/ / Healthy lifestyle for the child: the program

Healthy lifestyle for the child: the program

All parents want their little ones to grow up.strong and happy. Unfortunately, not all modern children can boast of good health. Pediatricians claim that today's children are sick more often than their peers 10-15 years ago. Yes, and physical endurance, they also do not differ. Why it happens? The average child sits a lot at home, with a computer, does not move much, irregularly and irrationally eats. The fact that children have bad habits has a negative effect. As a result of all this, by the time they reach adolescence they develop chronic diseases and hypodynamia. To avoid these problems will help a healthy lifestyle. It is very important for a child, as it is the basis of his physical well-being in the future.

Healthy lifestyle for a child

First steps to health

To teach children to strive to be healthyfrom the first years of life. In children, it should become a habit to wash their hands, bathe regularly, brush their teeth, do morning exercises, spend time in the fresh air, watch out for the tidiness of their clothes. Parents teach these elementary things of the child even before he goes to kindergarten. As children grow up, educators and teachers join in caring for their health. The project “Healthy lifestyle” exists today in all domestic educational institutions. For each age category developed their own programs. Despite the fact that there are many of them, they have one goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical, psychological and spiritual health of the child, to accustom him to the rules of hygiene and self-care, to inculcate the concept that there can be nothing more valuable than good health.

Healthy lifestyle project

How to work with kids in preschool?

Forming a healthy lifestyle for children inkindergarten should begin with an explanation of what is harmful and beneficial for a growing organism. It is necessary for babies to give in an accessible form an idea about the structure of their body, features of the organism, to instill in them the skills of self-hygiene. A child at kindergarten age is taught to determine when he gets sick, to complain about the poor health of the teacher or parents. Much attention is paid to the physical development of preschoolers. They are not only accustomed to the need for daily performance of charging, but also explain why it is needed and how it affects the human body. All work with the kids is carried out in a playful way, because this is how they learn best of all their knowledge and gain new skills. Successful implementation of the program is possible only in the case of the interaction of caregivers with the parents of children.

The main directions of the programs

Healthy lifestyle programs in kindergartenconsist of several important and closely related areas. These include treatment-and-prophylactic occupations, physical development and health procedures, care for psychological well-being, proper diet and prevention of injuries.

learning a healthy lifestyle for children

Keeping babies healthy in practice

Therapeutic and preventive work in kindergartensis to teach kids to the mode of the day, the ability to determine their health, to comply with hygiene requirements. For this, preschool institutions create a comfortable mode in groups, conduct daily walks and outdoor games on the street, pay attention to the hardening of children.

Физическое воспитание и оздоровление дошкольников includes morning exercises and exercises after a nap, jogging, sports, finger exercises. Encouraged joint exercise of children and parents. Educators not only teach their wards to motor activity, but also tell them about the rules of safe behavior during physical education.

In order to avoid problems with mentalhealth of the kids, throughout the day, the teachers arrange for them moments of silence, musical pauses. This allows children to relax, relieve nervous tension.

A healthy lifestyle for a child has a closethe relationship with the quality of the food he eats. In order to help him grow up healthy, the educational institutions regularly promote the benefits of nutrition.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children

The level of childhood injuries every yearis increasing. In order to reduce it, adults spend explanatory conversations with pupils about how to avoid accidents, how to behave during a fire, etc. In order to prevent car accidents, children are taught from an early age to correctly cross the roadway and explain to them the consequences of breaking the rules. road traffic.

Health students

The problems of a healthy lifestyle of children beginafter they go to school. The child who crossed the threshold of the class is no longer treated as a child. Changes in the daily regimen, new requirements, lessons and other factors leave their mark on the state of health of pupils of elementary grades. Most often, it is during this period that children experience digestive disorders, scoliosis, insufficient motor activity, visual impairment, and mental disorders.

Health programs in primary school

Проекты по привлечению к здоровому образу жизни, designed for undergraduates, have several important goals. First, they are aimed at the formation of the younger generation of respect for their own body. Secondly, such programs contribute to the adaptation of children in society, which in the future will allow them to avoid such harmful habits as smoking, drug and alcohol use. The implementation of such projects is possible with the close cooperation of the teaching staff with the parents of the students.

Healthy lifestyle program

Teaching healthy lifestyles for younger childrenThe school consists of several main areas. Teachers instill in students the concept of the value of well-being, that it is much easier to save than to restore it. The younger school age is the right time to expand the knowledge of children about health. They hold conversations and games on topics relating to the rules of hygiene, the need to play sports, to harden, to eat rationally.

Education of pupils of elementary grades

During this period, prevention of the occurrence ofchild of bad habits, which will continue throughout the entire time of his schooling. He is taught to resist the negative influence of elder comrades, to have a strong position in relation to factors negatively affecting health. Pupils are attracted to various types of useful work that will help them develop their abilities and subsequently realize themselves in life. Much attention is paid to the physical activity of schoolchildren: they regularly carry out morning exercises and physical education classes, and children are also encouraged to attend the sports sections. The program of a healthy lifestyle is to work not only with students, but also with their moms and dads. At meetings, educators educate parents on issues related to the adaptation of children to school, their involvement in sports, nutrition, prevention of bad habits, and so on.

Problems of a healthy lifestyle for children

The work of teachers with teenagers

After graduating from primary school majorThe direction of educational work with students remains a healthy lifestyle. Grade 5 and all subsequent ones - this is the time when most children follow the rules of hygiene, are familiar with sports and the basics of nutrition, have a strong negative attitude towards harmful habits. The task of teachers is the dedication of students in more detailed information about a healthy lifestyle. To do this, children regularly conduct educational conversations about the benefits of sports and physical activity, the prevention of viral catarrhal diseases, and the rules for caring for your own body. Teachers continue work against children’s addiction to alcohol, tobacco and drugs. The project “Healthy lifestyle” in middle and high school also includes the sexual education of students, appropriate for their age. Teenagers are introduced to the basics of sexual behavior, various sexually transmitted diseases and ways to avoid infection with them.

The value of the environment in the education of man

Healthy lifestyle for a child of any ageinextricably linked with his family. If his inner circle (parents, grandparents, elder brothers and sisters) play sports, watch themselves, eat right, do not have destructive habits, then the student will see a positive example in front of him, and it will be much easier for him to grow up as a full-fledged person not affected diseases and addictions. In problem families, where adults abuse alcohol, smoke, take drugs, raise healthy children is unlikely to succeed. It is also important with whom the child regularly communicates. Children often fall under the bad influence of comrades who have destructive habits. To avoid this, adults need to carefully monitor those with whom their offspring are friends, and prevent their communication with questionable persons.

Healthy lifestyle groups

Group participation

A healthy lifestyle for a child should bethe norm. Responsibility for it is equally borne by parents, educators and educators. Every person is obliged to understand from his very childhood that his state of health depends on him, and he should make every effort to stay strong as long as possible. In this he will be helped by healthy lifestyle groups that are popular today among people of any age. Such organizations are peculiar interest clubs, where participants get together to get the information of interest to them, to conduct joint training, go hiking and so on. If the child begins to attend such a group, he will definitely grow up healthy, as he will be surrounded by like-minded people.

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