/ / The Sadovaya Juicer will process all vegetables and fruits from your plot

The Sadovaya juice extractor will process all vegetables and fruit from your site

June.The first crops of strawberries were removed, relatives and neighbors were filled, compotes rolled up into three-liter jars, and strawberries every day with a red color of fruits report a new harvest. What to do? The end of June - the early apples sprinkle juicy and velvety apples from the crooked branches. Satisfied, and then what? And so it can continue until November of each year: raspberry, currant, cherry, plum. Tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkins, dill, celery and other vegetables remain under the trees and beds and become fertilizer for future harvests.

garden squeezer
Соковыжималка «Садовая» выполнена из добротных materials and has a robust design. Squeeze the juice from the apples, mash the tomatoes and pumpkin, chop the cabbage and chop the eggplants - all this can be juicer "Garden". Belarus is the only former Soviet republic that has managed to preserve and multiply all the good that remains of the Soviet Union: first of all, it is an inherited production potential. And the achievement was the reorientation to meet the needs of its own population. In the rich in agriculture, the republic takes care of the preservation of the crop and the complete processing of the crop.

garden juicer Belarus
Основой высокой эффективности соковыжималки "Garden" is a high-strength PVC case and parts made of stainless steel that can withstand heavy loads. Multifunctionality is an additional advantage of the device. Chopping 132 kg of cabbage for a large family or a family holiday is only 60 minutes of work. Prepare 51 liters of plum or apple juice to combat early spring avitaminosis - 1 hour. Cut 102 kg of fruit into slices for making jam - 1 hour of work.

Juicer "Garden" perfectly process the raspberry-orange fruit and vegetable yummy.

garden squeezer reviews
If you have small children in your family, yoube able to prepare semi-finished products from pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant, apple, pear, plum and apricot. Then it will only be subjected to heat treatment and preserve. Does the vine give a big harvest? Squeeze out the juice and let it ferment, and at the end of October arrange yourself a feast “Beaujolais” - a festival of young wine. Do you like borsch with donuts? Squeeze the tomatoes - and tomato juice will be provided until the next harvest.

By the end of the season blanks you are surprisedyou will see in your pantry, cellar and refrigerator a huge number of cans of jam, juice, pickles, salads. To the neighbors' surprised questions about how they managed to process such a quantity of raw materials, there will be only one answer: the Sadovaya juicer helped. Reviews of customers who have tried the juicer in their household are unanimous in the following: it would be good to make a metal case, it would not hurt a separate container for cake meal. Many complain that the net is quickly clogged. The endurance of the device is extreme - 100-200 liters of juice per day, it does not overheat under the conditions of operation. Shredding and slicing are the functions you need. The hardy and unpretentious car, the Sadovaya juice extractor, - extremely useful thing in economy.

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