/ / Theatrical circle: program of work in kindergarten and school in the framework of GEF

Theatrical circle: program of work in kindergarten and school in the framework of GEF

Modern GEFs focus oncomprehensive development of the child's personality, including through the theater circle. The program of the majority of the courses is aimed at making the educational process more effective, rallying the staff of the institution, raising the cultural level of schoolchildren.

Who needs it?

circle theatrical program

Interest in theatrical artprimarily due to the study of national culture. In addition, the game can develop observation, schoolchildren and preschoolers learn to focus on specific objects, and the stage imagination will not hurt anyone. The theater circle, whose program is unique for each class or group in the garden, is thought through from and to, so that after his visit the children can learn the features of theatrical education and education.

Why is this necessary?

The large-scale objectives of any theatrical circle include the following tasks:

  1. Expand the general artistic horizons of children and practically introduce them to the elements of the stage design, the peculiarities of a particular national culture.
  2. To form true ideological and aesthetic assessments of situations that are accessible to the understanding and age of children.
  3. To develop the creative abilities of children, to cultivate in them observance, attention, volitional qualities, imagination, creative initiative.
  4. To educate the children a sense of collectivism, emotional responsiveness, the ability to feel and understand the beautiful, demanding of oneself and others.

working program of a theatrical circle in a kindergarten

All this can be solved by an interesting circletheatrical. The program, according to GEFs, should focus primarily on the ability to translate a work of art on the stage, taking into account the rules of theatrical art. Consider several work programs aimed at teaching children of different ages theatrical skill.

Option 1

We offer to familiarize with one of the workersprograms that are successfully implemented in the middle group of the kindergarten. The theatrical activity allows children of this age to plunge into the world of fairy tales and magic, to learn to reincarnate, and this will have a positive effect on the development of children and their emotional sphere. It is necessary to bring pre-school children to the theater from the preparation and demonstrations of the dramatizations based on various art works, and it is better to do this using the example of children's favorite fairy tales. The working program of the theatrical circle in kindergarten presupposes attention to such famous fairy tales as "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Repka", "Snegurochka". Each fairy tale has its own peculiarities, each has its own idea, and children of preschool age must understand it in the game, in a dramatization. Theatrical activity is an opportunity to influence the emotions and feelings of the child, and because of the natural impressionability they absorb all the promises as a sponge.

Objectives of the program

working program of a children's theater club

The main goal is to involve children in spiritual and moral values ​​and develop the personality through the theatrical action. The main objectives of any theatrical circle include the following goals:

  1. To educate the humane feelings of children, forming athey have an idea of ​​such important qualities as honesty, kindness, justice and their opposites - cruelty, cunning, cowardice. To form the ability to properly treat your own and others' actions. Develop a sense of self-esteem, responsiveness.
  2. Educate the collective feelings. Children should be able to act in the moral interests of the collective, to behave properly during the preparation and staging of the play.
  3. To develop creative abilities and to introducechildren to the theatrical art. This is expressed in the acquaintance of children with different kinds of theater, stories about the features of the theatrical game, because the main task is to interest them in this action.

Directions of the program

The working program of the theatrical circle in kindergarten presupposes the following activities in the classroom:

  1. Theatrical-game, whose task is to develop game behaviorchildren, to form their ability to communicate with peers and adults in this or that life situation. In this block, the teacher conducts games, exercises that develop the ability to reincarnation, organizes theatrical performances, which allows to develop the imagination of children, staged poetry and fairy tales.
  2. Musical and creative. At this stage, the teacher includesmusical, plastic, rhythmic games that develop the natural psychomotor abilities of preschoolers. In this block exercises are aimed at developing the motor abilities of preschool children, their dexterity, mobility, sense of rhythm.
  3. Artistic and verbal. This type of activity involves the holding of games, exercises that will improve speech breathing, form the right articulation, intonational expressiveness and the logic of speech.

theatrical circle lesson program

Great attention should be paid to the basics of theater culture theater circle. The program should help children understand what theater is, what it is, who actors are and what role they play.

How to work with children?

As you know, the child understands better iftasks are presented for him in the form of a game. That's a theatrical circle in kindergarten involves improvisation, staging. Contact with children is established through the great work of the educator, who conducts conversations with them, reads them, watches with the children videos and explains the incomprehensible moments. By the end of the year, according to GEFs, the members of the theatrical circle in the senior and preparatory group should call the basic means of speech correction, show articulatory exercises, pronounce the same phrase in different intonations, read tongue twisters, expressively read poems, be able to convey the character of their character and work a team.

working program 5 class of the GEF Theatrical Circle

The working program of the children's theater circle involves the use of different equipment and additional devices:

  • theatrical screen;
  • puppet theaters of various kinds: finger, cone, shadow, mittens;
  • musical equipment - a laptop, tape recorder, speakers;
  • costumes.

