/ / Unconventional drawing in the older group. Unconventional drawing in kindergarten

Unconventional drawing in the older group. Unconventional drawing in kindergarten

Familiarizing the child with the diversity of the environmenthis world - one of the main tasks facing the teacher, working with children of preschool age. A great opportunity to achieve this goal involves non-traditional drawing. Today, special attention is paid to this area in the kindergarten. Let's talk about him in the article.

Unconventional ways of drawing. Their advantages

A traditional traditional set of artisticmeans to some extent limits the imagination of the child. Sometimes it is not enough to express all feelings and convey the images that arise in the soul and mind of the baby. Unconventional ways of drawing have a number of advantages, which teachers and parents need to know in order to use the method to the fullest.

non-traditional drawing in the senior group

  • Unconventional techniques liberate the child, he is not afraid to do something wrong. On the contrary, the originality of the solution of the task is encouraged by the tutor who leads the occupation.
  • Положительные эмоции являются неотъемлемой частью lessons, where unconventional drawing is used. In the older group of the kindergarten, as in groups where younger children are involved, creating a favorable atmosphere, a positive emotional state is very important for the overall development of children.
  • Alternative drawing techniques do not tirechildren. A high degree of efficiency is maintained throughout the session. This helps the development of assiduity, concentration, the ability to bring the business to the end.

What lessons do

Applied by educators, parents, teachers, non-traditional drawing in the older group of kindergarten can become one of the components of the preparation of the child for schooling.

non-traditional drawing in a kindergarten
This is explained by the fact that during suchchildren show individuality. The teacher, organizing the work, uses the revealed opportunities of children in the further development of their abilities. Properly organized classes contribute to the intellectual development of children, the correction of mental processes of preschool children. Children get the opportunity to feel self-reliance, which is especially important for future schoolchildren. The development of fine motor skills is especially active in classes where non-traditional drawing is used.

In the older group, you can use suchtechniques like painting with fingers, palm, wax and watercolor, foam rubber. Drawing in the technique of blottography, prints, dot drawing, spraying and many other methods is very popular with children and teachers. When choosing a methodology, teachers should take into account the age of children, their readiness for the high-quality performance of work.

Hand drawing

Нетрадиционное рисование в старшей группе kindergarten is complete without the use of this method. First of all, the fingers of children are used for this. It is necessary to offer the child to lower the finger in gouache and paint them like a brush. Each individual finger can be used for different colors.

unconventional drawing methods

Have the child paint the palm of the hand.After that, it is necessary to leave a handprint on paper and give recognizable forms to the resulting image. An imprint can turn into a fish, butterfly, bouquet, bird, animal shape, or some kind of fairy creature. To perform this task, children have to use a variety of hand movements: clapping, smearing, joining, and others.

Types of Signets

Nontraditional drawing in kindergarten hascontinuous development. Teachers are constantly finding new materials with which you can put an image on paper. A method such as printing has spread. The bottom line is that when drawing a picture on paper, some unusual material is used instead of a brush.

unconventional drawing
As prints you can take pieces of foamor sponges, potatoes, crumpled paper, plant leaves, cotton swabs, foam plastic, crumpled napkins, cotton wool, or any other material that can leave an unusual impression on paper.

This drawing technique is very well suited forimages of animals, because due to the impression it is possible to show how the animal's body is furry or prickly. You can show the transparency of the subject, elegance, most accurately convey the material of its manufacture.


To develop the imagination of the child, his creativefantasy it is difficult to overestimate the method of blotting - this is a useful and interesting activity. Unconventional drawing involves the use of a sheet of paper folded in half. A blot or a few blots is applied to one of its sides with the help of a straw, a plastic spoon or something else. Then the sheet is folded in half, pressed against the palm and again opens. As a result of this action, a fantastic picture appears. This is what needs to be turned into a recognizable image. At the final stage of work, the child can use a brush, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons and other drawing tools.


Children can be offered another fascinatingoccupation. Non-traditional drawing techniques in their arsenal have such a method as spraying. To work you will need stencils that are arranged in the right order on paper. Stencils can depict trees, flowers, animal figures, toys and other objects.

unconventional drawing lessons
After the stencils are laid out, on a sheetpaper spray paint. She is typed on the bristles of a toothbrush, which is then held with a ruler towards her. Specks resulting from splashing paint should evenly fill the entire sheet. After the paint dries, the stencils can be removed and the necessary details should be drawn with a brush.


Generalizing work that will show how childrenlearned how to apply unconventional painting techniques; a collage can become. Performing work of this type, the child uses all the techniques and methods that he learned. This is the most difficult kind of activity, since here it is necessary not only to recall the drawing technique, but also to choose the most appropriate methods.

non-traditional drawing techniques
Описание методов, где используется нетрадиционное drawing, abstracts of activities with children of different ages can be found in sufficient quantity in the special literature devoted to the development of children's creativity. Engage with children drawing, and then they rather comprehend the beauty of the world!

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