/ / Dyufaston in the planning of pregnancy: why and if there is harm?

Duphaston in the planning of pregnancy: why and if there is harm?

90% of women today have health problems, in most cases they are associated with the genitourinary system. Therefore, they are increasingly faced with obstacles to maternity.

One of the causes of infertility is a violation of the hormonal background, including a shortage of progesterone. Fortunately, taking Dufaston tablets when planning pregnancy helps solve this problem.

It has almost no side effects and not only can, but also is actively used until the 20th week of pregnancy. This is due to its selective effect on the endometrium of the uterus, and not on the entire body.

Now the pregnancy against the background of Dufaston is notRare, because it is a reliable drug that has been used for more than 30 years. It is trusted by obstetrician-gynecologists and actively used for many women's diseases.

By the way, pregnancy after Dufaston should be accompanied by his admission to 20 weeks and a further gradual decrease in the dose. It is absolutely harmless for the baby and mother.

Doctors recommend Dufaston when planningpregnancy drink 10 mg 2 times daily from 11 to 25 day cycle. The scheme of admission can be refined by a gynecologist, if it is irregular. Usually the duration of the course is 6 cycles.

In addition, it is necessary to measure basaltemperature. If its decrease does not occur, then you should continue taking the pills after 25 days and with a delay in menstruation to perform a pregnancy test, as there may have been a conception.

Today, Dufaston is the No. 1 drug in the worldfor the treatment of infertility and pregnancy. It is actively used for threatening and habitual miscarriages, which are caused by a lack of progesterone.

Dufaston has also been successfully used inendometriosis, painful menstrual, secondary amenorrhea, irregular cycle, uterine bleeding. However, only the physician should prescribe the drug, determine the dosage and the regimen of treatment. Since Dufaston is used differently in pregnancy planning than in the treatment of female diseases and threatening miscarriage.

In addition, we should not forget about thecontraindications, which the drug still has. These are individual intolerance of components, diseases of the cardiovascular system, migraine, renal failure, epilepsy, Dabin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Side effects are extremely rare.However, in some cases, there may be uterine bleeding, which can be avoided and stopped by increasing the dose of the drug. Very rarely there is hemolytic anemia, peripheral edema, urticaria, Quincke's edema, itching, skin rash, liver problems.

Receiving Dupfaston tablets when planningpregnancy is necessary and with habitual abortion. The scheme is the same as infertility. Usually start with 10 mg of the drug, but the optimal dose and duration of the course can be matched by the results of vaginal cytology, as the drug affects the epithelium of the vagina.

When there are symptoms of a threatening miscarriage,treatment is continued according to the scheme recommended for this condition. One-time administration of 40 mg of Dufaston, and then 8 hours after the pill. The dose is doubled during the next dose, if symptoms do not go away. After their disappearance, the effective dose should be applied for a week, and then gradually reduce it. If symptoms occur, the treatment should be resumed.

Thus, Dufaston is an effective andsafe means. Treatment before conception and 40 weeks after it is necessary for infertility and habitual abortion, arising from a lack of progesterone. This allows you to endure and give birth to a healthy baby even to a woman who has serious problems with the hormonal background.

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