Thematic planning

Most theatrical circles are designed for 36hours - two or three lessons per week. In the educational-thematic plan, a lot of interesting things are allocated - from getting acquainted with the theater and its components to the concepts of facial expressions, voice power and other interesting and informative information for children.

And how in schools?

In schools, according to GEFs,classes are held in theater circles, and many teachers go further and unite literature lessons and theatrical elements. Such circles direct their activities to the realization of artistic and aesthetic perception of children during extracurricular activities and correspond to the GEF. This is how the theater circle (class 2) is held. The work program in this case is a combination of several educational programs. In the classroom, children will get acquainted with different types and genres of theatrical art, learn how the performance is prepared, learn to evaluate the specifics of acting. The main goal of the course is the development of the child's personality and his ability to work with the team.

theatrical circle in school program grade 5

The relevance of literary and theatrical circles inthat there is an opportunity to use theatrical pedagogy for the development of the child's personality, optimizing the development of speech, the sense of rhythm, and voice. The educational program assumes an interesting educational and cognitive process, when various areas of work are involved:

  1. The foundations of the audience culture are being brought up.
  2. Develop skills of performing activities.
  3. We accumulate knowledge about the theater.

The program of the theatrical circle in the seniorthe group introduces children to the majority of concepts and knowledge, and at school this knowledge is improved, so pupils can overcome psychological inertia, develop creative activity, learn to compare, analyze and draw conclusions.

Features of the mug in class 2

The structure of the second class program allowssolve two questions. The first is educational tasks, thanks to which the children's intellect and emotionality develop, their communicative skills develop through the children's theater. The second is educational goals that require the development of artistry, the ability to reincarnate on the stage, which is necessary to participate in the performances. The objectives of the program are to ensure the aesthetic, moral, intellectual development of schoolchildren, to educate their individuality and develop interest and responsiveness to the art of the theater. The working program of the theatrical circle in the DOW allows to solve several tasks:

  1. To acquaint children with different kinds of theater.
  2. To promote the development of different types of creativity.
  3. To improve the artistic skills of children and the ability to reincarnate in the images on stage.
  4. Develop speech culture and aesthetic taste.
  5. To bring up the child's creative activity.

program for the theatrical circle in the GEF

Most of the time 34 of thehours children will actively move, as rehearsals are planned, performances are shown, costumes are prepared, theaters are visited, and the rest of the time is thematic conversations, viewing fairy tales and presentations, memorizing texts. The program consists of several sections, each of which is aimed at solving a number of problems. Most often the course involves acquaintance with theatrical play and the basics of theatrical culture, culture and speech technology and rhythmoplasty. By the end of the training, the theater circle must give the children different skills. The program of classes is designed in such a way that students acquire a number of important and necessary skills:

  • to be able to behave in the theater during the performance;
  • to deal with the types and genres of theatrical art;
  • to be able to easily pronounce tongue twisters and tell poems;
  • be able to adapt to improvisation;
  • build dialogues;
  • pick up rhyme for the given words.

As a rule, in circles, all classes are divided into several sections, within which several classes are held.

Grade 5

The program for the theatrical circle within the GEF inany classes is aimed at the realization of artistic and aesthetic activity. Teaching allows students to gain knowledge about what expressive speech is, to learn the main points of a realistic game on stage, to get acquainted with the elements of the stage design. The relevance of such programs is that, when learning theater art, schoolchildren form an aesthetic attitude to the beautiful, learn to see it not only in high, but also in everyday life. The main goal is to form the creative personality of the child through the theatrical activity, to develop his creative potential and the general cultural level.

working program of the theatrical circle in the pre-school

Working program of the theatrical circle in the 5th gradeis designed for one year of training, with emphasis on the fact that children at this age can already learn their role. That is why collective and group forms of employment predominate, which makes it possible to form the experience of communication and the feeling of the collective. But attention to the methods of self-expression remains - this can be achieved through:

  1. Role play (children have to learn the role, be able to behave on the stage, communicate with the dialogue).
  2. The culture of speech (attention is paid to the development of a clear diction, a variety of intonation, creative imagination).
  3. Rhythmoplasty (the method is aimed at memorizing and memorizing the right poses during the performance).

Course in the 5th grade

Working program (grade 5) of the theatrical circle(GEF) involves conducting one lesson per week during the year. Within its framework, children get acquainted with the collective, learn poems and tongue twisters. Their vocal data are revealed, for example, within the course of the course, the song "Friendship" can be unlearned, which is performed by all children simultaneously.

theater class 2 class work program

Within the section that introduces children to actingmastery, the teacher offers the children to choose their own repertoire, learn a favorite passage from a work and then tell it at the contest of readers. In these classes, children learn to guess the rhythm, get acquainted with stage gestures, learn to put a voice. All this is only a small part of what a theater group can give to children in school. The program (grade 5) at the end of the course presupposes a literary and musical composition, during preparation for which children learn poems, ditties, songs, work out the intonational features of speech. And you can assess the knowledge and skills you have at the final concert, to which the teacher prepares each child separately.

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