What distinguishes the domestic Santa Claus from western Santa Claus? One of the main points here is the "transport issue".
Santa Claus often tries to have time to spread to childrengifts, using any means of transportation that will only turn up under the arm. If a horse troika is equipped for this, the animals harnessed into it remain nameless.
On the contrary, the reindeer in the Santa Claus team differ from each other not only in their appearance, but also in their habits, as expressed by the characteristics of their character.
Прошли годы, и олени Санта Клауса завоевали не less popular among American children than the wizard himself. Noticing the interest of the children in the original story, the writers began to endow the character with deer, which ultimately allowed each of them to find a personality.
The following names are now used by Christmas wizard deer, which are well established in the American and Canadian traditions:
What character have Santa Claus deer? Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the habits of each.
Олень считает, что трудолюбивые дети, которые listened to and helped parents throughout the year, deserve more gifts. He is entrusted with cleaning the magic sleigh and preparing for the flight. The impetuous is always in trouble, doing important economic robots in the house of Santa at the North Pole.
While other Santa Claus deer are passionateserious affairs, Dancer enjoys dancing. Despite the extraordinary success in this lesson, the deer prefers to pull the wizard’s team together with other animals. Dancer is engaged in self-expression in his free time, organizing performances for elves who work in Santa's workshop.
Prenser is the funniest deer in the carriagethe wizard. He is a true master of hide and seek. As Santa's reindeer get tired on the road, Skaynn organizes rest and leisure for them: he cooks hot chocolate, treats him with popcorn, and selects Christmas cartoons for sharing.
Unlike the previous deer in harness, the Thunder is a true fan of physical education and sports. He is responsible for the physical training of the rest of the animals in the harness.
Every year, when preparing for sorties on a magic sleigh, the Thunder holds meetings of deer-reservists who compete among themselves to get a place in the harness and replace members of the main team.
The most clean deer in the carriage. The deer tries to keep itself in good shape, monitors the appearance of its companions, in particular, cleans their fur coats and periodically washes them with a brush.
Most of the members of the team are trying to hide from Rezva when it approaches. The only exception is Cupid, who always permits to cleanse himself, because he is secretly in love with deer.
He was born on Valentine's Day, from wheregot your name. The magical animal always tries to find a pair of other reindeer in a harness. Cupid publishes a special newspaper at the North Pole, where he leads a dating column.
The main deer of Santa Claus, but also the youngest insledding At the beginning, other animals teased Rudolph because of his red nose. However, it was he who helped Santa deliver all the presents to the impenetrable fog. His nose always shines in bad weather and thus saves Christmas in the most difficult situations.
Rudolph heads the reindeer team. And if before the magical animal was ashamed of its shining nose, now it acts as its pride.
So we figured out the name of the reindeer SantaKlaus. Finally, it is worth noting that the cult of magical animals in North America is extremely significant. In particular, their names were used to name the mountain peaks located in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. And this is not the only case of such a serious attitude to the magic story.