/ / Metipred during pregnancy. An enemy or friend for a pregnant woman and her baby

Metizred during pregnancy. An enemy or friend for a pregnant woman and her baby

Pregnancy is far from the best time fortaking various medications. Or rather - this is the most inappropriate time for this, because even the most inoffensive and simple drugs require restrictions in admission. What, then, should I do when I have to take strong drugs, such as Metipred?

Metipred is a hormonal drug thatcontains methylprednisol and is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antishock and antiallergic agent. Can be produced in the form of powder for injections or tablets. Metipred when planning pregnancy is prescribed for the treatment of hyperandrogenism (predominance of male hormones in the body of a woman). This is a fairly serious medicine with many contraindications. Therefore, the Metipred should be admitted at the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. Contraindications for use are liver failure and pregnancy. But there are cases when metipred appoint pregnant women.

Метипред при беременности назначают в случае threat of failure. In some situations, taking the drug may last until the end of the period of bearing the baby. This happens when the medication was taken during the pregnancy planning period (although most often it is prescribed only for the first trimester, but there are exceptions). But in most cases it is not recommended to take Metipred during pregnancy. the medicine has a huge list of side effects that are undesirable even for a healthy person.

The degree of side effects depends on howlong you take this medicine, and in what quantity. Take Meti-Pre during pregnancy is necessary in small doses, as a rule, half a tablet a day. If the drug has been taken for a long time, its dosage should be reduced gradually, in no case should the drug be stopped drastically.

Care must be taken when receivingMetipreda with other medicines. Be sure to read the instructions for use and consult with a specialist. For example, if you drink this medicine with regular paracetamol, it can lead to a hypotoxic effect. Admission Metipreda with vitamin D can affect the absorption of calcium in the intestines. And in women who were prescribed medication during conception of the baby, weight may increase. The reason for this is the hormonal action of the drug. Basically, after the end of taking the medicine, the weight becomes the same.

According to many experts,pregnancy has a particularly strong effect, if you wait for the boy, because it affects the adrenal glands of the fetus. The mothers, whose mothers took the medicine during pregnancy, are carefully examined. Despite the fact that Metipred's treatment abroad is practically not appointed, our specialists are not in a hurry to give up this drug. This is because in some cases this medication is the only method of maintaining pregnancy. Many doctors argue that Metipred during pregnancy in small doses is absolutely harmless for both the mother and the baby.

Как показывает многолетняя практика, большинство women who took Metipred during pregnancy, born and gave birth to healthy children, without complications and consequences. But, despite this, the instruction to the drug is alarming. After all, among the side effects of the drug there is a stomach ulcer, mental disorders, a change in the carbon metabolism, osteoporosis, atrophy of the adrenal glands. If you need to take the drug - find an experienced specialist who will prescribe the treatment you need and determine the optimal daily dose of the drug. Discuss with the attending physician all the pros and cons of taking this medication, voice your doubts, if necessary, consult an additional with several experts. And if you still need Metipred, do not wind yourself, constantly re-reading the instructions and scrolling in the head for possible health problems, but watch your health. And do not worry if you have to take risks to get what you want for a long time, because the correct reception of Metipred effectively solves your problem and does not harm you and your future child.

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