/ / Yorkshire Terriers: minuses and plusses of the breed

Yorkshire Terriers: minuses and pluses of the breed

And you noticed that now, walking along the street, youmore often meet ladies with small dogs in their hands than men with huge dogs on a leash? Previously, a pocket-sized dog was considered a luxury, as, for example, the Yorkshire Terrier puppies cost a lot of money, and only a very well-to-do family could afford. Now almost every child asks his parents for a birthday present for a small friend, and in almost half of them this dream is sure to come true. There are a lot of them now: Toy Terriers, Pekingese, dwarf lapdogs, Yorkshire terriers. The disadvantages and advantages of this phenomenon, of course, exist, but it is hardly possible to resist a small barking ball of real happiness.

Yorkshire Terrier
If you have already decided exactly what you wantget yourself a little friend, pay attention to a breed of dogs, like Yorkshire terriers. The disadvantages and advantages of this breed will be discussed later, but first we will tell you a short history of these remarkable dogs. They appeared relatively recently, in the 19th century, in a small town in England. Breeded terriers were like hunting dogs, for catching rodents. Their size and long hair are designed just to pull dogs from the mink of small animals. However, their role as hunters did not last long, as these lovely creatures were seen by ladies from high society, who certainly wanted to have a toy of their own at home. And after a while every true lady at any social reception had to have a Yorkshire terrier mini with a bow on her head.

Elegant dogs with their own individualcharacter, hair and personal wardrobe - these are Yorkshire terriers. The disadvantages and advantages of dogs can be discussed and contested for a long time, as many opinions on this breed differ.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  1. Due to the fact that this breed has become very popular in recent years, the quality of the pups is deteriorating, since it is simply not possible to check the entire pedigree.
  2. Yorkshire Terriers have a very capriciouscharacter - they are kind of egoists. These dogs need a lot of attention and care. However, all this will be returned to you a hundredfold, be sure.
  3. Care for the terriers is also difficult, especially if you are preparing them for the exhibition: daily combing, washing, hairstyles and much more can overtake you.
  4. This breed is characterized by frequent problems with the teeth, and therefore their regular cleaning and removal of plaque is necessary.
  5. For Yorkshire terriers have to take away the wholeshelf in the closet, because in the cold season they need warm clothes and shoes. Due to the fact that they do not have undercoat, dogs freeze in winter, and they have to dress up.
    yorkshire terriers


  1. An unusually friendly and affectionate breed of dogs that will pour you from head to foot in the morning and will gladly bark from the fact that you woke up.
  2. Yorkshire terriers are anti-allergic, sincehave an undercoat that causes an allergic reaction in sensitive people. They do not shed, and their hair resembles human hair, so they need regular haircuts.
  3. They perfectly coexist in the apartments and can evendo not require daily walking, but for hygiene you have to lay him a moisture-absorbing diaper. But despite this, we should not forget that the terriers in any case need to walk in the fresh air.
  4. yorkshire terriers
    Yorkshire terrier is just a little shaggy happiness in your home: funny, funny, cheerful.

    So, if you decide to have yourselfa small friend, ideally for this purpose Yorkshire terriers, minuses and pluses of which we have considered. Give him care and affection and in return receive loyalty and unlimited trust.
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