/ / Apples during pregnancy: benefit and harm

Apples during pregnancy: benefit and harm

Во время беременности в жизни женщины происходит global restructuring: changing the ordinary way of life, the order, and, of course, the taste preferences. Staying in an interesting position, the expectant mother often wants to eat sour or salty foods. One of the most sought-after and at the same time incredibly useful fruit, to which pregnant women experience inexplicable cravings, are apples.

apples in pregnancy

Benefits of apples during pregnancy

Apples have long been considered extremely valuablesource of all sorts of useful substances. Their constituent components are organic, as well as fruit acids, which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the mass of various groups of vitamins, tannins. Also in the composition of apples, trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron and sulfur are necessary for the vital activity of the organism.

Thanks to the fiber contained in the compositionapples, the consumption of this fruit improves metabolism. Pectins, also a component of apples, take an active part in purifying the body of toxins and toxins in it.

apples during pregnancy

It is interesting that pregnant women are encouraged to enrich their diet and seeds from apples, since they are very rich in iodine. So, only seven apple seeds contain an entire daily norm of iodine.

For pregnant women, apples during pregnancyare a wonderful product that provides the body with a mass of useful substances and helps to prevent the weakening of the immune system. Apples are low-calorie, since they are almost 90% water, and therefore, when consuming fruits, a woman does not have to worry about additional weight gain.

Features of eating apples

Despite the fact that apples in pregnancyrepresent a huge benefit for the body, do not overly include them in your diet. Experienced gynecologists say that the most optimal amount is 4 small apples per day.

It is very important for pregnant women to know thatapple peel (especially autumn and winter varieties of apples) can cause colic and bloating, and therefore it is highly recommended to clean it.

To use apples during pregnancy is necessaryapproximately 30 minutes before the upcoming meal, as they will do more harm to the full stomach than the benefits (they can linger in the stomach, causing bloating and painful sensations). Moreover, long digestion of apples, if the woman ate them at the end of the meal, deprives fruit of useful properties.

the benefits of apples in pregnancy

A huge benefit is not only freshapples during pregnancy, but also baked. Their use favorably affects the work of the intestines, which makes it possible to get rid of such a problem as constipation when carrying a baby, like constipation. Baked apples retain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fruit acids contained in fresh apples. The only exception here is vitamin C.

Rules for choosing apples

There is a huge variety ofvarieties of apples. But if you do not go into the horticultural subtleties, you can simply divide the apples into red, yellow and green. According to experts, the most useful are the green apples in pregnancy, as they contain the most microelements, vitamins and other important substances. Green apples, in comparison with yellow or red, are unusually rich in iron.

Precautionary measures

Allergic to women inan interesting situation, you should not abuse red apples, as they can cause allergic reactions. Pregnant women suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to refuse to include sweet varieties in their diet. If the future mother is sick with a gastritis or a duodenal ulcer, then all apples during pregnancy, despite their enormous benefit, are under strict prohibition, and they are strictly forbidden to use them.

Can I have an apple in my pregnancy?

Extremely carefully it is necessary to eat and seedsfrom apples. As already noted, they contain a large amount of iodine, as well as hydrocyanic acid, a substance that is a significant poison for the body. Therefore, do not eat more than 4 apple seeds per day.

Sugar, as well as fruit acids can providenegative impact on tooth enamel. In order to minimize the likelihood of this kind of consequences, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth every time you eat apples.

Apple juice in pregnant women's diet

Freshly squeezed apple juice also representsa pregnant woman of great benefit. It is very important to make such a drink yourself, because the composition of the juices of industrial preparation includes various preservatives and artificial additives.

Drink an apple drink twice a day for 200ml. This will be enough to enrich the body with a mass of fresh nutrients found in fresh apples. The juice extracted from the fruits of the apple improves the motor activity of the future baby, which, in turn, develops its muscular and cardiovascular systems.

when pregnant em apples

It is interesting

The fact thatbabies of those mothers who during their pregnancy often included apples in their diet are much less likely to suffer from such ailments as allergies or bronchial asthma. Such a beneficial effect of apples is associated with antioxidants, which are so rich in these fruits.

Таким образом, ответ на вопрос о том, можно ли when pregnant apples, is obvious. These fruits are extremely important for both the woman herself and for the tiny person in her womb. And so many future mothers say: "When I eat apples every day, because they are very tasty, healthy, and also low-calorie."

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