/ How to choose a baby sling?

How to choose a baby sling?

The very term "sling" with a translation from Englishmeans "outweigh" in Russian means physiological carrying for children from the tissue cut. This device is one of the oldest that was invented to carry newborn babies, the first such patchwork dressings were found in drawings attributed as early as the 2nd millennium BC. Many nationalities all over the world have their own ethnic slings models, and modern best slings models borrowed the oldest traditions in slinging.

Benefits of using slings for babies and their mothers

Such carryings for children, no doubt, veryconvenient: thanks to them, a woman can continue to lead an active life, do household chores, hike in the store, at least in the museum, to feed the baby anywhere in the world, unnoticed by others, and also free the mother's hands from heavy workload. For a baby, the sling is like a cradle in which he takes a safe and most physiological position for him next to his mother. In addition, models designed for the winter period, perfectly protect against wind and frosty frost, allowing the baby to warm up further from the warmth of the mother's body.

How to choose and buy a sling for a baby?

To date, there are many different models of sling, in the form of a scarf or bag, each model has its own advantages.

Models of sling with rings are the easiest anda simple view in terms of its development, it allows you to fit the product to the dimensions of the child literally in an instant, besides, you can easily remove the scarf with the asleep carapace without even waking it. Sling-scarf helps to ensure a more even distribution of the load on the waist and both shoulders of the mother, and this makes it as comfortable as possible for long-wearing babies large enough. May-sling is mainly used to carry the child on both shoulders in an upright position. Many parents give him very good reviews as models for the summer, since this option covers a smaller area of ​​the body.

When choosing a carry-on for your little one specialpay attention to the quality of the material from which it is made. For the summer, models made of flax, cotton and other breathing materials are more suitable, for winter it is better to choose variants from cashmere, denim, wool or micro-velvet. And for fierce frosts in general there are models especially for winter with a hood and fur.

Internet-shop www.smally-shop.ru offers you high-quality slings from well-known foreign brands. With us you can buy slings with rings, slingi-scarves, backpacks-carrying any colors and models. Our site is just a find for young parents who dream of finding everything they need for them and their baby right away and in one place.

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