/ / Endometritis: symptoms, treatment, effects and forms

Endometritis: symptoms, treatment, effects and forms

Inflammation of the uterus is calledendometritis. It can be chronic and acute. This disease necessarily requires adequate treatment, otherwise it can lead to various pathologies, including infertility.

And with this form of his woman to become pregnant will not help even IVF. In this case, the only option will be to use the services of a surrogate mother.

In general, such severe consequences resultchronic sluggish endometritis without obvious symptoms. He almost does not show himself, and the woman turns to the doctor too late, when she can not conceive or bear a child.

As a rule, acute endometritis, whose treatmentshould be carried out in a hospital, becomes chronic if the measures are taken out of time, inadequately or not accepted at all. Therefore it is important to consult a gynecologist at the first signs of the disease, especially if it was preceded by childbirth, abortion, menstruation, spiral installation, surgical or diagnostic manipulation.

So, acute endometritis symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • increase in temperature to 38;
  • chills;
  • pain and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • sleep disturbance, anxiety, irritability;
  • sometimes constipation;
  • soreness in palpation;
  • purulent discharge with blood;
  • the uterus is enlarged, its consistency is milder;
  • in the analysis of blood, increased ESR and white blood cells.

Usually inflammation is detected after a fewdays after infection. With adequate treatment after 10 days, recovery occurs. Otherwise, the disease will become chronic. And it's much harder to cope with it.

Chronic endometritis symptoms:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • spotting after and before menstruation, and between them;
  • periodic purulent discharge;
  • when examined, the palpation of the uterus is painless, but it is compacted and enlarged;
  • aching pain in the abdomen, giving back;
  • miscarriage or infertility.

To diagnose it, use a scrapingUterus with the subsequent study of scraping of the endometrium. Manipulation is carried out on day 9 of the cycle. In addition, ultrasound helps to identify changes in the structure of the endometrium.

If the doctor suspects the patient is acuteendometritis, the symptoms are confirmed by research, then it is sent to a hospital. There she must be assigned bed rest, control of bowel function, diet. The woman is prescribed antibiotics. Cold is applied to the stomach in the first few days. In addition, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and restorative drugs are prescribed.

Endometritis can be specific, that is, caused by gonococci, chlamydia and other microorganisms, which normally should not be in the body. As a rule, STDs are brought to him.

To the causative agents of nonspecific endometritisis a conditionally pathogenic flora, that is, organisms that in a small amount can be present in the body. However, when they become too much, they cause inflammation.

For the treatment of chronic endometritis,restorative, sedative, antihistamines and vitamins. In addition, such physiotherapeutic procedures as acupuncture, UFO, UHF, electrophoresis with zinc or iodine, ultrasound are used.

If there is uterine bleeding, then usedicinone, aminocaproic acid, hormonal homeostasis. Apply immunostimulating therapy. If there are signs of exacerbation, then use antibacterial drugs.

An important component of the treatment of chronic endometritis is the normalization of the vaginal microflora. For this, vaginal tampons with bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin are used.

So, if a woman suspects an acute orchronic endometritis, symptoms and studies confirm fears, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Since untimely and inadequate treatment can deprive her of the joy of motherhood, and also cause uterine bleeding and other problems.

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