/ / Care of a newborn child: features, recommendations

Care for a newborn baby: features, recommendations

Care for the newborn is a heavy moral andphysical work. Almost every young mother faces this or that problem, when a long-awaited baby appears in the light. What should be the care of the newborn in the first month of life and beyond?

In the hospital

First, the mother with the child is in the hospital.Here, the medical staff can help with the basic manipulations for the care of the newborn on the first day of life. But still mother is completely responsible.

In the maternity hospital the woman is still gaining strength, it is not so easy to care for the newborn. She gets used to breastfeeding and a new day regimen for her.

It is worth noting that in the early days the child is largepart of the time is asleep. Therefore, the woman should spend the most time on this dream. When the baby falls asleep, you need to go to rest it also, because then such an opportunity may not be due to domestic problems.

The first days of the house

After discharge from the maternity home, all the actions for caring for the newborn fall on the shoulders of the parents. They must get used to the new rhythm of life. Initially, you need to prepare a "corner" for the baby.

Necessarily in the room you need to install a cot with bumpers, changing table and chest of drawers for the things of the child. It's better if the baby is in the same room as the parents until the year.

Thus, care for the newborn in the early daysat once several times easier. Night feeding will not become superheavy because of the transition from room to room. It is necessary to provide a lamp. It is useful during the night awakening of the baby.

It is desirable that household problems and concerns beare divided between the spouses in half, so that the woman has time for a full rest. If this is not possible, then you can bring to this case grandmothers or other relatives and acquaintances.


Is it relevant now? Even 15-20 years ago swaddling was an obligatory manipulation in the care of a newborn. A month or more in this way the baby was fixed in one position and slept peacefully.

care for the newborn in the first month of life

Now more and more often children are given complete freedom of movement from the first days. Pediatricians also do not insist on this manipulation. But especially troubled babies can be swaddled, and sometimes even necessary.

Up to 5-6 months the child commits involuntarymovement and wakes itself up. To prevent this from happening, you can fix it with the help of diapers. Sometimes use this method only before the breast or vice versa. It turns out that swaddling feet of a newborn or his hands.

But more and more often mothers do not use this method and children sleep just in men. Thus, the baby gradually gets used to his feelings and movements, which stop interfering with him.

Handle the navel

Now in the maternity hospitals modern devices are used to fix part of the umbilical cord. For this, special plastic clothespins are used. The baby is prescribed home with an umbilical cord.

In the first days, the navel is treated with greenery.After the separation of the clothespins with the remnants of the umbilical cord, the withdrawal will change somewhat. In this period, before the healing is complete, hydrogen peroxide must be applied before processing the green.

Such manipulation is carried out cautiously, withusing a cotton swab. Then, after drying, the same greenery is applied in a small amount. Such care for a newborn child should be done several times a day and especially carefully after bathing.

These manipulations will have to be done until the umbilical wound is fully healed. The pediatrician who observes the baby will report this on a routine examination.


According to all WHO recommendations, it is advisable for a baby to eat up to one and a half years of mother's milk. Breastfeeding is supported now from the first minutes of a baby's life.

Even before the circumcision of the umbilical cord, the baby is put to the breast of the mother in the delivery room. Thus, the first drops of colostrum provide good immunity to the newborn.


According to the new standards, the child should be breast-fed on demand, and not by the hour, as it happened before. Thus, the arrival of milk becomes more, as a result, it is enough for the newborn.

But there are times when the baby around the clock "hangs" on his mother's breast. Then it is better to keep the time frame, otherwise the whole day the woman will be busy only with feeding.

Artificial feeding

Care for a newborn child may become a bit more complicated if it is not possible to organize breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to switch to artificial infant formula.

Selection should be based on the specific health of a particular baby and the solvency of parents. Unfortunately, now quality mixes are very expensive.

artificial feeding of a child

The choice of food should be agreed with the pediatrician.He will suggest the best option for quality and price. If the baby has a rash or severe colic after applying a particular mixture, then it needs to be replaced.

It is also very important to take a responsible approach to choosingnutrition for small children. For them a special high-calorie mixture is on sale. It is worth remembering that from 6-9 months of introduction of complementary foods, so the amount of the mixture is calculated taking into account this condition.


In the first days of home, my mother is difficultorient in a mode and to be defined with rules on care of the newborn. Bathing is best done in a few days after dropping the remainder of the umbilical cord with a clothespin.

For this manipulation, it is best to first usea baby bath. For swimming, you need to prepare warm water. Previously it was believed that it should be boiled. Modern pediatricians do not advise to do this and bother themselves with unnecessary unnecessary actions.

bathing a child

The water temperature is regulated by a special thermometer and should be 37-390. Another 10-20 years ago for swimming usedbroths of various herbs. Now mom can optionally add them to the bath, but with extreme caution, so that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.

