/ / Choosing a shape for candy on a stick

Choosing a shape for candy on a stick

Некоторые вещи позволяют нам окунуться в детство.Favorite Soviet cartoons, creamy plombir, teddy bear and lollipop. With what ecstasy each child enjoys this unpretentious, but such a favorite treat. In our childhood, the candy was most often in the form of a cockerel or a star. For many, such sweets are memories of childhood.

В настоящее время леденцы на палочке переживают his second birth. The retro style is now in vogue. In addition, such sweets can easily be cooked at home with their own hands. This can be an entertaining entertainment for the whole family. In addition, the composition of homemade delicacies will be fully known to you, which can not be said about the candies of industrial production. You can make sweets from classic caramel, or you can add any fillers, food color or flavor. The shape of the candies can be completely different, to your taste. To give the candy desired shape will require special forms for candy. It is in them that liquid caramel will be poured, from which, when frozen, the desired delicacy will be obtained.

Variety of forms for the preparation of sugar candies

Forms for sugar candies

In our childhood forms for candy were onetype - metal. They were made of heavy alloy. Find now the very forms - great luck. Such things are sold except in flea markets, or you should look for such a culinary retro-attribute from collectors of antiques. However, do not despair if the metal form for making candies is not found. In the modern market, there is an excellent alternative for it.

Forms of the new generation are made ofspecial silicone. Silicone is a product of new technologies. Thanks to an unusual structure, various objects of any shape and color are obtained from it. A special formula of silicone gives it unique properties. Forms made of silicone withstand temperatures from -35 ° C to + 230 ° C without loss of strength. They are very practical, light and look very aesthetically pleasing. Food grade silicone is absolutely safe for health. In such forms it is possible to make not only lollipops, but also baked goods, chocolate and other sweets, soap and bombs for the bath, to freeze the ice. And when baking, the contents of the mold do not stick to it and do not burn, even if you do not lubricate it with oil beforehand.

Recommendations for the use of silicone molds

In order for silicone molds to last longer, some recommendations should be followed:

  • Before the first use, do not wash the formabrasive substance. You just need to clean it with a sponge soaked in soapy water to dissolve the factory grease. After drying, the mold is ready for use.
  • Do not put the mold on an open fire, as this will result in a fire.
  • You can not cut the finished confectionery directly in the form, you can spoil it. Form with cuts or scratches to use is not suitable.
  • Before use, the form must be oiled.
  • After removing from the form of the finished product, it should be washed with a mild cleanser, avoiding mechanical damage.

silicone molds for sugar candies
If you comply with all these simple recommendations, thenSilicone molds for making candies are served by faith and truth for a long time and will bring pleasure from the use of modern kitchen devices.

Which form is preferred?

caviar candy shapes

As for the shape of sweets, they can be veryvarious. There is room for imagination here. Forms for candy "Cockerel" now, rather, retro. Modern technology allows you to give a candy shape of animals, toys, floral fragments, heroes of your favorite cartoons and many others.

Some landladies do without anyspecial devices and use as a form of ordinary glasses. They even use the ice-making molds that refrigerators complete. All these things are suitable, although the lollipops are rather monotonous.

Recipe for making lollipops at home

Ingredients for making lollipops inhome conditions is very simple. It is necessary to take 9 parts of water, 9 parts of sugar and one and a half part of table vinegar (9%). In the pot, pour the water and bring to a boil, pour a thin trickle of sugar and cook until completely dissolved on medium heat, stirring. Then add the vinegar and cook until the mixture turns golden. The composition can be added food color and flavor, and you can do without them. Then pour the resulting hot mass into prepared forms.

candy form
Do not forget:candy forms should be clean, dry and oiled in advance. Without waiting for complete solidification, you will need to stick sticks. Frozen lollipops are removed from the mold and enjoy handmade sweets. Enjoy your meal!

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