/ / "Not to leave a stone on a stone": the meaning of a phraseological unit and examples

"Not to leave a stone on a stone": the meaning of a phraseological unit and examples

Many wonderful idioms gave usThe Bible is the most printed book ever since. The expression "do not leave a stone unturned" everyone knows, probably. Consider its value, origin and give examples.

Origin and meaning

If the reader wants to see the phrase inthe original source, then he should look into the Gospel of Matthew. Do not think that we do not know the specific location of the expression. The speech turn "not to leave a stone on a stone" is "to the address": the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verse 2.

not a stone unturned

Смысл его – разрушить до основания.But it is often used in the sense of "smash the head off." In general - to destroy, do not leave anything. Even if you do not know the history, you can guess. For example, often when buildings are destroyed, the foundation remains. And the expression, in turn, says that even building materials will not. To leave a stone on a stone means to destroy everything to a state of dust.


The expression is not ashamed to use in public:in speeches, comments, in ordinary conversation between people. He is particularly fond of sports journalists for the accuracy of the wording. Moreover, various competitions have to scathing metaphors. For example, like this: Inter broke Milan in a derby; "black and blue" did not leave a stone unturned in the protection of neighbors.

Therefore, even a person who has never discoveredThe Bible, restoring meaning to the context, will easily answer the question about the meaning of an expression. Of course, one must be interested in sports. But now the state program is such that only those who do not turn on the TV are not keen on sports. The rest is more or less up to date.

do not leave a phraseological stone on stone

A separate story is the ideology of "healthy lifestyle."life, or abbreviated HLS. It can be treated as you please, but one thing is indisputable - going to the gym is better than drinking vodka. In other words, we are sure that a healthy lifestyle will not leave a stone unturned in the nation’s bad habits True, the main thing is that the whole thing should not be imposed, otherwise there will be no sense, but it’s not worth the sad things.

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