/ / Cigar lighter. How is it useful for the driver and how to choose it right?

Cigarette lighter. How is it useful for the driver and how to choose it right?

cigarette lighter coupler

Probably, each of us on a long triphad to use a laptop, a kettle or mobile charging. All this requires electricity. In the car, this function is performed by a cigarette lighter, which is a kind of outlet when using the above electronic devices. However, there are times when one power connector is not enough. For example, you want to watch a movie, and even charge your mobile phone. Of course, the regular cigarette lighter is not able to give energy directly to several devices. For these purposes, there are special splitters. The benefit is that a modern car battery can give the desired current to several devices, so there are no overheatings and closures in the electronic circuit.

car couplers

However, there are cases when car ownersconnect a powerful compressor for pumping the wheels into the connector. In this case, the risks of device overheating are increased several times. But, fortunately, almost every coupler has 2 fuses and more fuses. At some point they disconnect the electrical appliance from the network, thereby preventing its overheating.

The universality of such a detail ascigarette lighter-splitter, it is impossible not to overestimate. It is indispensable for long journeys and business trips. And even if you simultaneously connect an ionizer, heater and laptop to three connectors, you can be absolutely calm for their safety. A smart device will necessarily react to possible risks of overheating and disconnect the current supply at the right time. Also worth noting that the cigarette lighter-splitter can be equipped with an extension, thanks to which you can expand the range of its use.

Criterias of choice

Choose a good cigarette lighter-splitterpretty easy. Manufacturers here do not really matter, the main thing is that the connector conforms to the standard values. The best devices are those with a nest depth of 2.9-3.5 centimeters and a width of 2.1-2.2 centimeters. In this connector, you can connect absolutely any plug. As for the fuses, they must be mandatory.

How to install it?

And the cigarette lighter-coupler is mounted quitejust. Car cigarette lighter couplers have 2 ends, one of which connects the source of current, and the second serves as a socket-tee. Thus, we get 2 or more functioning devices from one cigarette lighter.

cigarette lighter coupler for 2 nests

Can I plug in devices with a capacity of 220 volts?

No, unfortunately, the usual cigarette lighter is not into generate such amount of energy. The maximum that can be obtained from it, is the power of 12 V. If you need more, car enthusiasts use special voltage converters. Thanks to them you can connect a standard TV, a hair dryer and even a coffee grinder. However, the battery is unlikely to be able to hold a good charge for a long time in such conditions.

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