/ / The water in the aquarium grows dull. What to do?

The water in the aquarium grows dull. What to do?

Nothing so fascinating does not affect a person,like the movement of fish in a home aquarium. Yes, you can spend hours enjoying the look of a virtual aquarium by looking at a computer monitor. You can watch the fish on the TV screen. You can, in extreme cases, go to the aquarium and see real, live fish. But the most vivid, most impressive observations are given to the owner of a real home aquarium.

However, the whole impression of the observed spoilsmuddy, greenish water. Why does the water in the tank quickly grow turbid? The reason for this may be either improper replacement of water, or improper feeding of fish.

Muddy, polluted water sometimes leads to deathplants or even fish. When a new aquarium is first filled with water, a so-called "bacterial outbreak" occurs, when single-celled organisms begin to multiply very rapidly. Therefore, immediately you can not start fish in the aquarium. It is necessary to wait, when the water will be transparent, i.e. in water the balance will be restored. Water at this time to change it is not necessary, for again it will grow cloudy. Fish are colonized in the "new house" in six to seven days, and to accelerate the restoration of the balance, you can add water from the old aquarium.

Water in the aquarium becomes turbid and in the case whenfish are regularly overfed. Small inhabitants of the aquarium so amusing eat, so you want to feed them endlessly. But not eaten food settles on the bottom, on the walls of the aquarium and leads to the pollution of the water itself. The situation is further complicated by the failure of the remains of the feed between the stones, into the ground, where it is not visible.

If the filtration is poor, too, the water in the aquarium becomes turbid, and therefore it is important to have a good water purification system, because the decay of food can cause poisoning and death of the aquarium inhabitants.

If at the bottom of the aquariumorganic substances or an overabundance of sunlight, then there is a rapid growth of microscopic plants, a flowering of water is observed. Fighting with flowering can, by reducing the illumination of the aquarium by direct sunlight. And if you can not transfer the aquarium to a darker place, you just need to temporarily block it from the sun with some light-permeable material. most often it is done with the help of ordinary tracing paper.

When, on the contrary, light is not enough,algae begin to die, rot and acquire a brown color. When a specific smell of turbid water is heard, the reason for this can be the rapid growth of blue-green algae.

When the water in the aquarium becomes turbid, what to do will prompt you to watch carefully.
If you have determined that the cause of turbidity is overpopulation of the aquarium, then it is necessary to urgently reduce the number of fish or enhance water purification.

When the water in the aquarium grows dull because on the bottomthere are still half-eaten food, reduce portions or settle fish that live on the bottom and feed on the food that has settled down to the bottom. The food should be completely eaten in 5 to 10 minutes.

When the water blossoms, you either need to replace the aquarium, or install a new, good lighting system.

To the algae in the aquarium did not grow much, place snails or fish that feed on vegetation. This will save you from the decomposition of plants in the water, and hence from clouding.

It must be remembered that for the maintenance of the aquariuma good filtration system is needed. When the water in the aquarium becomes turbid, special additives are added to it, which allow to purify water. But this should not be done, because living water is the interaction of microorganisms that live in it. Create certain conditions and wait a little, and the correct balance will be restored. And incorrect actions can lead to even greater violations of the balance.

A significant role in maintaining the equilibrium in thethe aquarium plays and the correct water replacement. It is necessary to change a small amount of water! With a small amount of aquarium water in the aquarium grows dull and this leads to the death of the inhabitants of your underwater world. First you need to check the water quality, temperature and acidity, and only then start a replacement. In a new aquarium, water must be changed three months after the equilibrium is established.

Therefore, immediately you need to buy the right equipment for the aquarium, and only then populate the fish.

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