby

In Russia, children's Italian stroller is goodknown and very popular for many years. They are produced by such large companies as Brevi, Cam, Chicco and Inglesina. The products of these well-known firms have received a worthy appraisal of many Russian buyers. All of them have in their range of strollers summer, winter, combined and walking, characterized by the highest quality and long life, guaranteeing the safety of the baby.

Italian strollers

Popular company Brevi is most famousuniversal models Brevi Ovo, which includes a cradle, a promenade and a comfortable car seat. These strollers are recommended to use from six months to 1.5 years. They are very compact, maneuverable, with the child's easily changing position.

Cam company represents a widerthe range of models is a three-wheeled stroller Cam Cortina X3 PASSEGGINO, designed for kids from four months to four years. It has a well-adjustable, comfortable backrest. There are also such children's Italian strollers as Cam Portofino for kids from 4 months to 4 years; stroller Cam Prette Evolution; stroller modular type Cam Combi System.

Model Cam Combi Plus is quite heavy - it weighs about twenty kilograms. But it is very well staffed: a walking bag, a raincoat, a backpack, an awning.

Italian carriages (photo) of Inglesina company are presented in our market with a very compact Espresso model. Its main advantage is lightness

strollers summer winter
(7.5 kg) and easy handling.Even more compact and more compact is the more perfect model Inglesina Trip. It weighs only 6.6 kilograms, is very convenient and practical. The most perfect is the Italian stroller Inglesina Zippy system (3 in 1). In addition, the company produces excellent strollers for twins. Seats on them are arbitrary, at the parents' discretion. Also worth noting is the unique Italian model for the triplets. For example, the Trio stroller weighs only 15 kg. It is easy and pleasant to manage. Thus, the company has covered all possible categories of buyers.

Chicco's Italian strollers are goodknown in Russia for their walking models. Let's imagine some of them. The easiest - Lite Way Top, is a functional and comfortable stroller. It is suitable for babies from birth and up to three years of age. In the stroller is a soft and comfortable seat. The back can have five different positions, one of which is completely horizontal, so your baby will be able to have a good rest in the fresh air.

italian strollers photo

Trevi Stroller - a stroller that fitsto children from the moment of birth and up to three years. It easily folds into a neat cane. The model uses the 3D system. The stroller has perfectly proved itself by high passableness. She will like the parents, who like to spend a lot of time with the child in the open air.

Today we introduced you to the four mostknown Italian manufacturers of baby carriages. Among them, Cam and Inglesina, which produce high-quality world-class products, are the widest model series. Russian buyers appreciated the quality and functionality of these models. Of these, anyone can choose the only option your child needs.

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