Popular in many suburban areas fragrant herb dill - not only a wonderful addition of summer salad, but also an effective remedy.
Micronutrients content
Grass for health
Еще в древности люди знали о том, какое действие renders dill. How useful is it to modern medicine? From it, the medicine anetine is made, which is used for heart diseases. This drug dilates blood vessels and improves brain function. In addition to the above, the grass is also useful to nursing mothers, it positively affects the respiratory system, liver, nervous system. A list of what is useful for dill can be continued: it is famous for its contained arginine - a special amino acid that relieves fatigue after a hard day's work. In the green grass contains a large amount of fiber, which will help to cleanse the bowels of toxins and other harmful accumulations.
Use of seeds
But the grass is valued not only because of the leaves.Unripe bundles of seeds are used for marinating vegetables, as well as in culinary delights - for example, for the preparation of flavored cheese or vinegar. Since the plant has a strong odor, it is usually not combined with other herbs. In folk medicine, there is such a recipe: grains are used for making tinctures - this medicine perfectly copes with insomnia, and with kidney diseases it is used hot. This is not a complete list of what the fennel seeds are useful for.
Folk recipes
With purulent diseases, the eye can also helpdill. What is useful for infusion of green leaves and how to apply it correctly? Cotton balls with broth should be applied to the inflamed eyelids to reduce swelling. Respecting natural remedies cosmetologists necessarily use products with this herb as a rejuvenating mask or to soften the skin. For the rejuvenation of the body fennel is excellent: how useful is the infusion from the seeds of the plant, ask the connoisseurs of folk remedies. Surely you will be advised this recipe: a teaspoon of seeds to brew in a glass of hot boiling water, a little to insist and drink like regular tea.
Health all year round
Nothing will complement your culinary delightsin the winter, as dill packed and frozen in cellophane pouches! What is useful for such a "bouquet of vitamins" in winter, you will tell any dietician. So boldly add a green supplement to your diet - and the body will thank you for it!