/ / Several reasons why dogs are lying around in rotten things

Several reasons why dogs are lying around in rotten things

In our world simultaneously under the same conditionsthere may be several species of individuals. People often observe animals, insects, birds and other living organisms. Often their behavior may seem rather strange and cause a number of questions. I wonder why dogs are lying around in rotten things? When do they do this? With what can you connect such an unusual reaction? It is worthwhile to understand this in more detail.

Negative smells

Why do dogs like to wallow in rotten things?This question was of interest to our ancestors. First of all, they associated it with sharp smells. As is known from the course of anatomy, the smell of animals is developed several times better than that of any person. What seems to us disgusting, on the contrary, attracts them very much. These are kind of spirits from which dogs experience pleasure. Thus, it is not difficult to guess why they are doing this. From such smells they feel great pleasure.

why dogs roll around in rotten

Стоит заметить, что на них действует и the opposite effect: from the smells from which a person enjoys (perfume, air fresheners, deodorant and other sharp flavors), the dog has a feeling of disgust, they immediately try to escape to another place. They can also start sneezing, washing and shaking their heads.

Psychological condition

Veterinarians managed to find out one more reason,why do dogs lie in rotten sticks. In their opinion, they do this only at a time when they are in a state of deep stress. Thus, they try to "dig in" from various problems. For example, this occurs during a period of illness, when the dog is experiencing separation from its owner or other individual. In addition, symptoms such as worsening of sleep, appetite and decreased activity may be observed.

why do dogs like to roll in rotten things

What to do in this situation?It is recommended to pay special attention to the pet! Try to stroke him more, play and go for a walk. Perhaps the animal has some favorite treat, for example, a crisp bone, why not please your beloved dog with such a gift?


why do dogs lie in rotten sticks

Why do dogs lie in rotten sticks?As a rule, this behavior is peculiar only to dogs of a hunting breed. Often this is due to the fact that they have nowhere to put their energy. What to do in this situation? Of course, you need to practice the dog: train it and play with it.

Facts about the instinct of self-preservation

why do dogs rub against rotten things

Why do dogs lie in rotten sticks?As mentioned earlier, this issue worries people since the earliest times. Previously, zoologists associated this reaction with the instinct of self-preservation. Every dog ​​is an absolutely individual being, having its own habits, features and structure. They, as well as a person, have their own smell, according to which they will be recognized by other individuals. An adult dog knows perfectly well that other individuals can "hunt down" him. Accordingly, he will lie in mud, mud and puddles in order to knock the enemy out of the way and disguise his scent. It is worth noting that it turns out very well!

Severe itching

why do dogs rub against rotten things

A dog can lie not only in rotten sticks, but alsoon asphalt, in the sand and anywhere. This is due to the fact that she is experiencing severe itching. Thus, she tries to get rid of unpleasant sensations. Most often this occurs during the moult period, when the old wool peels off and a new coat comes out. You can associate this process with the detection of red spots or wounds. If the reason for this strange behavior of the animal is associated with this, then you should try to eliminate it by giving an antiseptic drug. When choosing a medicine for a pet, you should pay attention to his age, breed and weight class. It is recommended that you also use the services of a veterinarian.

Precautionary measures

It doesn't matter at all why dogsroll around in the grumbles. It is important that such an activity can become a habit. If the owner is tired of the fact that his favorite pet constantly smells unpleasant odors, then he needs to take the following measures:

  • Try to find out the cause and eliminate it.
  • It is not recommended to walk with him in the area of ​​garbage, landfills and other waste routes.
  • You should always keep the dog strictly on a leash so that the owner can control its actions.
  • Если используется какое-либо косметическое means for the dog, it is recommended to change it, perhaps in the animal it causes irritation, and thus it wants to get rid of the smell that is unpleasant for it.
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the dog's coat, making regular combing.

Why do dogs rub against rotten meat?The possible reasons there is a huge amount, but none of them is reliable. This is just speculation of scientists. The true meaning of this behavior can only be known by the pet. In any case, it is required to assess the general psychological and physical health of the dog. Sometimes an experienced specialist can sort out this strange behavior.

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