/ / Resource of car engine as the main indicator of quality

Resource car engine as the main indicator of quality

Buying a new car, many motoriststhey pay much more attention to the resource of the engine than to its other parameters, even if they are based on commercials for each individual model. While the manufacturer boasts the maximum speed of its offspring, soothes low levels of toxicity and lures its attractive economy, the critical-minded customer is looking for a cherished figure in the technical documentation defining guaranteed performance, within which the stated performance of the machine will be maintained.

As the most expensive unit (and in terms ofmanufacturing, and in terms of repair), the motor makes pay special attention to themselves. It is not surprising that the resource of the engine is so important in assessing the potential of the car. Approximate, but quite obvious is the determination of the quality of its production by guaranteed mileage or a period of work before an overhaul. It should be noted that under the overhaul understand the type of maintenance, involving the dismantling of the crankshaft.

Design of domestic small car fromVolga automakers required to declare a resource for the very first family of 125 thousand km, by the start of the “tenth” generation this figure had already increased to 150 thousand km. Being a criterion rather vague, the resource determined in this way has a high visibility and ease of perception.

At the expiration of these terms the car cancontinue to work with the old indicators of power, fuel consumption and oil, and there may be a change in these parameters or even a loss of performance. This proves once again that the engine resource indicator is very conditional.

Engine mileage detectionmileage is a conditional indicator. In fact, the operating conditions of the power unit heart greatly affect the performance of the engine. Not in vain, for research purposes, during Soviet times, VAZ engineers exchanged among the population for a certain batch of engines with extreme levels of mileage from various geographical areas. These studies have shown that the most important condition for the long life of the motor is the quality of its manufacture (depends on the manufacturer) and compliance with the rules of its operation (placed on the shoulders of the user).

Отечественный автопроизводитель в лице Every year, Togliatti automakers are getting closer and closer to European standards in terms of the quality of their products. As for the engines, each unit passes mandatory testing up to running-in, which allows us to pay less attention to this procedure than it was on the first samples of the VAZ family.

The manufacturer guarantees that the engine life,installed on modern cars, is a reasonable figure. Hot running is carried out on each motor. For the “classic” variants, this procedure was given 15 minutes; front-wheel drive units pass it within 6.5 minutes. In addition, a test twenty-hour engine running-in periodically occurs at maximum speed (6000). After that, the test sample is completely sorted out and its reliability is assessed visually.

Having passed all the tests, a brand new carpractically does not require running in, although this procedure is described in detail in the instruction manual. Obviously, this is an additional reinsurance, and after the overhaul of the motor, the procedure of lapping the steam can no longer be done.

Considering the durability of motors,It should be noted that the resource of a diesel engine to maintain it at a sufficiently high level requires the use of parts more durable than for gasoline counterparts. No matter how attractive the design of the motor, using a three-edged rotor-piston in the form of a Relo triangle, until he found wide application. The fact is that the resource of the rotary engine is much lower than that of its relatives of the category of ICE.

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