/ / Red tetra or minor fish: features of the content in the aquarium

Red tetra or minor fish: features of the content in the aquarium

Among a large variety of aquarium fishpeople prefer beautiful and unusual specimens. The rarest and most exotic species are found in remote corners of the planet, where nature creates ideal conditions for their existence. Among them, the minor is a small fish, which belongs to the family of Haracin and lives in the reservoirs of Brazil (from Guyana to the Paraguay River).


minor fish

Minor live and breed in southern areasAmazon Basin (South America). Their length reaches 5 centimeters. The body is elongated in length, and compressed at the sides. The back of the fish is brownish-olive, the side has a rich red tint, a slight black spot can be seen behind the gill cover. The dorsal fin has a black contour at the edges, the tip of which remains white. Other fins are red-ruby.

Females are much denser than males and have lessbright and saturated coloring. Aquarium fish minor has a different name - red tetra. These are schooling and peaceful representatives of the underwater world who love to swim in the lower water layers.


Minor have a playful character and preferhave a rest in dense thickets. Fish enter sexual maturity by 8 months, but do not create steam. But in a single copy, a minor fish can become aggressive. She begins to hunt for smaller representatives or enter into a fight with calmer fish.

fish minor content
Red tetra unpretentious in food:minors are happy to take any kind of feed. They can offer live moth, artemia, daphnia, Cyclops, dry gammarusa. The diet can include dry dandelion leaves, lettuce, spinach and duckweed. The best would be the alternation of these feeds.

Minor is an active fish, and therefore it requires a similar environment or fish that will be stress resistant to its mobility. You can choose barbs, rasborov, catfish, placium, labo and iris.


A flock of minors (5–6 individuals) can be kept inaquarium, having a length of 60 centimeters. It is better to have live algae, thickets and floating plants in the tank, which will create shady places. They love to rest red tetra. But water accessories should not block up the free swimming place.

Unpretentious small fish minor, the content of whichlimited to minimal comfort, prefers weekly water change (at 25% of the total). The temperature in the aquarium should not be below + 22ºC. One fish should be about 10 liters of water. The water in the aquarium should be filtered.

minor fish photo

For minors, it is better to pick up a dark ground, which is recommended to decorate with Thai ferns, Javanese moss and Echinodorus.

Fearful and sedentary fish can feel bad in the company of red tetra. And all because the Minors like to start fights and bite the long fins of their neighbors.

In good conditions and with the right content red tetra can live up to 6 years.


For the minor fish to breed, for hera spawning aquarium is needed, the bottom of which covers an area of ​​700 square centimeters. The tank should contain a separator net, a small bush of small-leaved plants. Water temperature should be at least + 30ºC. Aquarium lighting should be made dimmed, and the light itself - scattered. Fresh or ground water can be used for spawning.

In the prepared aquarium in the evening is placedselected pair. As a rule, spawning begins in the morning and ends at sunrise. Mating sometimes takes several days. During the spawning period, the pair cannot be fed. Only after mating fish can give a small handful of small moth.

The female minor throws about 250 small eggs,having a grayish color. They sink to the bottom and settle in the thickets of plants. After spawning is completed, the separator mesh and plants, from which the eggs are first shaken off, are removed from the aquarium. After this, the aquarium capacitance is dimmed to prevent direct rays of light from falling there.

aquarium fish minor

Eggs are extremely sensitive to touch.therefore, they should not be touched. The incubation period lasts about 30 hours. After 4–5 days, the fry should swim. After that, the aquarium can include lighting and aeration.


Minor - fish, the photo of which is presented invarious sources about the underwater world may become unrecognizable. The fact is that minors can easily mate with similar species of fish. As a result, unusual specimens are obtained, the type of which can be determined only by an experienced aquarist. Some amateurs are able to display veil and albino forms in aquariums.

Minor have the following varieties:

  • Hyphessobrycon serape.
  • Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi.
  • Hyphessobrycon minor.

They differ in the size of the black spot and the height of the body itself.

Red tetra is a real decoration of the aquarium. The playful nature of the fish, their exotic coloring is pleasing to the eye and uplifting.

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