/ / HCG: table by week of pregnancy. The norm of hCG during pregnancy

HCG: table by week of pregnancy. The norm of hCG during pregnancy


Many girls sitting in front of the officeobstetrician-gynecologist, review their pregnancy history. She is practically all pasted with results of analyzes of urine and blood. Everyone wants to understand, is everything ok with the baby? But, alas, all the hieroglyphs, figures, abbreviations can not be disassembled by the common man. Flipping through the story, almost everyone pays attention to the abbreviation HCG. Many of these letters are of interest. And this is just a hormone that shows pregnancy by week.

What does hCG mean?

After finding the delay, many girls gotake tests to determine the level of the hormone hCG in the blood. The analysis will show the changes even with a delay of only one or two days. HCG is a glycoprotein consisting of alpha (denoted TTG, FSH, LH) and beta (hCG).

To determine the level of the hormone, doctors usetest for the beta subunit. The pregnancy test also contains this unit, but it is so small that it responds to the onset of pregnancy after 4-5 weeks.

For convenient use, there is a table of hCG by day. It shows the age of the embryo in relation to the level of the hormone.

HCG table norm

To make sure that the pregnancy is taking placenormally, it is necessary to pass the tests several times, and the level of hCG should not exceed 2000 mU / ml. Do not forget that one analysis can not determine the pregnancy to within a week.

The norm of hCG during pregnancy

If the level of hCG (table by week is presented below) shows less than 25 mU / ml, in this case it is necessary to re-do the tests. It is better to do this in about 3 days.

The table of hCG for weeks of pregnancy in different medical centers has a slight difference. Most doctors use the mean.

Разброс в нормах достаточно велик.The table of hCG for weeks of pregnancy will relieve panic of women, who in their analyzes found deviations in either direction. The table will help determine the level of the hormone from the moment of conception of the child. For this it is necessary to subtract two from the order of the obstetric week. For example, the hormone on the 10th obstetric week corresponds to the 8th week from the moment of conception. The table of the hCG-norms given below will become a reference point for women. However, you should remember that the final word is left for your doctor.

HCG table

What affects the change in the hormone hCG

The growth rate of hCG during pregnancy signalsdoctors about the normal development or the development gap. As a rule, on the 14–18th week, doctors prescribe a re-testing of the hormone for reinsurance. Since at this time the indicator may indicate the development of pathology in the fetus.

In some cases, determining pregnancy,test strip, ultrasound and even a blood test may be wrong. Quite often, hCG (table and its unit of measurement) shows a positive result, but there is no pregnancy. This result is influenced by many factors:

  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • recently transferred abortion or childbirth (in this case, the level of the hormone may not yet stabilize);
  • the presence of a tumor from the embryonic villi of the chorion;
  • abnormal pregnancy

With elevated levels of the hormone hCG, which does not correspond to the weeks of pregnancy, the reason may be as follows:

  • gestational age does not match the date of conception, the intended doctor;
  • multiple pregnancies;
  • the initial periods of pregnancy are accompanied by strong toxicosis;
  • chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  • diabetes in the mother.


If at the time of testing the level of hCG decreased, the table shows deviations from the norm by more than 50%, then the following options are considered:

  • the discrepancy between the dates of the actual and the expected duration of pregnancy;
  • there is a threat of abortion;
  • frozen or ectopic pregnancy;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • term more than 41 weeks;
  • fetal extinction in the last month of pregnancy.

Changes in the level of hCG in the normal development of pregnancy

In the absence of various hormonal failures infemale body and according to the duration of pregnancy will be an increase in the hormone every 2 or 3 days. The hCG table by day shows an increase in the hormone, so if over several days the rate has increased by more than 60%, do not panic. Pregnancy from the 9th obstetric week or the 7th since conception will show a decrease in the blood level of the hormone.

If a woman has a multiple pregnancy, respectively, and the level of the hormone hCG will increase by as many times as the fruit develops.


HCG during missed abortion

Pregnancy is when under actionvarious factors die fetus. In this case, the level of the hormone decreases rapidly. If there is such a risk, the doctor prescribes tests to monitor the dynamics of changes in the hCG hormone.

The table indicates the indicators beyondlimits of normal? In this case, there is no place for panic, because the time limit could be set incorrectly. Such cases are, the doctor additionally prescribes ultrasound, and only after its results can we accurately say about the development of the fetus. There are also cases in which the pregnancy is already frozen, and the hormone levels continue to grow.

Indicators of the level of hCG with double


Many women, being pregnant, do not eventhey suspect that they have not one baby in their heart, but two. Early ultrasound may not clearly show the presence of such a pregnancy. In this case, the salvation becomes an analysis of the hormone hCG with twins. The table doubles the figures. However, each pregnancy is not similar to the previous one, especially with twins. The value of hCG table in multiple pregnancies shows relative. If the rates are constantly increasing twice, be 100% sure that you will have two babies.

For full confidence in the early period is studieddynamics of hCG. The doctor orders a test every few days. This should not scare a woman. This method of research is the only way to determine at the early stage of multiple pregnancies.

The rate of hCG in twins after IVF

Hcg value table when conductingin vitro fertilization will show in a modified state, since the indicators will exceed the standard. This is due to the fact that on the eve of the procedure, the woman is undergoing hormone therapy, which prepares the body for carrying. During the procedure, several embryos sit down in the uterus at the same time. And most women take root both. Confirm this will help indicator of the hormone hCG (when double the table shows quite high numbers).

What is the test for determining hCG? And how to donate blood correctly


By taking a hormone test, a woman can find out about the results of pregnancy already after 5-6 days from the moment of conception. It is much more effective than the usual rapid tests.

This test will determine a more accurate date.conception. Quite often, the mother can not accurately name the date of conception or names, but it is wrong. This is quite important, since the parameters for the development of the hearth correspond to a certain period. A deviation from the norm can be a signal of the occurrence of complications.

Test scores make it possible to accuratelydetermine the correct development of the child. A sharp increase in the level of hCG indicates a multiple pregnancy, the presence of diseases in the mother or hereditary in the baby. On the contrary, a decrease in the level can be a signal of fetal death, developmental delay.


For more reliable resultsIt is necessary to pass a hormone test. All the details will tell the doctor. But we must not forget that the tests are done on an empty stomach. It is advisable to donate blood in the morning, but if there is no such possibility, you can donate during the day, provided that the woman has not eaten for about 4–6 hours. Blood is taken from a vein.

It is advisable to exclude physical activity the day before tests. In the case of the use of hormonal drugs should be reported to the doctor, as this affects the accuracy of the analysis.

If you are alerted by the test results, do not rush to panic. The doctor can interpret them correctly. If necessary, he will appoint a re-testing.

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