When bathing, use a baby soapwithout additives. It is advisable to hold the newborn's head in the palm of your hand, so that water does not get into the ears. In the first months of life, bathing should be done whenever possible every day, so that the skin of the baby is cleaned, and the body relaxes before going to bed.

Do I need a dummy?

This question puzzles almost every young mother. If the kid behaves calmly and does not require unnecessary attention, then without this accessory, you can easily manage.

If the child often screams and can not stayand for a moment without mother's breast, it is better to offer him a pacifier. Thus, he will satisfy his sucking reflex and will enable parents to do their own business.

baby with pacifier

It is worth noting that the main thing is to disinfect the baby from the pacifier in time, so that in the future he does not have problems with bite. It is better to do this by 6-8 months.

Hygienic procedures

Every morning after awakening, the mother must perform certain actions to take care of the newborn in the first month of life. These activities include:

  • cleaning of ears and nose;
  • treatment of skin folds;
  • skin care under the diaper.

To perform these actions, you shouldread some rules. First of all, you can not clean the ears and nose of a newborn with cotton buds. They can damage the delicate skin and internal organs of hearing and smell.

For this purpose, special sticks with stops are provided. Better yet, independently, make wadded flagella, which will bend and can not hurt the baby.

Before each replacement of the diaper, it is necessary to wash the baby to the waist and apply special means for the newborn to the skin in this area. Thus, it will be possible to avoid diaper rash on the baby's skin.


Many parents face problems in the abdominal pain in toddlers. A sudden cry that is difficult to stop in a child can be associated with colic.

They occur in many children for a reasonnon-formation of intestinal microflora. With colic, not all babies come across, but who fall into the "lucky ones" provide "stormy" days and nights to their parents.

colic in the baby

To avoid such trouble, momit is advisable to adhere to a special diet. Now it is not very strict, as a few dozen years ago. Pediatricians have proven that many previously banned products do not act negatively on the baby. But still a woman should avoid some food:

  • beans;
  • cabbage;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • too fried food;
  • a large number of flour products;
  • lots of chocolate.

These foods can cause bloating and allergic reactions of the baby.

If the colic "did not pass by" the baby, thenyou can use the pharmacy from them. Special drugs will need to be given to the baby before each feeding. Scientists have proved that they are completely safe for young children.

In moments of colic, you can also attach to the tummythe child a warm diaper. In extreme and rare cases, the use of a gas pipe is permitted. At no time can not be used for these purposes, "grandmother's" methods - grades and cotton buds.


If the baby was born in the warm season, the first exit to the street is allowed immediately after discharge from the hospital. You can walk every day, with a gradual increase in the time spent in the fresh air.

Care of the newborn in the first months necessarily includes staying on the street. Thus, the child receives the required amount of vitamin D from the sun's rays.

And also the immune system is strengthened and the nervous systemthe child relaxes in the fresh air. It is necessary to avoid walking in a particularly hot time, so that the newborn does not get a heat stroke. It is also not recommended to be exposed to sunlight.

It is better to walk in the shade or in the evening.In the cold season, you also need to go out with a newborn to the street. On frosty days, the first walks should start from 15 minutes with a daily increase in time.

If the house has a balcony, then in the first monthlife you can do walks on it. In winter, you need to be outdoors with a newborn to 2 hours, but under the condition of a temperature regime of at least - 100.

Features of care for the newborn in the first months

A small child in a family makes parentsrebuild completely life. Often have to sacrifice their interests for the sake of the heirs. But do not forget that nobody canceled personal life. Members of the family where the child was born should pay attention and do not forget about their relationship.

It is necessary to leave time for rest to the woman, that at thoracal feeding enough milk was produced. And also parents are obliged to closely monitor the child and his behavior.

care for the newborn

When a newborn month, the development and care for it must comply with the standards that the pediatrician indicates. The child should stop looking at large objects and start to babble.

The baby in the first month of life is on schedulefrom 500 to 1000 g. If the indicators are less, then you need to contact a specialist for adjusting the feeding. The doctor can send for additional examinations to find out the reasons for the shortage in weight.

And also in this period the child must passnecessary narrow experts who can in time find out congenital problems and help in their treatment. From the first month, children who are on artificial feeding increase the daily dose of the mixture. It can be seen in the table above and adjust the quantity.

Do not be afraid or hesitate to ask questionspediatrician on a scheduled visit, which must be observed on a monthly basis. Thus, it is possible to detect problems in time and solve them. And also remember that the care of a newborn girl in the first months does not differ from the general rules.

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