/ In what cases is dicinone used in pregnancy?

When is dicinone used in pregnancy?

Nowadays, some women are afraid to give birth.It would seem that there is nothing special about this. Mother Nature itself has awarded the beautiful sex with such a gift - to give life. However, now a modern woman is not a housewife, but rather a business lady, who plunges into her work with her head. In the first place the career, and then everything else, including pregnancy. Plus, there is an unfavorable ecology and a lot of different diseases. The demographic situation in the CIS countries is deteriorating every year. However, any woman dreams of her child. In this article I would like to touch on the topic of pregnancy. In particular, consider the bleeding that occurs in women in the position.

Unfortunately, this is not just a pathology, but a seriousThe problem that some of the fair sex simply ignore. Sometimes future mothers even believe that they can have a period. In fact, in the normal course of pregnancy, there should be no bleeding. There are exceptions, when at an early stage of pregnancy the expectant mother still does not suspect about the child and she has "smearing" discharge of blood. The whole thing happens as a result of attaching the fetal egg to the uterus. As a rule, the flow time coincides with menstruation. This kind of bleeding is considered normal. All other excretions are pathology.

If bleeding started in the first trimester,this may indicate a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy. In the late stages, the cause is most often a placental detachment. Thus, bleeding during pregnancy is a serious problem that can lead to the loss of the baby.

В случае если ультразвуковое исследование showed that the fetus is viable, the doctor must direct all efforts to preserve the child. The first step is the administration of hemostatic drugs. It is dicycinum in pregnancy is widely used. In addition to the main function, the drug helps strengthen the capillaries, stimulates the formation of platelets and increases blood coagulability. Also, this drug is widely used in many fields of medicine: dentistry, urology, surgery, ophthalmology. Most often, dicinone in pregnancy is appointed in the event of a threat of miscarriage. With vaginal bleeding, this drug is indispensable. Many sources say that this medicine is used only in scarlet blood. In fact, the doctor does not look at this indicator, but acts depending on the situation, all the pros and cons are weighed. If the benefits of the drug exceed possible risks, the medicine dicinone is prescribed. In most cases, future mothers immediately prescribe the drug for the so-called "mazna". With acute need, dicynon during pregnancy is prescribed starting from the first trimester. If to speak about the prospective benefit, then clinical studies regarding the effect of the drug on the fetus were not conducted. That's why you should not self-medicate. At the slightest bleeding immediately consult a doctor. In the event that a woman has abrupt placenta, most likely the doctor will prescribe a number of drugs and bed rest. In such a situation, in order to save the baby's life, all the prescriptions of the doctor must be strictly observed.

The most commonly prescribed tablets are dicinone,the instructions of which include all the necessary information for the patient. The effect is observed 1-3 hours after administration. You should clearly understand that dicinone during pregnancy in some cases will help to save the life of your child. Without reason, the doctor will not prescribe this medicine. However, self-medication with dicinone can lead to fatal consequences.

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