/ / Ultraviolet sterilizer for aquarium: advantages and features of use

Ultraviolet sterilizer for aquarium: advantages and peculiarities of use

В любом аквариуме воду периодически необходимо Change, as it becomes turbid and polluted. This is due to the products of the vital activity of fish, the properties of the liquid itself. In order for the water to be clean longer, you can use an ultraviolet sterilizer for the aquarium. It is used to eliminate harmful microorganisms, as well as bacteria that contribute to the turbidity of the liquid.

ultraviolet sterilizer for aquarium
The advantage of the presented device isthat it quickly cleans the water, does not have a negative impact on the inhabitants of this microsystem. In addition, the ultraviolet sterilizer for the aquarium can work for a long time due to its high-quality performance. However, it should be noted a small drawback of this device: it can not disinfect the leaves of plants or other surfaces, since it only works with the water that passed through it. And still need to say that the power of the device quickly falls under the influence of chemical features of water. That is, the harder the fluid, the faster the unit will fail.

ultraviolet sterilizers for aquariums
The effectiveness of the device depends on its qualityand power. It should be noted that for the destruction of different types of microorganisms you need to establish your own regime. That is, the capacity of the equipment varies depending on which bacteria or protozoa should be eliminated. As for the design of the device, it works with a special ultraviolet lamp, which must be changed every 6 months. It is advisable to install such equipment only after all the water purification activities have been carried out.

Ultraviolet sterilizer for aquariumshould be chosen taking into account how quickly he will pass through the liquid. The fact is that the longer the water is exposed to the rays of the lamp, the better it is cleared. It is desirable that there is a possibility of regulating the regimes. Pay attention to the performance of the device. This parameter is specified in the instruction. That is, it is important for you to know how much water will pass through the lamp for a certain time.

uv sterilizer for aquarium
Ultraviolet sterilizer for aquariumeffectively operates at the optimum ambient temperature. It should be about 40 degrees. Therefore, it is necessary to choose equipment in which the lamp is protected from cooling.

Ultraviolet sterilizers for aquariumsit is better to use in large tanks, which are inhabited very densely by the inhabitants. The fact is that you physically can not clean it up too often. In addition, fish can get sick, and sterilization does not allow the infection to spread.

Очень важно помнить, что ультрафиолет может negatively affect not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria, so do not turn on the lamp too often. If you produce drug therapy for diseased fish, then the device can not be used.

UV sterilizer for the aquarium must necessarily work in conjunction with the filtration system, because it is simply not capable of purifying water from mechanical dirt.

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