/ / Magnesia in pregnancy

Magnesia in pregnancy

Magnesia in pregnancy is prescribed to manywomen. Indications for use of this drug during pregnancy can be all kinds: the threat of premature birth, excess fluid in the body of a pregnant woman. All this can negatively affect both the well-being of the mother herself and negatively affect the health of the child.

Among the many drugs that are most often prescribed to pregnant women, occupies one of the first places - magnesium. This drug can be used throughout the period of pregnancy.

It happens that during pregnancy, momto be diagnosed is a threat of miscarriage. This can happen at any time of pregnancy. In this case, the woman is obligatorily hospitalized and, after carrying out tests and making ultrasound, a preparation of Magnesia is prescribed. It can be prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections, but it is possible to administer this drug intravenously (dropper). Of course, every mother has a question about the safety of taking this drug during pregnancy.

Magnesia in pregnancy is prescribed only if there is a clear indication for this. Let's understand a little about the threat of miscarriage and why this medication is prescribed.

Tone of the uterus - many have heard this term.A tone is when the uterus begins to contract earlier than the expected delivery. Feelings can be compared to pain during menstruation (pulls the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back). Tonus can lead to both miscarriage and fetal pathology. First of all, if such a diagnosis is made, one should not panic - it is easy to get rid of hypertonia. Frequent reasons for its occurrence is the nervous condition of the most pregnant, so you should not worry, you need to pull yourself together and try not to be nervous, and the rest will be done by doctors.

Magnesia during pregnancy is intravenous.

Magnesium sulphate has a number of properties thathelp to treat a lot of diseases, also this drug is prescribed for the maintenance of pregnancy. Magnesia during pregnancy is able to normalize blood pressure, relax the walls of blood vessels, and with its help it is possible to remove hypertension of the uterus; taking this drug helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Many women during pregnancy face such a problem as leakage and poor fluid withdrawal from the body. This, of course, adversely affects the well-being of the pregnant woman, but with the use of magnesia, the outflows go away. Magnesia in pregnancy is also prescribed for gastroscopy with nephropathy, eclampsia, increased blood pressure and if the woman is predisposed to thrombophlebitis.

Magnesia for pregnant women - is it dangerous?

There are doctors who believe that the application of thisthe drug is unacceptable, since the benefits it brings are much less than the harm done. But still, magnesia is prescribed in most cases. Definitely, no doctor can speak in favor of this drug, or against it. Studies have not been conducted, and no one knows how exactly this drug affects the fetus. But based on many years of practice, most doctors are convinced of the safety of this drug. In addition, the tone of the uterus carries a great danger for the fetus, as well as for the pregnant woman. And choosing between these factors, most doctors tend to favor magnesia, trying to keep the pregnancy and the health of the future baby.

Of course, there are side effects of thisdrug, such as: sweating, nausea, dizziness, a rush of blood to the head, anxiety, weakness, a drop in blood pressure. Similarly, you can not take magnesium, if a woman has low blood pressure.

As for the very introduction of the drug, ifit is prescribed intramuscularly, it is quite painful. Intravenous magnesium is prescribed depending on the condition of the patient; she drips slowly and under supervision.

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