/ How to flush newborn girls. How to wash a newborn girl under the tap

How to wash away newborn girls. How to wash a newborn girl under the tap

Every baby born requiresgreat care and attention. A newborn girl needs regular intimate hygiene. The first three months after birth, the baby's vagina is absolutely sterile. And while it is not populated with useful microflora, the mother is obliged to monitor the condition of the sexual organs of the crumbs and prevent even the slightest contamination in this area.

Features of the body of a newborn girl

Обратите внимание на то, что в первый месяц жизни newborn girl she can stand white mucus. It’s not worth worrying about, these secretions are related to the hormones received from the mother during the prenatal period, and after a while everything passes without a trace.

After bathing

Such a feature of the body of a newborn girlthought out by nature. After childbirth, many women are weak and unable to care for the newborn. Therefore, the first time the body of children is configured to the possibility of independent control of harmful microbes and bacteria.

Do not rely on the "gifts" of nature.Despite this feature of a small body, careful and regular care is very important for a girl. With inadequate compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, the baby may be exposed to the formation of diaper rash and prickly heat. And then my mother will have to devote a lot of time to care for baby.

Intimate hygiene of the girl in the first days of life

Due to the anatomical structure of the genitalsgirls are more vulnerable to infection and irritation. During the first three months of the baby's life, the vagina does not yet have microflora with beneficial lactic acid bacteria. While the immunity in the pelvic area is not formed, the mucous membranes are very thin and susceptible to injury.

Washing the girl under the tap

Гигиена новорожденной девочки должна быть thorough. Often, young parents notice the presence of white baby in the genital area. Do not worry, it is a natural lubricant that protects the baby’s organs from the entry of foreign bacteria in the first days of life. Plaque can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. Usually such a phenomenon disappears after 3 days.

Basic principles

Every mother needs to be before the birth of a girlfamiliarize yourself with the care of the newborn. If nurses did this for you at the maternity hospital, then you need to understand that you will have to do it yourself in your home.

Girls after bathing

Pediatric gynecologists give tips that need to be applied in the care of a newborn girl.

  1. In the first days after birth, the baby must be washed in boiled water.
  2. After 2 weeks you can use running water from the tap.
  3. The optimum temperature for flushing water should not be below 36 degrees or above 37.
  4. How to wash away newborn girls can not?In no case do not wash the crumbs in the "stagnant" water collected in the basin, even a few minutes ago. Hygiene of a little girl should be carried out only under the flow of water.
  5. Do not use washcloths and other attributes "to help the mother." The skin in the intimate places of the girl is very sensitive, so no means will make such a contribution to the care of the child, like the gentle hands of the mother.
  6. Avoid the use of soap, even if children. There is a mass of gels for washing away babies from the first days of life. They have an optimum pH, which is very important for children's genitals.
  7. Use only her personal towel for the child. It should be soft and absorb moisture.
  8. After the adoption of hygienic procedures, the baby needs some time to lie down naked. Such actions will prevent the appearance of diaper rash and other troubles.
  9. Occasionally wet wipes are allowed. But they should be exclusively for children marked “0+”. Do not contain antiseptics and alcohol flavors.

Water, soap and gel for washing

The main remedy for washing away girls isstream of running water from the tap. Pediatricians recommend using no more than 3 times a week for foam cleaners and gels. Arguing this is that cosmetics, even those with a neutral pH, can harm with constant use.

Choose a tool for intimate hygiene, designed strictly for newborn girls. It is not necessary to endanger the sterile organs of the newly born baby.

How to wash the baby under the tap

Often, young mothers are concerned about howto flush the newborn girl under the cock. Watch first need to jet temperature, and then proceed to the process. Many mothers believe that little baby is better to bathe exclusively boiled, and not running water.

Dad bathes daughter

For the genitals of the baby, tap water is a good option. It is much worse to wash the baby in the bowl, where microbes and bacteria get into and pollute the baby's body.

Follow the basic rule of how to flushnewborn girl inside. It is necessary to adjust the direction of the water to the pubis, avoiding the area near the navel. Thus, water will drain between the legs of the crumbs, thoroughly washing the genitals.

