/ / Fish fire barb: photos, breeding, maintenance

Fire Barbus Fish: photo, breeding, maintenance

Barbus fiery - aquarium fish familyCarp, conquered European aquarium hobbyists in the twentieth century. Beginners like it with unpretentiousness, and the knowledgeable owners of aquariums appreciate its peace-loving disposition. The fish is also called Puntius. Why is it called fiery? About this and many other things you can learn from the article.


A flock of fire barb

During the spawning season, the fish acquires a bright color.For this it is called fiery. Adults usually reach a length of five centimeters. The largest are individuals whose length reaches fifteen centimeters. But this applies to the inhabitants of natural reservoirs. Their natural habitat is Bangladesh, the northeastern part of India, the island of Southeast Asia. Under good conditions, the fish lives for about five years.

The body of an individual is torpedo-shaped, compressed at its sides.It does not differ from most aquarium fish. There is a split on the caudal fin. This helps carp representatives move quickly in the water. At the base of the tail you can see a black speck of a rounded shape.

Determining the gender of Puntius is quite simple.The male is relatively smaller in size, has a more saturated color, its dorsal fin is of a reddish shade with black edging. The female fire barb differs wide abdomen, colorless fins. Fish shimmer in different colors - from greenish to fiery red.


Fire Barbus Golden Color

Barbus fire has several varieties. They all look great in an aquarium.

Separately, it is necessary to allocate the voile specimen.It has unusual fins that make the fish even brighter and more attractive. There is also a neon specimen. It is not very different from the usual Puntius, although its color is more saturated and shimmers in different shades. Such an acquisition will decorate the aquarium and provide the owner with aesthetic pleasure.

Choice Aquarium

Barbus fire is considered unpretentious residentaquariums. However, the volume of the tank, where these fish will live, must be at least sixty liters. If it is assumed that only a flock of Puntius will live in the aquarium, it is better to choose a low and elongated tank. The fact is that the fish swim close to the bottom, so high capacity will be useless. The aquarium itself should definitely be covered with a lid, because pets love jumping out of the water.

The tank should be equipped with a systemfiltration and aeration. Lack of oxygen can lead to diseases. Lighting should not be bright, so the fish are not afraid. Enough fluorescent lamp for 25 watts.

The tank should not be placed near heaters and in direct sunlight.


Fire barb breeding conditions

Carp representatives are often found innewbie aquariums because of their simplicity. They live in moderately warm water, the temperature of which is +18 ... + 22 degrees Celsius. With a short-term decrease in temperature of 5-8 degrees, they will survive. Warm for them is too warm water.

Water hardness and acidity should bestandard. Hardness indicators should be within 4-18 units, and acidity - 6.5-7.5 units. Every day it is necessary to change the third part of the volume of water. It should be defended beforehand.


Fire barbus

Содержание барбуса огненного не считается сложным.This applies not only to life in cool water, but also the choice of soil. The size of the fraction and its color, you can choose any. Experts usually advise to stop the selection on the dark colors of the soil, which are well set off the colorful color of Puntius.

The bottom can be equipped with grottoes or other secluded places. In them, the fish will feel safe.


Представителей карповых следует баловать a variety of food. This will keep them healthy. Moth and daphnia come from live food. Vegetable foods include algae, spinach, and lettuce leaves. If the fish will not get the vegetable food in the right quantity, they will eat the aquarium plants. Before feeding, plants must be scalded with boiling water. This minimizes the likelihood of contamination of water and fish with infections and bacteria that may be on the green.

Как и любых аквариумных питомцев, пунтиусов can not overfeed. From this they can die. If the fish burp food, leave it in water, then the amount of food should be reduced. A healthy individual should eat the feed within a few minutes.

How does fire barb breeding? We will discuss this further.


Fiery Vulic Barbus

Increasing the number of Puntius is relatively simple. This requires preliminary training:

  • select the brightest representatives for spawning;
  • males should be twice as large (usually two females and four males are taken);
  • fish settled in a container, well fed with a variety of food during the week;
  • a spawning area of ​​30–50 liters is being prepared;
  • clean defended water +20 ... + 24 degrees Celsius is poured into the spawning tank;
  • small-leaved plants and separator net are placed in water;
  • water in spawning should be aerated, but without active flow;
  • lighting needs to be kept to a minimum;
  • fish are settled in spawning in the late evening;
  • spawning will begin in the morning of the new day;
  • the fish will spawn, after which they can be returned to the general aquarium;
  • the water level in spawning is reduced to ten centimeters.

In two days, the eggs will become larvae.All this time it is necessary to conduct active aeration in the tank. Water should be changed to fresh (necessarily defended), pouring it in small volumes into the aquarium. Larvae will become fry after one or two days. When the young begin to swim independently, you can pour food. It is worth starting with living dust, ciliates. Then you should go on a regular meal. Fry grow quickly, in eight months they reach puberty.

Fire barb with a golden sheen

Photos barb fiery especially good in periodspawning, when the fish get a very saturated color. Usually one female spawns about 500 eggs. Of course, not all of them will become fry, most will die.

Breeding fiery barbs is prettyfascinating occupation. His strength to hold and novice. The main thing is to do the right preparation and select the most mobile males, and after spawning, remove them from the tank in a timely manner. If this is not done, then all the eggs, most likely, will be eaten before turning into larvae.

Compatibility with other types of

The fiery barb fishes are quite peaceful.They prefer to live in flocks. For a comfortable stay it is good to start them in the amount of six to seven individuals. They are considered good neighbors for small and calm fish. However, it should be noted that Puntius is a very mobile breed, therefore it is better to settle it with the same restless representatives of aquariums.

The list of fish recommended for sharing includes such inhabitants of aquariums:

  • neons;
  • rasbry;
  • danios;
  • petilia.

Do not settle in the same tank with barbssedentary fish. Otherwise, too mobile pets will always bother their neighbors. Also banned should be individuals with veil fins. Carp representatives can attack and nibble the fins of their neighbors.

Compatibility with plants

Fiery barbus appearance

Barbus fiery must be in the aquarium withplants. They can float on the surface of the water or be mounted in the ground. In this case, the fish will feel more comfortable. However, the plants should not be too thick so that aquarium pets do not cling to them during their active games. This will harm both fish and greenery.

In general, aquarium lovers are goodspeak about barbs. They are valued for their unpretentiousness to food, beautiful appearance, the ability to breed independently, the ability to survive during a sharp cooling of water. But this does not mean that they do not need care at all. The fish need good water filtration, additional oxygen, a large tank. You can settle them in flocks or with other active and peace-loving inhabitants of aquariums.

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