/ / Gel "Kamistad": reviews, instructions, composition. Teeth application

Gel "Kamistad": reviews, instructions, composition. Teeth application

Вот, наконец, любимый малыш подрос, и у него the first teeth begin to be cut. On the one hand - this is happiness, because the youngster is almost an adult. On the other hand, this is a rather difficult period, because the crumb becomes restless and capricious. To ease the symptoms of eruption, the pediatrician can advise the parents of the gel "Kamistad." Reviews about him moms and dads will be given in this article.

the first teeth

In brief about the gel

Одним из наиболее сложных периодов в жизни baby-babe is the time when his teeth begin to be cut. For parents this is a period of special anxiety. Based on heredity and individual characteristics, it can begin a little earlier or later. In some babies, it can pass more or less calmly. But most of the young people go through discomfort and pain. To ease the condition of the crumbs and to remove the symptoms, pediatricians usually prescribe a gel when Teeth is kamistad baby. Reviews come, of course, from parents who can observe the state of health and mood of the child during the application of the product.


This drug, produced in Germany, istwo forms: a solution for rinsing the oral cavity, and a gel. Adults use it as an anesthetic for erupting wisdom teeth and dental diseases. The drug works because of the content of lidocaine in it as a local anesthetic.

For babies lidocaine is not applicable because of the largethe number of side effects and effects on the action of other drugs. This active substance is capable of blocking nerve impulses. When it is used for the oral cavity, the cough and swallowing reflex can be suppressed. The tots are usually swallowed more often than adults, impaired reflex will lead to certain problems with breathing, and this is dangerous for the health of the crumbs.

From joy to excitement

The appearance of the baby in the family is always greathappiness, many happy moments, funny smiles. After Mom calmed down a little after giving birth, she was involved in a new mode of life, she is waiting for a new test - the appearance of the first Zubikov in her beloved karapuz. Of course, these teeth are not permanent, but only dairy ones, which in a few years will change. But all the same worries as a crumbs, and his parents, falls quite a lot. After all, teething is a very unpleasant process, strange for a baby, besides, he feels pain.

Baby Cards Gums

Поэтому не надо удивляться, если кроха не хочет eat, often crying, sleep badly. He is not able to understand what is happening, so he feels “not at ease”. Mom can provide all possible assistance to the baby by purchasing a drug from a pharmacy that will ease the condition of the gums of the crumbs and reduce the pain of the child.

How to solve children's problems?

Judging by the reviews, "Kamistad baby" when teethingTeeth in babies really helps. In addition, the gel has an unusual herbal taste. It is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator, so it will always be cool. When the baby is no longer able to endure the discomfort and crying from pain, you can smear a cooled gel on his gums. Babies usually like it when mom with her finger with something cold applied on it leads to gums. And then in the mouth remains a pleasant taste.

When can I use?

Gel "Kamistad", reviews of which, mainly, mothers write positive, are used in the following circumstances:

  • when the baby's gum is already swollen, but the tooth has not yet erupted;
  • when the tooth has just slipped, but it is still painful to tear the gum - the crumb feels pain and discomfort.
Packaging gel for kids

When mom puts the gel in a certain place,literally in a minute the gum starts to freeze, anesthesia occurs. Despite the fact that the tube is quite small (10 ml), it lasts a long time. It will be enough to squeeze the gel, the size of a small pea, onto your finger and evenly distribute along the gum where the tooth climbs.

For the entire period until the baby "hatch"milk teeth, one tube of Kamistad gel will be enough. Reviews about it from parents sometimes contain some embarrassment because there is alcohol in the gel. On the one hand, alcohol and babies are incompatible. On the other hand, there is exactly as much alcohol as is required by the recipe in order for the drug to perform its task - to relieve pain. When a pussy cries from pain, it is unlikely that any mother will endure this and will not use the healing gel.

We study the composition

No less useful for studying with Kamistad gelinstruction. Reviews of the gel are different - the basis is positive, but there are parents who are not happy with this drug. In order not to harm your child, you must first examine the drug, read all possible information about it. Including composition and recommendations.


Despite the fact that some sources writethat lidocaine has been replaced by polidocanol is not entirely true. The composition of Kamistad gel (reviews of which indicate that it perfectly helps not only with teething, but also for stomatitis, gingivitis, wearing braces) includes lidocaine hydrochloride, chamomile flower tincture, ethyl alcohol, camphor laurel oil, water. That is, lidocaine, nevertheless, is present. And he has adverse reactions.

From numbness to irritation

Each parent will be disturbed by the conditionbaby during teething. Therefore, if adults want to make this period a little easier for their children by using Kamistad Baby (reviews can provide the entire range of effects from this drug), they need to consult with a pediatrician. If the doctor thinks that this medicine is not suitable for the baby, he may recommend something else.

Some experts do not recommend the use of gel."Kamistad" (reviews when teething wisdom in adolescents talk about its effectiveness) babies. This is due to the fact that this drug will lead to numbness of the oral mucosa, tongue. Feeling the numbness of the lips and not understanding what's the matter, the little tot can bite them unnoticed.

The kid shows the first teeth

Increased salivation will gradually be observed. And in babies it can lead to a violation of swallowing and choking saliva. The result is also irritation of the delicate skin of the face of the crumbs.

And kiddies - can you?

Итак, гель «Камистад».Reviews of its use suggest that it is better to use this drug not to treat babies, but to older children. About numbness and biting mentioned just above. For babies at the time of teething, it is better to choose those drugs that do not stimulate salivation. This, in particular, applies to those parents who are too worried about this.

But do not forget that the process of eruption is quite painful, and this gel perfectly removes all the unpleasant sensations and allows the baby to sleep, relax or play.

Once again about the gel: a new instruction

For today there was not quite clear twofoldThe situation with age indicators to the use of the gel due to the fact that recently appeared another type of instructions to him. The first version said that this medicine is applicable to children from at least three months to two years. Moreover, it can be used only three times a day, and the maximum amount of gel substance applied to the gum is five milliliters. According to the second, it is contraindicated to use this drug until children are twelve years old.

Packing gel

When “Kamistad” was re-registered,The instruction has been changed in accordance with the new rules established by the country of origin - Germany. Since the composition has not been changed, it is not recommended for babies to use it. Therefore, before smearing the baby’s gels with gel, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Perhaps he will offer some other means in which the content of lidocaine will be slightly lower.

This is not to say that the gel is a true drug. During the emergence of new milk teeth, it is best to use it in combination with other medicines.

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