How to wash away a monthly girl

How to flush the newborn girl?Komarovsky believes that there is nothing difficult in this matter, the main thing is correct observance of children's hygiene. Every mother should remember the basic rules that apply to the hygiene of a newborn baby:

  1. Parents should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before starting water procedures.
  2. It is necessary to wash the baby in the direction from the pubis to the anus. And nothing else! Remains of feces should not fall into the vagina, it is fraught with infection.
  3. Newborn babies need to be bathed after each toilet "by and large".
  4. Follow the regular washing schedule in the morning and evening.
  5. Everyday hygiene should not always include cosmetics. Sometimes it is enough to wash the baby with plain water or decoction of chamomile.
  6. The baby should have its own towel.
  7. Washing the newborn girl should be carried out only by hand. Do not use loofah or similar hygiene items that could injure or irritate the tender skin of an infant.
  8. After taking a bath, do not forget to treat the folds with baby cream or butter.

The main stages of the procedure

When can I wash away a newborn girl? Before proceeding with the hygienic procedures, the mother must prepare:

  • new diaper;
  • cotton wheels;
  • paper towel;
  • a diaper;
  • oil, baby cream under the diaper (if required).
    Hygienic procedures

When everything is prepared, you can proceed directly to the hygienic procedure.

  1. Mom washes her hands well with soap.
  2. Then the baby is laid on the table and takes off the diaper.
  3. Wets a cotton swab in warm boiled water, then wipes the ass crumbs.
  4. Turns on the tap and waits until the water jet is at the optimum temperature.
  5. After that he puts the baby on his head and with his fingers fixes the hips of the baby.
  6. You can learn how to wash away the newborn girl in pictures, which shows the schematic direction - from front to back.
  7. First, the labia region is washed out thoroughly, then the perineum near the anus.
  8. After washing, wraps the baby in a terry towel.
  9. Lays on the changing table.
  10. The baby should lie down a little naked.
  11. If the girl has irritations, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a cream or use powder.
  12. Wearing a diaper.

Despite the fact that you can wash the baby under the streamrunning water, many are interested in the question of how to properly flush the newborn girl. Komarovsky suggests that it is better to use boiled water, as there is a lot of bleach in tap water.

Breast Care Rules

It is arranged by nature that a few days after the baby is born, the mammary glands swell and turn red. Sometimes you can notice a discharge that looks very similar to colostrum.

Air baths

Do not massage the breast of the baby,trying to free her from the accumulated fluid. Make sure that the clothes of the crumbs do not rub this area. This phenomenon disappears 3 weeks after the first signs, so you should not worry.

Attention! If the breast has increased significantly in size, and redness is very pronounced, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How often to wash baby

In such an important matter, how to washnewborn girl every day, the main thing - do not overdo it. Modern diapers already provide good hygiene for small children. The unique ability to absorb all the moisture helps the mother to relax.

bath towel after bathing

Therefore, it is enough to observe the following recommendations:

  • After each change of the diaper, the baby can be washed only with running water without using gel or foam.
  • After the process of getting rid of fecal masses, washing with the use of children's gel is necessary.
  • Bathing before bedtime should also be carried out using the subject of the cosmetic industry.

What is synechia?

Sinechia is an unpleasant feature of the genitalorgans associated with the inflammatory process, due to which the formation of adhesions occurs, leading to accretion of the labia minora when entering the urethra. This phenomenon causes an estrogen-deficient condition. But it is worth noting that the wrong approach to organizing care for a girl can also lead to such an outcome.

Do not try on your own.“Split” labia. If the condition of the organs allows, an experienced specialist in the field of children's health will prescribe special ointments containing the female hormone estrogen. Otherwise, surgery may be required.

Emergency situations

Малыши до года еще не могут контролировать свои excrement, moreover, to explain to parents what they want in the toilet. Therefore, even if you regularly repeat to the baby that it is not necessary to soil the diaper at a party or during a walk, this action will not bring results.

For such urgent cases, the mother should alwaysCarry wet wipes for children. Having carried out a hygienic procedure with the help of an assistant "rescuer" upon coming home, she should undermine the baby under running water with gel.

Let's sum up:

  • the best way to wash newborn girls is with tap water;
  • the use of an intimate gel or soap is sufficient 2-3 times a week or once a day;
  • wash the girl only with your hands from front to back;
  • after the end of the water procedures, gently blot the baby's genitals, do not allow friction;
  • As soon as the baby becomes aware of what is happening, begin to teach her daily hygiene.

The main thing - to remember how to washnewborn girl, and handle the creases, irritations or diaper rash of baby cream and butter. Protect your babies and take care of their health, in particular, about the intimate component.

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